Monday, September 7, 2015

( Dr. Ben Carson And Sherrif David Clarke Call Black Lives Matter A terrorist Group ) Patcnews September 7, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Dr. Ben Carson And Sherrif David Clarke Call Black Lives Matter A terrorist Group And Marine Michael Whaley Black Lives Matter Promotes Racism © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Black Lives Matter are In Fact Terrorists
Black Lives Matter Kill Black Christians Girls on the Streets In Chicago And Christians Girls Where walking Out From A Christian Chruch While Praying For Trump And They Where Gun Down By Black Lives Matters 

Black Lives Matter celebrate this Evil Act of terrorism

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Virginia ad features minority kids chased by truck with Gillespie sticker, Confederate flag


Latino Victory Fund, a Democratic group on released a video ad featuring a pickup truck flying a Confederate flag and sporting a bumper sticker for Republican Ed Gillespie chasing a group of minority children. (Latino Victory Fund)
As Virginia’s heated gubernatorial election draws near, a Democratic group on Monday released an ad featuring a pickup truck flying a Confederate flag and sporting a bumper sticker for Republican Ed Gillespie chasing a group of minority children.
The minute-long spot from the Latino Victory Fund ends with the children waking up from a nightmare and adults watching footage on television of torch-bearing white nationalists marching in Charlottesville
“Is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie mean by the American Dream?” the narrator says.
The commercial, which the Latino Victory Fund says is airing through Election Day on Spanish-language stations in Richmond and Washington market, is the latest in a bitter battle on the airwaves.
Gillespie, a longtime GOP operative, has launched ads seeking to tie his Democratic opponent Ralph Northam to MS-13 gang violence and a sex offender who briefly got his rights restored. The Republican candidate has also launched commercials vowing to protect the state’s Confederate monuments and warning that Northam supports their removal. 

Gillespie’s advertising has drawn a rebuke from minority advocacy groups, Democrats, and, in recent days, from some Republicans who see it as a departure from Gillespie’s long-standing position that the GOP needs to reach out to nonwhite voters.
Northam retaliated with a statewide commercial blasting Gillespie’s commercials as “false attacks” and “despicable.” He also approved a Democratic mailer linking Gillespie to the white nationalists who marched in Charlottesville, urging voters to stand up to “Trump, Gillespie and hate.”
Republicans blasted that mailer and accused Northam of exploiting the deadly violence in Charlottesville for political gain. They also note that Gillespie repeatedly condemned the white supremacists of Charlottesville.
But Democrats have responded that Gillespie’s campaign has commercials have amplified stereotypes about Latinos and that the candidate never explicitly condemned President Trump’s remarks that there were “very fine people on both sides” during the Charlottesville conflict between neo-Nazis and counter protesters. 

“It’s a very stark ad, but those portrayals in the ad are what Latino and immigrant communities feel right now in Virginia,” Latino Victory Fund President Cristóbal J. Alex said. “If Gillespie is successful in scapegoating Latinos and borrowing from Trump’s playbook, we will see those types of attacks against our community throughout the 2018 midterms.”
Gillespie campaign manager Chris Leavitt called the ads from the Latino Victory Fund a “desperate smear campaign.”
“Now his allies have reached a new low with a disgusting, vile television ad seeking to instill fear in our children with that same imagery,” Leavitt said. “This is not an attack on Ed Gillespie anymore. This is an all-out attack on the people of Virginia. This latest ad gives a clear indication of just what Ralph Northam and his national Democratic allies think of all of us, and it’s sickening.”

A Northam campaign spokeswoman expressed no misgivings about the Latino Victory Fund ad.
“Independent groups are denouncing Ed Gillespie because he has run the most divisive, fear mongering campaign in modern history,” said Ofirah Yheskel. “It is not shocking that communities of color are scared of what his Trump-like policy positions mean for them.”

R epublican Ed Gillespie and Democratic Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam are running in this year's closely watched race for Virginia governor. (Claritza Jimenez/The Washington Post)
Gillespie spent Sunday campaigning with U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) before a diverse crowd in a Vietnamese shopping center. Portman touted Gillespie’s moderate positions on issues of addiction and criminal justice and defended him from critics disappointed by his ad campaign.

 “He’s a Republican reformer,” Portman told the Post. “He goes everywhere, he’ll talk to everybody. I think he’ll be a national leader.”

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