Wednesday, September 9, 2015

( I am Second with Christ Jesus ) Patcnews September 9, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports I am Second - Michelle Aguilar Christine Petric Shana Ward Murphy Kathy Ireland Bailee Madison The Robertsons And Ashley Rawls © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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  Letitia Wright “I Can Give You More Than That”: Letitia Wright Gave Up A Dream Acting Job Because God Told Her To After Watching The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Hymns Videos
March 21, 2018   
By Victoria Uwumarogie
  Letitia Wright faith Getty
While taking part in ESSENCE’s Yes, Girl podcast in February, Black Panther star Letitia Wright Tells Entertainment Tonight she is opened up her heart about her faith, and how she came to have a relationship with God. “My friends told me about [Christianity] and I thought it was nonsense until I realized that it wasn’t; that the spirit of God, the holy spirit, is very real.” So how did she come to this realization? In a new interview with the UK’s Premier Gospel, Wright talked in depth about the time God told her to give up a dream job in order to focus on building her relationship with Him. It changed everything.

The message was so deep, we’ve decided not to dilute it for you. Interpret it as you will. Here’s what happened: I fell in love with Jesus, and I’m still in love. Amen! Listen, I went to Toronto Film Festival, this is before Christ, with Urban Hymn.  I came back, and something in my spirit was like, something is changing and you’re going to have to take a long break from acting. I was like, “That’s wack.” I had a film with Nicole Kidman and Elle Fanning to do.  And the director, he won an Oscar and everything, so this was a big deal. I was like, yeah, I’m prepping for this. I went to the rehearsals, I went to the fitting. I was like, “This is amazing!” All I remember was that, I just felt like that job was not going to happen. Something in my spirit was like, this is not going to happen…I remember God was like to me, “Give up the job.” And I was like, “What?” He was just like, “Tish, give up the job.” All I heard in my head, honestly, was “I can give you more than that. I just need you right now. Give up the job.” And I was like, “What are you talking about?!” It bugged me for the whole night and the next day. And the next day I gave up that job. And what happened, why I’m understanding why he wanted me to give up that job was, I was saying to him, “I’m seeking you first and I love you, and I want to know you. I never want to put anything above you.” But acting was sooooo way up there. He was like, “Ok, this is the first test. Give it up and let’s see what’s going to happen. Do you trust me? Do you love me? Give it up.”  And I gave it up. And I remember I was just like, “But Nicole Kidman, God.” He’s like, “I don’t care.” Like, c’mon. “I need you.” I continued to go on this journey with Him, gave up the job, and I spent seven months just with Christ, and with my Word and in church. I told my team in the UK, I told them, “Guys I need some time off.” Two months turned into three. Three months turned into four. I told people in L.A. I have, by God’s grace, agencies in L.A., and I told them and they were like, “What’s going on? We just started!” with the whole L.A. accent thing. “Are you crazy?” And I’m like, “Nope! Everything’s cool.” They’re like, “Do you need money? Is anything wrong? Is everything alright?” I said, “Yeah, I’m cool. But I just need to spend time with God.” I told this to an L.A. agent: “I need to spend time with God because this is where I need to put my heart first.” I was so determined not to go back to acting. I was like, “This is sinful. I can’t do this. This is bad.” And I remember God was just speaking to me before the start of this new year, and He was like, “This is your ministry.” Not everybody’s meant to be a pastor, but this is my ministry. Where I go, where He takes me, that’s where I need to spread the love of God. Because people’s souls are dying. My soul was dying. And He saved me. So I can’t keep this to myself. I need to tell people on set.

And as we know, she certainly was given more than that film, as promised. She made her breakout turn in the billion dollar blockbuster Black Panther as Shuri and will continue taking over screens in Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One and Marvel’s highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War. Now that’s one blessed woman and I'm ready to make A Hallmark Christmas Movie.


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