Saturday, August 29, 2015

( Anthony Weiner And The Oscar Mayer ) Patcnews Aug 29, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Anthony Weiner And The Oscar Mayer © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Source: NYPD Investigating Anthony Weiner’s Alleged Sexting with Minor


The latest reported sexting episode from disgraced former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner allegedly involved a 15-year-old girl, and now the NYPD is reviewing the case.

According to a law enforcement source, both Manhattan NYPD special victims unit and the Manhattan District Attorney office are reviewing the case since the allegations involve a defendant from New York.
“Both Manhattan SVU and the DA prosecutors are reviewing the case over the allegations regarding the online messages the minor brought forth to the online publication,” the source tells Breitbart News. “A review is being done to determine if a criminal investigation is warranted. Even if the minor refuses to press charges, the state can go forward in investigating the allegations and Weiner could be facing criminal charges.”
The minor, whose name is being withheld due to her age, told the Daily Mail that she and the former congressman carried on a relationship for several months since last January via numerous social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, Kik, Confide and Skype. The girl claims that Weiner sent nude photos, shared pornographic videos with her, discussed his “rape fantasies,” and requested that she undress and masturbate during video chats.
“He had some rape fantasies. It would just be him showing up at my house when my dad was out of town,” the girl told the Daily Mail. “And just start undressing me, being forceful, asking me if I want to be dominated, strange questions.”
When asked if they are pressing charges against Weiner, the girl and father expressed no interest in doing so. “Her mental health is in jeopardy,” the father told the Daily Mail. He said they wanted to bring this story out to the public “for concern that Weiner may be sexting with other underage girls.”
“If there’s anybody out there that has a similar story that they can come forward, maybe use my daughter’s example to have the courage to come forward.”
However, these allegations can lead to criminal charges if police see probable cause in the girl’s reported age and the type of exchanges that reportedly occurred. If the girl undressed during the alleged Skype video chats with Weiner, the former congressman might be charged with child pornography.
“Even sending a minor anything sexual can result in Weiner being charged,” the source told Breitbart when asked if Weiner could be facing charges.
According to NY Penal Law, Article 235, obscenity and related offenses is a class D Felony, a criminal prosecution Weiner can face for “dissemination of indecent material to minor.” Sexual material or persuading a minor to engage in sexual conduct online can result in 2-7 years in prison.
The Daily Mail obtained purported screenshots that the girl saved of their correspondences. Many include shirtless pictures of Weiner, with one picture of his shirt rolled up, exposing his stomach with his toddler son curled up next to him. The article states that one message from Weiner to the teen says: “I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.”
The girl alleges that Weiner was aware she was underage and in high school.
The exchange began in January when the girl reached out to Weiner via Twitter direct message. She says that she was “obsessed” with the pervy congressman and wanted to write a book about him.
Around April, the girl came forward and told her teacher and father about the months-long sexting exchange, claiming she felt “guilty about hiding the relationship.” She wrote a letter to her dad, and told Weiner what she did. Weiner then allegedly pressured the girl to send a redaction letter to her teacher and father, saying she lied about the whole relationship and they were just friends. The girl agreed to do what Weiner allegedly ordered her to do but says she sent the message to a fake email address.
“After I told my teacher about the relationship, [Weiner] wanted me to email my dad and my teacher and tell them that was [sic] I said was false,” she said. “That the conversations were appropriate and were never inappropriate, and he was very helpful.”
However, the two continued to talk until July. By August, the girl came forward after the New York Post reported on Weiner sexting another woman, displaying his toddler son in one suggestive photo.
“After seeing what he did with his son having him in the picture that was released, I think that he’s very disgusting and he needs help,” she said.
Weiner released a statement to the Daily Mail, saying that someone perpetrated “a hoax” against him. However, he did not deny exchanging flirtatious messages with the minor.
“I have repeatedly demonstrated terrible judgement [sic] about the people I have communicated with online and the things I have sent,” Weiner’s statement reads. “I am filled with regret and heartbroken for those I have hurt. While I have provided the Daily Mail with information showing that I have likely been the subject of a hoax, I have no one to blame but me for putting myself in this position. I am sorry.”

Breaking News: FBI Insider Clinton Emails Linked To Political Pedophile Sex Ring

Aug 29, 2015 by Dylan Miller

YourNewsWire An FBI source has confirmed that evidence has emerged from the Clinton email investigation that a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operates in Washington.

According to reports, at least 6 members of Congress and several leaders from federal agencies are implicated in the pedophile ring, which they say was run directly with the Clinton Foundation as a front.

According to an NYPD source, emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop detail trips made by Weiner, Bill and Hillary Clinton on convicted pedophile pal billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s plane
‘Lolitta express‘ to a place known as “Sex Slave Island.

An archived thread on 4chan in which an FBI insider originally hinted that the Clinton email server investigation was merely a distraction from the more sinister Clinton Foundation and its connection to pedophilia:

Are the people leading the investigation blackmailed pedophiles?

> The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children.

Please before you sleep speak a little on the child prostitution ring.

> Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that’s why Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you.

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