Saturday, August 8, 2015

( Monica Lewinsky Tells All With More Baggage For Billary On The Email Scandal ) Patcnews Aug 8, 2015 The Patriot Conservative The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Monica Lewinsky Tells All With More Baggage For Billary On The Email Scandal © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Why would Jenny Jones Jerry Springer and Howard Stern keep a record of a teenager who flashed her top at the river on spring break that happened more than 30 years ago? She said she was given a ticket and she paid it and forgot about it over the years. However, when she applied for a job recently, the employer shocked her and he said it was on her background check - a ticket - 30 some years ago. Ironically, that is so minor and long ago. However, we've been aware of nudes or near nudes in the movies, and what were called strip joints in the past, but today, nudity is online and raw nudity and violence against women are in the movies and videos and nudity is on family time TV as well as nudes or near nudes parading down Hollywood Blvd. with children! And, people wonder why there's online child porn when Mayors and Governors allow this to occur on public streets. Should we not ask why the Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs allow nudity on the street in public today and aren't arresting these people for indecent exposure and protecting the children? Oh, is it Liberalism and Political Correctness and Tolerance that prevents them from carrying out their duty now since the age of Obama and the Clinton's?
Remember, Girls Gone Wild? Today, young girls are running around topless at Times Square and Vegas and New Orleans -as well as other big cities without fear of being ticketed by a police officer it appears. Men and women are posing nude in broad daylight for their cause??!! What cause??!! Even though the teenager mentioned above grew up and became a professional in her career as well as a conservative as an adult;, she said that she was shocked when a potential employer reminded her of that incident that popped up when doing a background check that occurred more than 30 years ago when she was a kid at the river that one spring vacation!
Yet, The Franklin Cover-Up, Nambla, and Pizzagate and Orgy Island are much more serious and these scandals have been happening for 40+ years. The rich and famous and well-connected involved in these scandals appear to have never been held accountable. They know who they are. In fact, many of these scandals involve Sex Traffickers - pedophiles - rapist - persons who are guilty of serious sexual harassment. More serious is the kidnapping of women and kids and using women and kids for self-gratification and trafficking for profit as well as violence in some cases as reported by law enforcers. The alleged suspects appear to include certain politicians,celebrities, and rich and famous persons. We're long overdue on this most serious scandalous behavior and it's time to make our nation safe again and protect females and children from such evil predators who prey on vulnerable females and innocent children. May God Help the USA and the World!

Will Anthony Weiner Live at the White House?


With Hillary Clinton now favored to win the White House, attention turns to her likely policies, appointments, and aides. Her long-suffering assistant and adviser, Huma Abedin, may be moving into the White House, according to one unsubstantiated report last year.

That raises the question: what will her husband, former U.S. Representative and New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, do? Will he live at the White House — and what role might he have in a potential Clinton administration?
Since we are told by the Clinton-loving media that Russian president Vladimir Putin would be President Donald Trump’s live-in lover, such questions seem long overdue.

Weiner was the subject of an infamous 2011 scandal, first broken by Andrew Breitbart, involving his habit of sending racy pictures of himself to women he met online. The story might have died after a few days had Weiner not alleged that he had been “hacked,” which implied that Breitbart had done the hacking.
Then, in 2013, Weiner abandoned his mayoral campaign — which had some real prospect of succeeding — when new allegations that he had not quite kicked his social media habits.
The ups and downs of Weiner’s life — and Abedin’s — were documented in a recent documentary, Weiner, which somehow managed to leave out any reference to Andrew Breitbart. (Likewise, an episode of the HBO series Newsroom, written by Aaron Sorkin, re-wrote the Weinergate story to blame one of the women who came forward.)
Despite his struggles, he remains a sharp wit and an insightful political observer — suggesting his political talents are not to be wasted, some 2017.
Given his proximity to power, however, some questions have yet to be asked. Will Weiner have an official role in the White House? (Director of Social Media, perhaps?) Will he, in fact, be living at the White House with Huma Abedin? One can only imagine the late-night hijinks of First Man Bill Clinton and his junior sidekick.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. His new book, See No Evil: 19 Hard Truths the Left Can’t Handle, is available from Regnery through Amazon. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

FBI expands probe of Clinton emails, launches independent classification review

The FBI has expanded its probe of Hillary Clinton's emails, with agents exploring whether multiple statements violate a federal false statements statute, according to intelligence sources familiar with the ongoing case.
Fox News is told agents are looking at U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to "materially false" statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Violations also include pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up. Each felony violation is subject to five years in prison.
This phase represents an expansion of the FBI probe, which is also exploring potential violations of an Espionage Act provision relating to "gross negligence" in the handling of national defense information.
"The agents involved are under a lot of pressure and are busting a--," an intelligence source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, told Fox News.
The section of the criminal code being explored is known as "statements or entries generally," and can be applied when an individual makes misleading or false statements causing federal agents to expend additional resources and time. In this case, legal experts as well as a former FBI agent said, Section 1001 could apply if Clinton, her aides or attorney were not forthcoming with FBI agents about her emails, classification and whether only non-government records were destroyed.
Fox News judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said the same section got Martha Stewart in trouble with the FBI. To be a violation, the statements do not need to be given under oath.
"This is a broad, brush statute that punishes individuals who are not direct and fulsome in their answers," former FBI agent Timothy Gill told Fox News. Gill is not connected to the email investigation, but spent 16 years as part of the bureau's national security branch, and worked the post 9/11 anthrax case where considerable time was spent resolving discrepancies in Bruce Ivins' statements and his unusual work activities at Fort Detrick, Md.  
"It is a cover-all. The problem for a defendant is when their statements cause the bureau to expend more time, energy, resources to de-conflict their statements with the evidence," he said.
Separately, two U.S. government officials told Fox News that the FBI is doing its own classification review of the Clinton emails, effectively cutting out what has become a grinding process at the State Department. Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy has argued to both Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Congress that the "Top Secret" emails on Clinton's server could have been pulled from unclassified sources including news reports.
"You want to go right to the source," Gill said. "Go to the originating, not the collateral, authority. Investigative protocol would demand that."
On Friday, Clapper spokesman Brian Hale confirmed that no change has been made to the two "Top Secrets" emails after a Politico report said the intelligence community was retreating from the finding.   
"ODNI has made no such determination and the review is ongoing," Hale said. Andrea G. Williams, spokeswoman for the intelligence community inspector general, said she had the same information. Kennedy is seeking an appeal, but no one can explain what statute or executive order would give Clapper that authority.
A U.S. government official who was not authorized to speak on the record said the FBI is identifying suspect emails, and then going directly to the agencies who originated them and therefore own the intelligence -- and who, under the regulations, have final say on the classification. 
As Fox News previously reported, at least four classified Clinton emails had their markings changed to a category that shields the content from Congress and the public, in what State Department whistleblowers believed to be an effort to hide the true extent of classified information on the former secretary of state's server.
One State Department lawyer involved in the alleged re-categorization was Kate Duval. Duval once worked in the same law firm as Clinton's current and long-time lawyer David Kendall and at the IRS during the Lois Lerner email controversy. Duval left government service for private practice in mid-September.
Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.

Kelly played clips of Clinton and other administration officials repeating a talking point that the Sept. 11, 2012 attack was the result of extremists hijacking a protest of an anti-Islam video that had sparked other protests in the region.
She highlighted a Sept. 14 meeting between Clinton and family members of those killed in the attack, in which Clinton reportedly directly blamed the video's producer for the deaths.

Megyn Kelly called out media outlets for crowning Hillary Clinton the undisputed victor following the Republican-led Benghazi hearing on Thursday while overlooking a "bombshell" email to the Egyptian prime minister.
Kelly played clips of Clinton and other administration officials repeating a talking point that the Sept. 11, 2012 attack was the result of extremists hijacking a protest of an anti-Islam video that had sparked other protests in the region.
She highlighted a Sept. 14 meeting between Clinton and family members of those killed in the attack, in which Clinton reportedly directly blamed the video's producer for the deaths.

But newly unveiled emails show that just two days prior, Clinton had been telling people, like the Egyptian PM, that the film had nothing to do with the attack.

Megyn Kelly called out media outlets for crowning Hillary Clinton the undisputed victor following the Republican-led Benghazi hearing on Thursday while overlooking a "bombshell" email to the Egyptian prime minister.

Kelly played clips of Clinton and other administration officials repeating a talking point that the Sept. 11, 2012 attack was the result of extremists hijacking a protest of an anti-Islam video that had sparked other protests in the region.
She highlighted a Sept. 14 meeting between Clinton and family members of those killed in the attack, in which Clinton reportedly directly blamed the video's producer for the deaths.
But newly unveiled emails show that just two days prior, Clinton had been telling people, like the Egyptian PM, that the film had nothing to do with the attack.
At the hearing, Clinton explained that she had been going by an Islamist group's claim that they had carried out the attack, which they retracted the next day.
But Kelly said the email proves Clinton knew the film wasn't to blame.
"And yet she and others looked into the cameras and again and again told us a different story," Kelly said.
"To watch most of the media you would think we never saw that email," Kelly said. "To the contrary, the messaging was 'She won, it's over, move on.'"
Kelly then played a barrage of clips showing the favorable press coverage.
Watch her report on "The Kelly File" and discussion with Chris Stirewalt and Howard Kurtz above.

At the hearing, Clinton explained that she had been going by an Islamist group's claim that they had carried out the attack, which they retracted the next day.
But Kelly said the email proves Clinton knew the film wasn't to blame.
"And yet she and others looked into the cameras and again and again told us a different story," Kelly said.
"To watch most of the media you would think we never saw that email," Kelly said. "To the contrary, the messaging was 'She won, it's over, move on.'"
Kelly then played a barrage of clips showing the favorable press coverage.
Watch her report on "The Kelly File" and discussion with Chris Stirewalt and Howard Kurtz above.

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

 More Baggage for Billary On The Email Scandal: Her Advisor Ordered to Reveal E-mails

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Hillary Clinton Calls NRA as Stubborn as ‘Iranians’ or ‘Communists’

Hillary Clinton speaks during a community forum campaign event at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Scott Morgan/Reuters
MOUNT VERNON, Iowa – Ratcheting up her attack on the nation’s gun lobbyists, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said the National Rifle Association is as stubborn in its negotiating stance as “the Iranians or the communists.”
Mrs. Clinton got at a question at a town hall-style campaign event from a woman who said President Barack Obama seemed “so sad” and “sounded so tired” when discussing a shooting rampage at Umpqua Community College in Oregon last week that left nine people dead.
“How will you keep from being sad and tired?” the woman asked Mrs. Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination.

“I think by being angry and determined,” Mrs. Clinton said.
Earlier this week, Mrs. Clinton rolled out a package of measures meant to strengthen regulation of gun sales through legislation or executive action.
In her comments here, she urged gun owners to break with the NRA and form a separate organization that would support gun ownership while promoting legislation aimed at preventing mass shootings. She went on to give a blistering account of the NRA’s business model, saying it acts cynically to stoke fears among gun owners that government agents flying in “black helicopters” are poised to confiscate their weapons.
“The NRA tries to keep gun owners – the ones who are members – really upset all the time so they can keep collecting their money, because they tell them they’re the only thing that’s going to stop the black helicopters from landing in the front yard and people’s guns being seized,” she said. “That’s the argument they make. And it works with some people and it has turned a lot of people into absolutists themselves.”
The NRA didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
In reply to the question about Mr. Obama’s demeanor, Mrs. Clinton drew a subtle distinction between how the president responded to the latest gun massacre and how she would act if elected president.
She said it’s understandable he would feel “discouraged. “ She vowed to bring sustained energy to the issue if she wins the White House.
“I know why the president feels discouraged, because it is discouraging to see the cynicism, the greed, behind this lobbying,” she said. “And that’s why we can’t let them get away with it. We can’t just say, ‘OK, nothing we can do about it,’ and walk away. We’ve got to fight back.”
Mrs. Clinton’s vehemence is a shift in tone from her first presidential bid in 2008. In that race, she occasionally sounded more pessimistic about the prospects for substantial changes in the nation’s gun laws.
In a Democratic presidential debate in January 2008, she said she was “against illegal guns,” but added, “I also am a political realist and I understand that the political winds are very powerful against doing enough to try to get guns off the street, get them out of the hands of young people.”
After her remarks, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s campaign released a statement suggesting he would be tougher when it comes to dealing with the NRA.
“ It’s no secret that the NRA named Governor O’Malley the “top menace” to their cause because he has proven he will not back down to them, and that’s what he will continue to do as president,” the O’Malley campaign said.

Hillary Clinton’s Gun-Control Proposals to Include Executive Action

Democratic presidential candidate would expand definition of who is in business of selling firearms

WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton proposed a series of measures that would tighten regulations on gun sales through a combination of legislation and the use of executive power, in the wake of the shootings at an Oregon community college.

Last week a federal judge ordered Hillary Clinton’s long-time friend and closest associate, Huma Abedin (shown), to attest, under penalty of perjury, that she has turned over all of her e-mails to the Justice Department. The order also applied to another Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills, who also was using a private e-mail account to do State Department business, just like her boss. But the focus is on Abedin, who has caught flak from many quarters over the years for her and her family’s close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a Muslim revolutionary organization.
In addition to the judge’s order, Senator Chuck Grassley, (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been investigating Abedin’s employment “arrangement” at the State Department, whereby Abedin also worked for the Clinton Foundation and Teneo, a consulting firm run by a friend of Bill Clinton, Douglas Band.
Grassley’s committee has found evidence that Abedin committed theft and fraud by collecting some $33,000 under her unusual “arrangement.” Abedin appears to be guilty of a conflict of interest: Abedin responded to a request by Band to encourage President Obama to appoint one Judith Rodin to a White House position. Rodin was not only a client of Teneo, but was also president of the Rockefeller Foundation, which just happened to have contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation. As Grassley noted:

Ms. Abedin allegedly forwarded this email from her official email to her nongovernment email address [which was] located on Secretary Clinton’s nongovernment server.

This is but one of several troubling allegations of Ms. Abedin being solicited for, and delivering favors for, preferred individuals.

There are so many pieces and parts to this 
puzzle that one scarcely knows where to begin.

Although Huma 

was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, at age two her family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, so that her father, Zyed Abedin, could go to work for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), a Saudi-based think tank. Zyed was recruited by the founder of IMMA, Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure who would, over the years, develop close ties to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.
When Huma returned to the United States to attend George Washington University, she was picked at age 20 to be the “first woman” to then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. Huma has worked for Clinton ever since, in one position or another.
Huma Abedin's connections with Clinton seem suspicious, especially given the revelations brought forth by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) terrorist who converted to Christianity and now works to expose the machinations of Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and individuals such as Huma’s father. 

In August 2012, Shoebat uncovered a manifesto that had been commissioned by the late Saudi King, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, entitled “The Efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy Places to Support the Muslim Minorities.” One of the chapters in that manifesto was written by Zyed. In it he revealed that the manifesto was part of an overall plan to infiltrate and subvert non-Muslim lands and transform them into pro-Muslim societies. The plan was simple:

Recruit individual Muslims who live in non-Muslim lands and work to assimilate them into important positions of trust and influence,

Encourage them to spread Sharia Law in western countries, especially the United States,

Eventually, with the proliferation of Muslims in their host nations, the tilt toward Sharia Law would hit “critical mass”, leading to

The host nations joining the world-wide Muslim “commonwealth.”
The Muslim Brotherhood is deemed a terrorist organization by Bahrain, Egypt, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.
Huma’s mother, Saleha, has also been busy promoting the Muslim infiltration through her membership in the Muslim Brotherhood’s female division, called the “Muslim Sisterhood,” while heading up the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (HCWC). HCWC is part of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR) which has been banned in Israel for supporting Hamas.
On a side note, but important in understanding the baggage that Hillary continues to drag around behind her, on July 10, 2010, Huma Abedin married then-Congressman Anthony Weiner, the creep that “sexted” pictures of his privates to women over the Internet. The wedding vows were overseen by former President Bill Clinton.
This outraged followers of Muhammad as Muslim women are forbidden to marry “infidels,” especially Jews. Dr. Anwar Shoeb, the leading authority at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies in Kuwait, formally declared Huma’s marriage to Weiner as “null and void,” calling their living arrangements following the wedding a “form” of adultery.
Whether Huma Abedin is guilty of adultery, or theft, or fraud, or of influencing her boss in sensitive foreign relations gambits, or of breaking rules and regulations of the State Department, or of infiltrating the highest levels of the American government to promote Sharia Law, one thing is certain: She is one more piece of baggage that Hillary Clinton must deal with in her attempts to appear trustworthy enough to American voters to become the nation’s chief executive in 2017.
A graduate of an Ivy League school and a former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American magazine and blogs frequently at primarily on economics and politics.


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