Wednesday, August 5, 2015

( Michael Moore is A Big Oversize Giant Fat Slug ) Patcnews Aug 5, 2015 The Patriot Conservative The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Michael Moore is A Big Oversize Fat Giant Banana Slug © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Although her ongoing battle against GOP 

presidential frontrunner Donald Trump 

continues to dominate news media outlets, 

Fox News Channel’s evening news anchor — 

and former attorney — Megyn Kelly decided 

to tweak Trump’s nose as well as rile his many 


Kelly invited the far-left’s pseudo-documentary 

maker Michael Moore onto her show in order 

to “stick it to The Donald,” according to 

political strategist Michael Baker.

In a different tone and interaction than her 

arguably “vicious attack” on Trump during 

Fox’s first GOP debate, conservative viewers 

who spoke to Conservative Base said they 

expected the enormously overweight and 

physically unappealing Moore to “plant one 

right on her lips.”

“I feel bad for you,” the 

left-wing filmmaker said to Kelly, the host of 

the nightly “The Kelly File” On Tuesday 

You're being attacked I'm for you.

You're okay aren't you ?

While popular with the Hollywood and Washington elites, Michael Moore is believed to be a dishonest political operative.
While popular with the Hollywood and Washington elites, Michael Moore is believed to be a dishonest political operative.

“It almost appeared to be rehearsed and 

underhanded, but it may backfire since a large 

percentage of FNC’s viewers are Republicans 

and conservatives who may not all like Trump 

but who may all despise the wealthy movie 

writer and director,” said Baker. “In my mind, 

running ‘into the waiting arms of Michael 

Moore may turn off a number of viewers who 

now have more alternatives to watch during 

Kelly’s show.”

Among the alternatives are The Blaze 

television network with Glenn Beck, Dana 

Loesch, and other conservative hosts, as well 

as Newsmax TV and the One America News 

Network. These new conservative outlets are 

already on FIOS and in negotiations with 

Time-Warner Cable and other networks. Kelly 

has been under verbal attack by Donald 

Trump, who plans to skip the GOP debate 

hosted by Fox News on Thursday, because 

Kelly is moderating along with Chris Wallace 

and Brett Baier....

“What is he afraid of?” Moore asked Kelly. 

“I’m sitting here, right? Donald, come sit with 

me, and I’ll hold your hand. She’s fine. You 

[Kelly] just didn’t deserve to be treated that 

way,” he told Kelly.Trump accused the Fox 

News personality of bias when she sharply 

interrogated him over his past remarks about 

— and toward — the openly lesbian comedian 

Rosie O’Donnell.

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