Monday, August 10, 2015

( Judge Lisa Gorcyca From Oakland County ) Patcnews Aug 10, 2015 The Patriot Conservative The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Judge Lisa Gorcyca From Oakland County © All copyrights




EVERY now and again a little piece of good news waft’s in the direction of those who consider themselves patriots, regardless of whether they are ex pats or not. This is one of those times. Nevertheless, hold off on the party hats and the bubbly. It is premature. But just in case the news turns out to be a positive result – and for those who are not interested in booze – well, there are always other ways to enjoy the party! Best to think good thoughts.

And we also know – at least on this end – that patience and perseverance are key virtues, even when butting up against all the naysayers and tsk, tskers becomes tiresome. Besides, who cares what they babble. Sticks and stones. In any case, one develops a thick skin when verbal arrows are slung, at times even being called “Zionist scum”!

Such is the case with Attorney Orly Taitz (who happens to also be a dentist, and certainly not a stupid sort) who is reviled all over the “leftistsphere” (just coined a new phrase) for supposedly maligning the integrity of “The One”. Barf.

Now, it is not as if the attorney/doc is making things up and that there is no there there. Wishing doesn’t make it so. Thus, a few trails to back her up:

Trail One:

The continued quest for answers: EXACTLY, who is the man-child leading the free world? Earth shaking questions few DARE ask. Not only that, an interesting answer to “who’s your daddy, BHO” is more than explicable within this video 

Trail Two:

“Birthers” are reaching critical mass: Congress will hopefully receive an earful & eyeful. 

Trail Three:

The “birther” kerfuffle FINALLY in reach of Congress (backhandedly)via the Supreme Court. Will they do a damn thing? Their sworn duty. 

Trail Four:

UPDATE: will “birther” probe (soon?) come to a climactic head? 

ONTO the main event…

Judge Makes Order To Investigate Obama’s Social Security Number

  January 12, 2014      
It took years for Watergate to unravel fully. The controversy over Barack Hussein Obama and his past, along with fraudulent documents continues to make headlines. Yet, the items needed to actually verify who Obama is continue to be kept from the public eye. Well, that all may be about to change. Attorney Orly Taitz may have just found a chink in the federal government’s armor in protecting Barack Obama from scrutiny, following a judge’s ruling over her Freedom of Information Act request from the Social Security Administration.
Taitz has claimed that Obama uses the Social Security number of Harry Bounel and has submitted several Freedom of Information Act requests for the information from the Social Security Administration. Each time, she has been met with stonewalling by the Social Security Administration.
However, Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander has ruled to give Taitz “an opportunity to file a second amended complaint and add allegations of SSA not doing a proper search and withholding records.”
From Taitz’s Press Release:
Judge Hollander in Maryland gives Attorney Orly Taitz 21 days to file a second amended complaint and add allegations in regards to an improper withholding by the Social Security Administration of records   of Harry Bounel, whose Social security number is being illegally used by Barack Obama. When Taitz filed the complaint, SSA did not respond at all. After the law suit was filed, SSA responded by fraudulently claiming that the records were not found. Taitz responded that this is a fraudulent assertion, since the records were found before and denied to another petitioner due to privacy concerns, however Social Security has no right to claim privacy as according to their own 120 year rule they have a duty to release the records. The judge stated that the plaintiff Taitz might be correct, however at this time she cannot rule in her favor as her original complaint was filed before SSA responded, so the judge gave Taitz an opportunity to refile a second amended complaint and add new allegations, stating the SSA responded but improperly hidden the records . This is a great development. This all but assures that the judge will order the SSA to release the SS-5, Social Security application of resident of CT, Harrison (Harry) Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 was stolen by Obama and used in Obama’s 2009 tax returns, which initially were posted on without proper redaction, without flattening of the file. Taitz will be very careful not to be Breitbarted or Fuddied in the next 21 days.
Additionally, there is an increased tampering with the web site of Orly Taitz and with her ability to send mass -emails. It seems her private server is somehow affected and Taitz is unable to send mass e-mails on two different programs.
It’s interesting that Taitz points out that she will be “careful not to be Breitbarted or Fuddied,” indicating that she believes that both Andrew Breitbart and Andrew Breitbart and Loretta Fuddy were targeted by Obama for assassination.” Breitbart died on the very day that he said he would begin vetting Obama for the 2012 elections, which raised suspicions. Fuddy, best remembered as being instrumental in issuing the Hawaii long-form birth certificate, was the only person to die aboard a small plane that crashed off the coast of Hawaii last week. Already, there are questions surrounding the narrative of her death.
Taitz alleged that Mr. Bounel was born in 1890, and therefore, under the “’120 Year Rule’ implemented by the SSA in 2010,” pertaining to “‘extremely aged individuals,’” Bounel’s “Social Security applications have to be released under FOIA without proof of [his] death . . . .”
The reason for the judge’s amendment seems to be a procedural one. Taitz filed suit with the court prior to receiving word back from her Freedom of Information Act request, which she did receive on July 29, 2013 from Dawn S. Wiggins, a Fredom of Information Officer. Wiggins replied to Taitz:
I have enclosed a copy of the SS-5s for Mr. Tsarnaev and Ms. Dunham. . . .
We were unable to find any information for Mr. Bounel based on the information you provided to us. Mr. Bounel may not have applied for a Social Security number (SSN) or may have given different information on the application for a number.
It appears that once the amendment is submitted, this may force the Social Security Administration to explain exactly what is going on with Barack Obama’s Social Security number.
We should know something about the case by the second week in January 2014.

It is within the above backdrop/prism that the mysterious death of Loretta Fuddy (Hawaii’s ex DOH Director) occurred, VERY SOON after Arpaio’s team announced  criminally explosive findings re-eligibility. COINCIDENCE – OR NOT?

One also has to wonder: why precisely wasn’t the above preliminary decision (whatever the court finally decides, to hear the fraud case or not…truth be told, the judge will have her arms twisted…only the form it takes is anyone’s guess) SPLASHED all over the media’s airwaves? Don’t waste time thinking over this conundrum…what a head scratcher!

With these trails firmly in mind, the CRIME/HEIST OF THE CENTURY becomes Obama’s FORGED documents via his red/green accomplices, leading to an IMPERIAL Presidency!


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Michigan Circuit Judge Lisa Gorcyca Needs To Be Fired Judge Lisa Gorcyca Doesn't Hate Kids. Judge Lisa Gorcyca Hates FailureTo Submit.

Judge Lisa Gorcyca, a judge in Oakland County, Michigan, is getting quite a lot of press this week for sending three kids to juvenile detention.
Judge Gorcyca doesn't preside in criminal court. She doesn't rule on delinquency petitions in juvenile court. She's a judge in the Family Division. And she sent three kids to juvenile detention — and specifically ordered them separated — because they didn't obey her orders to cultivate a warm relationship with their estranged father. Judge Lisa Gorcyca is on the Broad  Equal Rights Amendment  And National Organization for Women Nancy Pelosi Billary Clinton
Eric a Holder
You can read about it here, or here, or here, or here, or at Reason.
Let's presume, for the moment, all facts in Judge Lisa Gorcyca's favor. This happened in a bitterly contested divorce. Let's assume that the father's account is true: that he never physically abused the mother of the kids, that the mother is a monster who has abused the legal system and turned the kids against him, that the kids are pawns in the mother's game to attack the father and deprive him of their company.
All those presumptions don't support Judge Gorcyca's freakish and contemptible behavior.
Consider the things Judge Gorcyca said to, and about, these children as she declared them in contempt of court:
To the 15-year-old, who didn't want to have lunch with his father because, he said, he saw his father hit his mother:

“You’re supposed to have a high IQ, which I’m doubting right now because of the way you act,” Gorcyca said.
“You’re very defiant. You have no manners … There is no reason why you do not have a relationship with your father. Your father has never been charged with anything. Your father’s never been convicted of anything. Your father doesn’t have a personal protection order against him. Your father is well-liked and loved by the community, his co-workers, his family (and) his colleagues. You, young man, have got it wrong. I think your father is a great man who has gone through hoops for you to have a relationship with you.”
. . . .
But to the boy, the judge said: “You need to do a research program on Charlie Manson and the cult that he has … You have bought yourself living in Children’s Village, going to the bathroom in public, and maybe summer school.”
To the boy's little sister:

A girl, 9, was asked if she would also like to apologize to her father, but she had no audible response.
“I know you’re kind of religious,” Gorcyca told the girl.
“God gave you a brain. He expects you to use it. You are not your big, defiant brother who’s living in jail. Do you want to live in jail?”
The girl said she would try to work with her father during visits, and Gorcyca told the children to go to lunch with their father.
“Let’s see, you’re going to be a teenager,” Gorcyca told the girl.
“You want to have your birthdays in Children’s Village? Do you like going to the bathroom in front of people? Is your bed soft and comfortable at home? I’ll tell you this, if you two don’t have a nice lunch with your dad and make this up to your dad, you’re going to come back here (after lunch) and I’m going to have the deputies take you to Children’s Village.”
"I love working with kids."
"I love working with kids."
Judge Gorcyca was very clear that she was imposing punishment for contempt of her orders regulating the children's interpersonal relationship with their father. Part of that punishment was separating the children, and preventing the mother's side of the family from visiting them:

“I’ll go with my brother (to Children’s Village) then,” he said.
Gorcyca said the boy would not be allowed to contact his brother at Children’s Village.
People are outraged about this. They ought to be. But they're outraged at the wrong evil.
Judge Lisa Gorcyca doesn't hate kids. She isn't some monster who has hidden sociopathy her whole career. The evil of Lisa Gorcyca — and people like her throughout America's justice system — isn't of the cinematic sort. It's banal. It's not the evil of wanting to hurt children; it's the evil of indifference to them. It's not the evil of bloodthirstiness; its the evil of petulance, the evil of mediocrity given power and then thwarted.
Judge Lisa Gorcyca has power because she's a judge. She's infuriated that her power is, for the moment, insufficient to make children do what she wants. She's not angry in the abstract because kids ought to have good relationships with their dads. She's apoplectic that children are disrespecting her power by not bending to her will. She's been elevated beyond her ability and character: given power, and lacking the maturity or intellect to wield it justly, reduced to snarling at nine-year-olds in excruciating family circumstances when (depending on whom you believe) they don't either suck up to an abuser or successfully resist an abuser's overwhelming influence.
We're conditioned to look for the black hat, the mustache-twirling villain, scowling theatrically and monologuing about their vile motivations. But evil's not that complicated. Evil is often petty. Rights are violated — children are jailed — not always because those in power set out with agendas, but because they cannot govern their mean and sordid instincts. And what happens? Judges, angry at having their egos bruised, issue ludicrous gag orders. Judges, outraged at being questioned, seek to hold critics in contempt. Judges treat their bench like a barstool, venting their unreflective biases like they are carved on stone tablets. Judges indulge their anger and jail a roomful of defendants because somebody's cell phone rang. Judges sentence people for drug violations while high on drugs. Judges jail kids for not going to lunch with their fathers.
We ask the wrong questions when we give people power. The question may not be "is she extremely smart." The question may not be "does he share my values." The question is "does this person view power over other lives as an entitlement, or as a tool to be used with the gravest concern and reluctance?" The question may be, "does this person have the strength of character to exercise power sparingly, the self-discipline to keep his or her basest instincts in check while wielding huge power over people's lives?"
Clearly Lisa Gorcyca doesn't.




Michigan Judge Orders Siblings to Juvenile Center for Refusing to Have Lunch With Father

They say you can indict a ham sandwich, but one judge put three kids behind bars for refusing to eat lunch.

The Michigan siblings were sent to a juvenile
detention center after they refused a judge's order to have a meal with
their father.

Judge Lisa Gorcyca ordered the three siblings —
ages 9, 10 and 15 — to a juvenile facility on June 24th for failing to
maintain a "healthy relationship" with their father. The judge held the
kids in contempt of court after they refused to have lunch with or talk
to their dad Omer Tsimhoni in the Oakland County Family Court cafeteria.

According to court records, the children's
parents Maya Eibschitz-Tsimhoni and Omer Tsimhoni have been involved in a
lengthy custody dispute since December 2009

The siblings were removed from their mother's custody after the June 24th court hearing.

According to a court transcript of the hearing
obtained by NBC News, Judge Gorcyca told the siblings they should have
lunch with their father but the kids refused.

"I'll tell you this, you two don't have a nice
lunch with your dad and make this up to your dad you're going to come
back here at 1:30 and I'm going to have the deputies take you to
Children's Village [a juvenile lock up with over 100 offenders]," the
judge said.

Gorcyca berated the siblings when they responded
saying they did not want to go to lunch with their father, even
questioning the IQ of one of the children.

"I've never seen anything like this," she said.
"Your dad is a good man who loves you. You have been brainwashed. You
are brainwashed. This is not normal behavior."

One of the siblings told the judge earlier in
the conversation that he did not want to apologize to his father because
he alleged he became violent with his mother.

Image: Oakland County Judge Lisa Gorcyca

Oakland County Judge Lisa Gorcyca Oakland County

"I do not apologize for — for not talking to him
because I have a reason for that and that's because he's violent and he
— I saw him hit my mom and I'm not going to talk to him," one of the
three siblings told the judge.

Gorcyca's office said that the judge would not comment on the ongoing Tsimhoni case.

Maya Eibschitz-Tsimhoni's attorney Lisa Stern wouldn't comment due to the sensitive nature of the case.

Ronn Torossian, a family friend of Omer Tsimhoni
and his spokesperson, claimed "Ms. Eibschitz continues to endanger the
children rather than serve their best interests."

"Ms. Eibschitz continually alienates the
children from their father, and has ignored countless court hearings and
rulings. Mr. Tsimhoni has great respect for the court and the legal
system. He is a loving, caring father who desires a healthy relationship
with his children," Torossia said in a statement.

The three kids were ordered to Children's
Village detention center in Pontiac, Michigan. Judge Gorcyca said the
siblings would be kept separate while in the facility, according to the
court transcript.

"You're not even going to be with your brother,"
she said to the 15 year old. "You won't be in the same cell. I'll put
in there, 'stay away from your brother.'"

When contacted on Thursday, Children's Village
would not release any information on the children's case. The website
for the center describes the facility as "a safe, structured environment
for youth that includes secure detention, residential treatment and
shelter care services."

Larry Dubin, a law professor at the University
of Detroit Mercy School of Law, says that while he has not been involved
with the case he has been following it closely. He called Judge
Gorcyca's actions unusual.

"Usually you would see any contempt citations go
against the spouse that is charged with the alienation of the other
spouse," Dubin explained. "I can't say its never happened, but I think
its unusual to exercise a contempt order with the children."

Karen Weiner, a neighbor of Maya
Eibschitz-Tsimhoni, said she was appalled by the judge's actions and had
always found the kids to be well cared for by their mother.

"These are nice sweet kids, and it seems like
she should consider the circumstances and finding out what these kids
are scared about," Weiner said.'


Published: July 12th, 2015

Judge Lisa Gorcyca

Judge Lisa Gorcyca

Photo Credit: Citizens Supporting Judge Lisa Gorcyca Facebook page

( Oakland County,
Michigan, Family Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca on Friday lifted her contempt
of court ruling which landed three children of Israeli parents in
juvenile detention for refusing to have lunch with their estranged

The children, ages 14, 10 and 9, were in danger of spending the rest
of the summer in the Children’s Village detention center, where they had
been locked up for several weeks, or, as a worst case scenario, stay
there until they turned 18.

Judge Gorcyca said in court on Friday that “the count finds that is
in the children’s best interests to grant the father’s and the guardian
ad litem’s motion to allow the children to attend summer camp.”

The children will attend a Jewish summer camp for the next two weeks,
but it is not clear what will be their fate afterwards, since their
parents are still locked in a custody battle.

The children’s father lives in Israel.

On June 24, Judge Gorcyca sentenced the children to detention because
they had refused her order to let their father become a part of their
lives. The children’s parents divorced in 2009. The judge faulted the
mother, Maya Tsimchoni, for turning the three children against their

The eldest child told the Judge, “I do apologize if I didn’t
understand the rules, but I do not apologize for not talking to [my
father] because I have a reason for that and that’s because he’s violent
and I saw him hit my mom and I’m not going to talk to him.”

According to the Daily Tribune, Gorcyca called the boy a “defiant, contemptuous young man.”

“I ordered you to talk to your father,” she continued, “You chose not
to talk to your father. You defied a direct court order. It’s direct
contempt so I’m finding you guilty of civil contempt.”

The boy cried: “But he was the one that did something wrong. I thought there were rules .. for not hitting someone.”

“You’re supposed to have a high IQ, which I’m doubting right now
because of the way you act,” the judge said. Then she went on a full
blown tirade:

“You’re very defiant. You have no manners … There is no reason why
you do not have a relationship with your father. Your father has never
been charged with anything. Your father’s never been convicted of
anything. Your father doesn’t have a personal protection order against
him. Your father is well-liked and loved by the community, his
co-workers, his family and his colleagues. You, young man, have got it
wrong. I think your father is a great man who has gone through hoops for
you to have a relationship with you.”

Then the judge told the boy: “You need to do a research program on
Charlie Manson and the cult that he has … You have bought yourself
living in Children’s Village, going to the bathroom in public, and maybe
summer school.”

And she ordered that the children’s mother, and any other family member, may not visit them there.

“You are so mentally messed up right now and it’s not because of your
father,” Judge Gorcyca said. “And one day you are going to realize
what’s going on in this case and you’re going to apologize to your dad …
Dad, if you ever think that he has changed and he’s no longer like
Charlie Manson’s cult, then you let us know and we can review the case.”

Judge Gorcyca would not permit Maya Tsimchoni to say goodbye to her son.

Judge Lisa Gorcyca

Judge Lisa Gorcyca

Photo Credit: Citizens Supporting Judge Lisa Gorcyca Facebook page

“You want to have your birthdays in Children’s Village? Do you like
going to the bathroom in front of people? Is your bed soft and
comfortable at home? I’ll tell you this, if you two don’t have a nice
lunch with your dad and make this up to your dad, you’re going to come
back here after lunch and I’m going to have the deputies take you to
Children’s Village.”

According to The Daily Tribune, the father invited the two children
to the court cafeteria, but the younger boy said, “I’ll go with my
brother [to the detention center] then.”

Gorcyca threatened that the boy would be kept apart from his older brother at the detention center, but to no avail.

His sister also refused to have lunch with her father, and an exasperated Gorcyca said, “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Tsimchoni’s attorney has since withdrawn from the case, claiming he hadn’t been paid the $16,220 fee he was owed.

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Michigan Circuit Judge Lisa Gorcyca Needs To Be Fired

Filed in National by on July 10, 2015
There are some stories that you just can’t get out of your head. This is one of them. Here’s the brief synopsis:

Three Oakland County children who refused to go to lunch with their father, as part of a bitter divorce and custody battle between their parents, are spending their summer in the county’s juvenile detention center, according to court records.
“We’ll review it when school starts, and you may be going to school there,” Oakland County Family Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca told the children during a June 24 hearing, referring to the center in Waterford Township called Children’s Village, where authorities house as many as 200 juvenile offenders.
Gorcyca, who blamed their mother for poisoning the children’s attitude toward their father, ordered the children be sent to the center for defying her orders — while in court — that they go to lunch with their father.
The children — ranging in age from 9 to 15 — were deemed in contempt of court last month by Gorcyca for disobeying her orders to “have a healthy relationship with your father.”
First, how in the world do you order a person to have a “healthy relationship” with another person? And let’s say that the mother is the worst person in the world and did turn her children against their father… why the hell would you punish the children?
Is this even legal?
The most generous spin I can put on this is that the judge has mental problems – which still results in her being fired. Here are some choice quotes:

An Oakland County circuit judge who sent three children to a juvenile detention facility for refusing to speak to their father compared the kids to cult leader Charles Manson.
Oakland Circuit Judge Lisa Gorcyca declared the children of Maya Tsimhoni in contempt of court last month and ordered them held at Oakland County Children’s Village until they attempt to have a relationship with their father or they turn 18.
The three — ages 9, 10, and 15 — have been incarcerated for more than two weeks . . .
“I do apologize if I didn’t understand the rules,” said one boy, 15, “but I do not apologize for not talking to (the father) because I have a reason for that and that’s because he’s violent and I saw him hit my mom and I’m not going to talk to him.”
The father has not been charged with a crime.
Gorcyca called the boy a “defiant, contemptuous young man” and asked him if there was anything he’d like to say about being sent to Children’s Village.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” the boy said.
“No, you did,” Gorcyca said.
“I ordered you to talk to your father. You chose not to talk to your father. You defied a direct court order. It’s direct contempt so I’m finding you guilty of civil contempt.”
The boy responded: “But he was the one that (did) something wrong. I thought there (were) rules .. for not hitting someone.”
“You’re supposed to have a high IQ, which I’m doubting right now because of the way you act,” Gorcyca said.
“You’re very defiant. You have no manners … There is no reason why you do not have a relationship with your father . . .
Wow. Did she just call the boy stupid? And is her claim that the children are guilty of civil contempt even true? Let’s say the mother is a horrible person who brainwashed her children, how is that the children’s fault? Why punish them for the adult’s behavior?
It gets worse:

Tsimhoni’s two other children had a hearing later in the day, during which the 10-year-old boy did speak briefly to his father.
“Judge, I’m sorry for my behavior, and dad, I’m sorry for my behavior,” he said.
“Dad, the judge wanted me to talk to you so here is something about myself ? I enjoy soccer and I hope to be on the soccer team.”
A girl, 9, was asked if she would also like to apologize to her father, but she had no audible response.
“I know you’re kind of religious,” Gorcyca told the girl.
“God gave you a brain. He expects you to use it. You are not your big, defiant brother who’s living in jail. Do you want to live in jail?”
The girl said she would try to work with her father during visits, and Gorcyca told the children to go to lunch with their father.
“Let’s see, you’re going to be a teenager,” Gorcyca told the girl.
“You want to have your birthdays in Children’s Village? Do you like going to the bathroom in front of people? Is your bed soft and comfortable at home? I’ll tell you this, if you two don’t have a nice lunch with your dad and make this up to your dad, you’re going to come back here (after lunch) and I’m going to have the deputies take you to Children’s Village.”

The other brother and sister said they didn’t want to have lunch with their father, either, so Gorcyca sent them to juvenile detention, too. She then forbade the boy from contacting their brother while they’re there. She also ordered that they have minimal contact with one another. And they’ve apparently been there ever since.
WTactualF? Not only did this fruit-loop judge send them juvenile detention, but she isolated them from each other. I hope they have an excellent lawyer and sue, sue, sue!
I don’t want to get into which parent is telling the truth. It. Really. Doesn’t. Matter. If you think it does then you, like the parents, aren’t thinking about the children. Let’s just say neither of them is like the “real mother” in King Solomon‘s story. Both seem willing to cut the baby in half.
Meanwhile, there’s a batsh*t crazy judge in Michigan who needs to lose her job.

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