Wednesday, April 8, 2015

( The Youtube Skype Report ) Patcnews April 8, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports YouTube Skype Partner Program Terms © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews

 Missouri Star Quilt Co. uses YouTube and Video Ads to grow their business and YouTube Partner Program Terms Account termination on YouTube


 Together with the YouTube Terms of Service and the YouTube Partner Program Policies
(each of which may be updated from time to time and are incorporated
herein by reference), the following YouTube Partner Program Terms apply
to your participation in the YouTube Partner Program (the "Terms").
Please read the Terms carefully. If you do not understand or accept any
part of these Terms, you should not upload Content for monetization on

  1. Monetization Revenues. YouTube will pay you as follows:
    1. Advertising Revenues. YouTube will pay you 55% of net revenues
      recognized by YouTube from ads displayed or streamed by YouTube or an
      authorized third party on your Content watch pages or in or on the
      YouTube video player in conjunction with the streaming of your Content.
      YouTube is not obligated to display any advertisements alongside your
      videos and may determine the type and format of ads available on the
      YouTube Service. For clarity, YouTube reserves the right to retain all
      other revenues derived from the YouTube service, including any revenues
      relating to ads on search result pages.
    2. Subscription Revenues. YouTube will pay you 55% of the total
      net revenues recognized by YouTube from subscription fees that are
      attributable to the monthly views or watchtime of your Content as a
      percentage of the monthly views or watchtime of all or a subset of
      participating content in the relevant subscription offering (as
      determined by YouTube). If your Content is included in and viewed by a
      user in multiple subscription offerings, YouTube will pay you based on
      the subscription offering with the highest amount of net revenues
      recognized by YouTube, as calculated by YouTube.
  2. Payment Account Requirement. In order to earn
    or receive payment of any revenues hereunder, you must at all times have
    an active AdSense account associated with your YouTube user account(s)
    (or such other payment method as required by YouTube). YouTube does not
    owe you for any revenues that may be associated with your Content during
    any period in which you do not have a valid method of payment.
  3. Payment Terms, Limitations and Taxes. YouTube
    will pay you for any revenues due within approximately sixty (60) days
    after the end of any calendar month, so long as your earned balance is
    at least US $100 (or its equivalent in local currency) at the time
    payment is due. You are not entitled to earn or receive any revenues in
    connection with your Content in any of the following circumstances: (a)
    if one or more third parties claim rights to certain elements of your
    Content except in cases where YouTube’s policies or systems support
    sharing a portion of the revenues with you, as determined by YouTube;
    (b) if monetization is disabled on your Content by either you or
    YouTube; or (c) your participation in the YouTube Partner Program is
    suspended or terminated pursuant to Section 4 below. YouTube will use
    reasonable efforts to notify you if any of these circumstances should
  4. Termination. Either party may terminate these
    Terms for convenience with 30 days prior written notice to the other
    (including via electronic means). YouTube may either suspend or
    terminate your participation in the YouTube Partner Program immediately
    upon written notice (including via electronic means) if YouTube
    reasonably determines or suspects that you have violated these Terms.
    For clarity, in the event of any termination of these Terms the YouTube
    Terms of Service will survive and continue to apply to your use of the
    YouTube service.
Governing Law. The governing law and dispute resolution provisions of the YouTube Terms of Service will also apply to these Terms.

ATTENTION As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe which content we allow – and don’t allow – on YouTube. Your videos "Patcnews March 24, 2017 Welcomes Senator Ted Cruz talks about Obamacare and UPS" , "Patcnews - TV March 24, 2017 Welcomes Mark Levin Show Message To liberals On Youtube obama regime" were flagged for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that they violate our guidelines. We’ve removed them from YouTube and assigned a Community Guidelines strike, or temporary penalty, to your account.

The impact of strikes

This is the first strike applied to your account. We understand that users seldom intend to violate our policies. That’s why strikes don’t last forever – this strike will expire in three months. However, it’s important to remember that additional strikes could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account being terminated.

How you can respond

If you believe this was a mistake, we’d like to hear from you. Please follow both of these steps as simply deleting the video won’t resolve the strike on your account.

Date Received: Mar 24, 2016

Marissa - Community Manager's profile photo and Photo slideshows are no longer available

by Marissa - Community Manager


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Hi everyone, 

We wanted to let you know that the Video Editor ( and Photo slideshows are no longer available as of September 20th, 2017. We’ve seen limited usage of these features, so we've retired them to focus our efforts on building new tools and improving on other existing features. 

We are keeping the Enhancements feature in Video Manager. With Enhancements, you can continue to enhance your uploaded videos with edits such as trimming, blurring and filters. Features that are still available:
  • Trimming
  • Blurring
  • Audio Library
  • Filters
  • End Screens
  • Cards
  • Subtitles
  • Sound effects
  • Quick fixes (stabilize, contrast, slow motion, saturation, etc) 
After September 20, 2017, the following is no longer available:
  • The tool specifically at the destination (raw video clip editing)
  • The Photo slideshow tool
You can download your own videos from YouTube in 720p or use Google Takeout to retrieve your original files, in case you are looking to remix your uploaded videos into a new video. 

There are also many free and paid third-party editing tools available if you’re looking for new editing software. If you have any questions or suggestions on editing software, please feel free to check out this forum, our Creator Community or share which software you use.



Content and Programming Copyright 2015 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2015 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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