Tuesday, April 7, 2015

( Hands Up In Washington ) Patcnews April 7, 2015 The Patriot Conservative Tea Party Network Reports Hands Up In Washington How About Shut Up And Do Your Job! © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


Hands Up In Washington… How About Shut Up And Do Your Job!

image: http://dcgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/image59-300x168.jpg
image                                         Several law makers decided to throw their hands up in protest of the Michael Brown case. Rep Hakeem Jeffries ( D-N.Y.) Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) Al Green (D-Texas) and a few others that need to shut up and do their jobs. They need to take a look at the evidence before voicing their ignorant opinions on the house floor. Michael Brown was portrayed by the media as a child and angel in his mothers eyes. In the eyes of society he was a full-grown man who robbed a store, hated cops, and decided to attack a cop. Officer Wilson was out enforcing the law that these politicians have the job of creating. So instead of going after a cop who was doing his job these people need to go after a president who refuses to do his. Some politicians say they care about the people while encouraging them to go out and fight. I haven’t seen anyone in Washington to include Al Sharpton go out and lite a match to their own home. They claim to support the community but do everything to destroy it. They are supposed to do what they can to improve our way of life instead they only make it worse. They sit in their high dollar homes watching riots while stuffing their face watching the news. How is destroying the community suppose to help any man who struggles. The community becomes poorer while they don’t lose a dime. If it weren’t for those of us who struggle these hypocrites wouldn’t have jobs. I don’t see any of these politicians helping the poor mother who can’t feed her kids.
These politicians with their hands up are employed by the American tax payer. We pay them well to write law and protect this country, Many politicians live in the top one per cent when it comes to wealth in this country. They have food on their table not worried about how they are gonna feed their kids. I don’t see any of them out helping the community, finding ways to rebuild, after they encouraged them to burn it down. The poor and hungry come in every race, religion, and color. The only thing hunger hasn’t found is the mouth of some of these politicians. This isn’t about black, white, or indifferent. This is about the hypocrisy of a few millionaires and politicians. While most of us struggle we are all tired of those in Washington stirring up trouble. There are white people who struggle everyday trying to feed their kids just as there are black. The next time these hypocrites in Washington want a riot tell them to go burn down their own home. God bless each and everyone, and may He forever bless this country…

Read more at http://dcgazette.com/hands-washington-shut-job/

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