Thursday, January 15, 2015

( Meet The Candidates 2016 The Iowa Freedom Summit ) Patcnews Jan 15, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Meet The Candidates 2016 The Iowa Freedom Summit © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Mark Levin is a Republican shill who does nothing but commit character assassination against candidates who are supported by the RNC.  Levin, O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Humphries, and more absolutely sold Ron Paul down the road in 2012 just like all of the MSM news networks, including Fox News.  Paul was never included in any of the presidential debates because the Commission on Presidential Debates was mutually established by the Republican and Democrat parties as a showcase for their approved field of candidates.

Ron Paul had an incredible amount of grassroots support that year, but even major polling firms were not showing his polling position along with other candidates.  He was consistently in the top of the polling and the primaries, but there was a media blackout on him.  Two correspondents from CNN even admitted as much. Our whole system has been built to not give us a true choice, but to be able to choose between candidates that the two main political parties endorse.  People listen to these mindless shills and let the radio hosts make up their minds for them.

We're not going to get anywhere in this country with voters who won't think for themselves.  I'm not sure what we'll do after the dust settles, but I'm really going to miss this great experiment that this nation's founders started.  It was good while it lasted.

Can the GOP Pick the 2016 Democratic Lock?

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Do Republicans have a realistic chance to win the next presidential election? Some analysts suggest the answer is no. They argue that there is a 240-electoral-vote “blue wall” of 18 states and D.C. that have gone Democratic in the last six presidential elections.
A Democratic nominee needs only 30 more electoral votes to win the presidency, they note accurately. A Republican nominee, they suggest, has little chance of breaking through the blue wall. He (or she) would have to win 270 of the 298 other electoral votes.
Democrats do have an advantage in the electoral vote, because heavily Democratic clusters clinch about 170 electoral votes for them, while Republicans have a lock on only about 105. But the blue wall theory, like all political rules of thumb, is true only till it’s not. And this one could easily prove inoperative in a competitive 2016 race.
To see why, go back and put yourself in the shoes of a Democratic strategist following the 2004 presidential race. Assume that a stronger 2008 Democratic nominee will win all of John Kerry’s 252 electoral votes (which happened). Then take a look at the states in which Kerry won 43 percent or more of the popular vote.
The four states in which Kerry won 48 percent or more — Iowa, New Mexico, Ohio, Nevada — were obvious targets, seriously contested in three or four of the previous four elections. Add Florida (47 percent for Kerry and obviously closely contested) and you have 318 electoral votes easily accessible in a good Democratic year.
What states should you target beyond that? It depends on who your nominee is. If it’s Hillary Clinton, you might look at Missouri, Arkansas, Arizona, Tennessee and West Virginia. Bill Clinton won Arizona once and the other four twice, and Hillary Clinton won all but Missouri in the 2008 primaries. These states’ 43 electoral votes raise the potential win to 361.
If your nominee is Barack Obama, your targets are different. You might look at Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina, plus Missouri. All but Colorado have large minority populations, and all but Missouri have large blocs of upscale whites — groups among which Obama demonstrated strong appeal in 2008 primaries.
These states had 48 electoral votes in 2008. Obama won all but Missouri’s 11 and made up for that by winning 11 in Indiana, a 39 percent Kerry state.
The lesson here is that in a favorable opinion climate, a party can successfully target previously unwinnable states containing voting blocs that can be moved or just mobilized. It helps greatly if, like Obama, they increase their turnout in primaries.
Likewise, a Republican strategist looking ahead to 2016 has 12 states where Mitt Romney won 43 to 49 percent of the vote in 2012. Add some significant share of their 146 electoral votes to the 206 Romney won, and you get well above the 270 majority.
Election 2016At the top of the list are perennial targets Florida and Ohio. Just below, at 47 percent in favor of Romney, are Virginia and — part of the supposedly immoveable blue wall — Pennsylvania. Republicans nearly beat a popular Democratic senator in Virginia last year and have been making steady gains in blue-collar Western Pennsylvania. Those four states added to Romney’s would give Republicans 286 electoral votes — George W. Bush’s winning total in 2004.
What states could Republicans target beyond that? A nominee with Midwestern appeal might go after Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota (42 electoral votes). One with Hispanic appeal could target Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico (20 electoral votes). One with appeal to upscale whites could target Colorado, New Hampshire and Minnesota (23 electoral votes). One with working-class appeal might choose Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan (32 electoral votes).
Critics might ask whether a 2016 Republican nominee can count on all the Romney states. Certainly not, if the party is as unpopular as it was in 2008. And North Carolina, a 48 percent Obama state, certainly looks like a realistic Democratic target in a close race.
But Obama got no more than 45 percent in other Romney states. Of the six where he got 44 or 45 percent, Democrats have had little success lately, even when running candidates better adapted to the local terrain than Hillary Clinton would be. None looks like a good Democratic target.
Republicans looking to 2016 can learn from Democrats’ 2008 success. Target wisely, and think of states you haven’t carried in years. And use the primaries to expand potentially favorable blocs.
Michael Barone, senior political analyst at the Washington Examiner, is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a Fox News Channel contributor and a co-author of  The Almanac of American Politics 2014.

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal for 2016
Did you watch Newsmax today ~ Dr. Ben Carson praises obama for new requirements for immigration reform to people to find a job
read more at  Newsmax
Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal ticket for 2016
Secretary of Defense ~ Allen West
Secretary of Treasury ~  Herman Cain
Senate Major Leader ~ Senator Ted Cruz
Speaker of The House ~ Trey Gowdy
Secretary of State ~ Condoleezza Rice
Press Secretary ~ Mark Levin

Iowa Freedom Summit

January 24, 2015

Citizens United and Congressman Steve King are teaming up to bring
grassroots activists from across Iowa to hear directly from conservative
leaders on how we can get America back on track by focusing on our core
principles of pro-growth economics, social conservatism, and a strong
national defense.

The Iowa Freedom Summit Has Sold Out!

But you can get on the waitlist by clicking the Get Tickets button
below. More tickets may become available between now and January 24th.

I was a caller on the Today on The JJ McCartney Show And I was Cut off

JJ McCartney will ask you to call in and you get cut off call JJ McCartney
at 855-853-5227!
The show is LIVE from 3 to 5PM Eastern time at

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      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

 Alliance for a Strong America
Alliance for a Strong America
Vice President Richard B. Cheney
IMG_0341-300x239Across four decades of public life, Dick Cheney has served at the highest levels of government during some of the most critical days in modern American history.
In the post-Watergate administration of Gerald Ford, the president turned to 34-year-old Dick Cheney to lead the White House staff in the work of restoring the nation’s confidence and waging the president’s 1976 campaign.
After leaving the White House, Cheney returned to his home state of Wyoming, where he was elected in 1978 as the state’s sole member of the House of Representatives. Re-elected to office five times, Cheney served in several leadership positions and was chosen by his colleagues as the minority whip, the number two position in the House Republican leadership.
Early in Cheney’s sixth term, in 1989, he was nominated by President George Bush to serve as Secretary of Defense, and was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. In his four years at the Pentagon, Cheney led American forces to victory in Operation Just Cause in Panama, and Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf. In 1991, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Through most of the 1990s, Cheney worked in the private sector as chairman and chief executive officer of the Halliburton Company in Dallas, Texas. In 2000, George W. Bush asked Cheney to become his running mate and in August 2000, Cheney became the Republican vice presidential nominee. President Bush and Vice President Cheney were inaugurated for the first of two terms on January 20, 2001.
In the eight eventful years of the Bush presidency, the vice president was best known for his involvement in national security matters following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Cheney has been recognized by many as the most powerful and consequential vice president in American history, and worked side by side with George W. Bush to keep our homeland safe and protect Americans from terrorist attacks for seven and a half years following 9/11.
President Bush and Vice President Cheney left office in January 2009. Shortly thereafter, President Obama began to dismantle the security policies that had kept the nation safe. His policy decisions have led to a reversal of the gains America made in the war on terror, in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, and a weakening of America across the globe.
Vice President Cheney was born on January 30, 1941 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He and his wife, Lynne V. Cheney, live in Wyoming and have two daughters and seven grandchildren. Vice President Cheney’s memoir, In My Time, was published in 2011. His latest book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey, was released in October 22, 2013.
Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney is an attorney and specialist in U.S. Middle East policy. She is the former chairman and founder of Keep America Safe, a non-profit organization dedicated to education and advocacy about American national security policy. As a Fox News contributor, she provides analysis on US national security policy and politics. She collaborated with Vice President Cheney on his memoirs, In My Time, published in 2011, and his second book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey published in 2013.
Previously, Ms. Cheney served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. In this capacity, she was the second-ranking State Department official responsible for U.S. policy in the Middle East. Prior to that, Ms. Cheney served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from 2002 to 2004.
Ms. Cheney practiced law at White & Case LLP in the area of international project finance from 1996 to 1999. She has also served on assignment with the International Finance Corporation, and at the State Department and Agency for International Development during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.
A fourth-generation Wyomingite, Ms. Cheney is a member of the International Board of Advisors at the University of Wyoming and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Wyoming in 2013. She also served previously on the boards of the Institute for the Study of War and Rivers of Recovery, an organization based in Wyoming that provides rehabilitation for military veterans through fly-fishing.
She earned her law degree from the University of Chicago in 1996 and her bachelor’s degree from the Colorado College in 1988. She is married to Philip J. Perry and they live in Wilson, Wyoming with their five children.
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Vice President Richard B. Cheney
IMG_0341-300x239Across four decades of public life, Dick Cheney has served at the highest levels of government during some of the most critical days in modern American history.
In the post-Watergate administration of Gerald Ford, the president turned to 34-year-old Dick Cheney to lead the White House staff in the work of restoring the nation’s confidence and waging the president’s 1976 campaign.
After leaving the White House, Cheney returned to his home state of Wyoming, where he was elected in 1978 as the state’s sole member of the House of Representatives. Re-elected to office five times, Cheney served in several leadership positions and was chosen by his colleagues as the minority whip, the number two position in the House Republican leadership.
Early in Cheney’s sixth term, in 1989, he was nominated by President George Bush to serve as Secretary of Defense, and was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. In his four years at the Pentagon, Cheney led American forces to victory in Operation Just Cause in Panama, and Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf. In 1991, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Through most of the 1990s, Cheney worked in the private sector as chairman and chief executive officer of the Halliburton Company in Dallas, Texas. In 2000, George W. Bush asked Cheney to become his running mate and in August 2000, Cheney became the Republican vice presidential nominee. President Bush and Vice President Cheney were inaugurated for the first of two terms on January 20, 2001.
In the eight eventful years of the Bush presidency, the vice president was best known for his involvement in national security matters following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Cheney has been recognized by many as the most powerful and consequential vice president in American history, and worked side by side with George W. Bush to keep our homeland safe and protect Americans from terrorist attacks for seven and a half years following 9/11.
President Bush and Vice President Cheney left office in January 2009. Shortly thereafter, President Obama began to dismantle the security policies that had kept the nation safe. His policy decisions have led to a reversal of the gains America made in the war on terror, in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, and a weakening of America across the globe.
Vice President Cheney was born on January 30, 1941 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He and his wife, Lynne V. Cheney, live in Wyoming and have two daughters and seven grandchildren. Vice President Cheney’s memoir, In My Time, was published in 2011. His latest book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey, was released in October 22, 2013.
Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney is an attorney and specialist in U.S. Middle East policy. She is the former chairman and founder of Keep America Safe, a non-profit organization dedicated to education and advocacy about American national security policy. As a Fox News contributor, she provides analysis on US national security policy and politics. She collaborated with Vice President Cheney on his memoirs, In My Time, published in 2011, and his second book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey published in 2013.
Previously, Ms. Cheney served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. In this capacity, she was the second-ranking State Department official responsible for U.S. policy in the Middle East. Prior to that, Ms. Cheney served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from 2002 to 2004.
Ms. Cheney practiced law at White & Case LLP in the area of international project finance from 1996 to 1999. She has also served on assignment with the International Finance Corporation, and at the State Department and Agency for International Development during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.
A fourth-generation Wyomingite, Ms. Cheney is a member of the International Board of Advisors at the University of Wyoming and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Wyoming in 2013. She also served previously on the boards of the Institute for the Study of War and Rivers of Recovery, an organization based in Wyoming that provides rehabilitation for military veterans through fly-fishing.
She earned her law degree from the University of Chicago in 1996 and her bachelor’s degree from the Colorado College in 1988. She is married to Philip J. Perry and they live in Wilson, Wyoming with their five children.
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Across four decades of public life, Dick Cheney has served at the highest levels of government during some of the most critical days in modern American history.
In the post-Watergate administration of Gerald Ford, the president turned to 34-year-old Dick Cheney to lead the White House staff in the work of restoring the nation’s confidence and waging the president’s 1976 campaign.
After leaving the White House, Cheney returned to his home state of Wyoming, where he was elected in 1978 as the state’s sole member of the House of Representatives. Re-elected to office five times, Cheney served in several leadership positions and was chosen by his colleagues as the minority whip, the number two position in the House Republican leadership.
Early in Cheney’s sixth term, in 1989, he was nominated by President George Bush to serve as Secretary of Defense, and was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. In his four years at the Pentagon, Cheney led American forces to victory in Operation Just Cause in Panama, and Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf. In 1991, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Through most of the 1990s, Cheney worked in the private sector as chairman and chief executive officer of the Halliburton Company in Dallas, Texas. In 2000, George W. Bush asked Cheney to become his running mate and in August 2000, Cheney became the Republican vice presidential nominee. President Bush and Vice President Cheney were inaugurated for the first of two terms on January 20, 2001.
In the eight eventful years of the Bush presidency, the vice president was best known for his involvement in national security matters following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Cheney has been recognized by many as the most powerful and consequential vice president in American history, and worked side by side with George W. Bush to keep our homeland safe and protect Americans from terrorist attacks for seven and a half years following 9/11.
President Bush and Vice President Cheney left office in January 2009. Shortly thereafter, President Obama began to dismantle the security policies that had kept the nation safe. His policy decisions have led to a reversal of the gains America made in the war on terror, in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, and a weakening of America across the globe.
Vice President Cheney was born on January 30, 1941 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He and his wife, Lynne V. Cheney, live in Wyoming and have two daughters and seven grandchildren. Vice President Cheney’s memoir, In My Time, was published in 2011. His latest book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey, was released in October 22, 2013.
Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney is an attorney and specialist in U.S. Middle East policy. She is the former chairman and founder of Keep America Safe, a non-profit organization dedicated to education and advocacy about American national security policy. As a Fox News contributor, she provides analysis on US national security policy and politics. She collaborated with Vice President Cheney on his memoirs, In My Time, published in 2011, and his second book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey published in 2013.
Previously, Ms. Cheney served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. In this capacity, she was the second-ranking State Department official responsible for U.S. policy in the Middle East. Prior to that, Ms. Cheney served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from 2002 to 2004.
Ms. Cheney practiced law at White & Case LLP in the area of international project finance from 1996 to 1999. She has also served on assignment with the International Finance Corporation, and at the State Department and Agency for International Development during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.
A fourth-generation Wyomingite, Ms. Cheney is a member of the International Board of Advisors at the University of Wyoming and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Wyoming in 2013. She also served previously on the boards of the Institute for the Study of War and Rivers of Recovery, an organization based in Wyoming that provides rehabilitation for military veterans through fly-fishing.
She earned her law degree from the University of Chicago in 1996 and her bachelor’s degree from the Colorado College in 1988. She is married to Philip J. Perry and they live in Wilson, Wyoming with their five children.
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Vice President Richard B. Cheney
Across four decades of public life, Dick Cheney has served at the highest levels of government during some of the most critical days in modern American history.

In the post-Watergate administration of Gerald Ford, the president turned to 34-year-old Dick Cheney to lead the White House staff in the work of restoring the nation’s confidence and waging the president’s 1976 campaign.

After leaving the White House, Cheney returned to his home state of Wyoming, where he was elected in 1978 as the state’s sole member of the House of Representatives. Re-elected to office five times, Cheney served in several leadership positions and was chosen by his colleagues as the minority whip, the number two position in the House Republican leadership.

Early in Cheney’s sixth term, in 1989, he was nominated by President George Bush to serve as Secretary of Defense, and was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. In his four years at the Pentagon, Cheney led American forces to victory in Operation Just Cause in Panama, and Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf. In 1991, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Through most of the 1990s, Cheney worked in the private sector as chairman and chief executive officer of the Halliburton Company in Dallas, Texas. In 2000, George W. Bush asked Cheney to become his running mate and in August 2000, Cheney became the Republican vice presidential nominee. President Bush and Vice President Cheney were inaugurated for the first of two terms on January 20, 2001.

In the eight eventful years of the Bush presidency, the vice president was best known for his involvement in national security matters following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Cheney has been recognized by many as the most powerful and consequential vice president in American history, and worked side by side with George W. Bush to keep our homeland safe and protect Americans from terrorist attacks for seven and a half years following 9/11.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney left office in January 2009. Shortly thereafter, President Obama began to dismantle the security policies that had kept the nation safe. His policy decisions have led to a reversal of the gains America made in the war on terror, in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, and a weakening of America across the globe.

Vice President Cheney was born on January 30, 1941 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He and his wife, Lynne V. Cheney, live in Wyoming and have two daughters and seven grandchildren. Vice President Cheney’s memoir, In My Time, was published in 2011. His latest book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey, was released in October 22, 2013.

Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney is an attorney and specialist in U.S. Middle East policy. She is the former chairman and founder of Keep America Safe, a non-profit organization dedicated to education and advocacy about American national security policy. As a Fox News contributor, she provides analysis on US national security policy and politics. She collaborated with Vice President Cheney on his memoirs, In My Time, published in 2011, and his second book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey published in 2013.

Previously, Ms. Cheney served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. In this capacity, she was the second-ranking State Department official responsible for U.S. policy in the Middle East. Prior to that, Ms. Cheney served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from 2002 to 2004.

Ms. Cheney practiced law at White & Case LLP in the area of international project finance from 1996 to 1999. She has also served on assignment with the International Finance Corporation, and at the State Department and Agency for International Development during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.

A fourth-generation Wyomingite, Ms. Cheney is a member of the International Board of Advisors at the University of Wyoming and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Wyoming in 2013. She also served previously on the boards of the Institute for the Study of War and Rivers of Recovery, an organization based in Wyoming that provides rehabilitation for military veterans through fly-fishing.

She earned her law degree from the University of Chicago in 1996 and her bachelor’s degree from the Colorado College in 1988. She is married to Philip J. Perry and they live in Wilson, Wyoming with their five children.
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Eskom has warned the country is in danger of facing a potentially catastrophic nationwide blackout .

Cabinet has been briefed by Eskom about the risk of a total national electricity blackout – and the US embassy in Pretoria has drawn up an evacuation plan partly designed to get its staff out safely if the lights go off in South Africa once and for all.
Senior government sources told City Press that Eskom late last year presented a bleak picture of what would happen if load shedding failed and the system shut down completely.
“It’s a fact. They said we needed to do maintenance because the system was unreliable and would shut down,” said a senior government official.
Eskom warned government that, if the system crashed, it would take at least two weeks to reboot.
A second official privy to the information presented to Cabinet said the “two-week warning” was based on what had happened in California when its electricity system shut down in 2011.
“When your car battery is flat, you need additional capacity to be able to boost it. This is how our system works. California had to buy an amount of power equal to their total capacity to be able to reboot their system,” the second official said.
“We don’t want to go there, because all our neighbours are buying from us. No one in Africa has 42 000MW of power.”
The insider said Eskom had warned government it had no option but to continue load shedding, despite senior ANC and government officials being unhappy about the ongoing power cuts.
“We can’t afford a total blackout. We don’t have that luxury,” the second official said.
Reuters reported on Friday that in the event of a national blackout, President Jacob Zuma and his Cabinet would be taken to a secret location and soldiers would be deployed at national key points, such as the SA Reserve Bank and the SABC’s head office in Auckland Park, Johannesburg.
Eskom this week refused to be drawn on the chances of a large-scale blackout happening and merely said it would continue to implement load shedding to protect the grid, as this was the best way to protect South Africa’s power system.
US embassy staff are now taking a hard look at South Africa’s power situation on a daily basis.
US Embassy spokesperson Jack Hillmeyer confirmed the embassy had a plan, but said it was “standard procedure”.
“The safety and security of our American and local staff and facilities is a top priority,” he said. “As we do in our locations throughout the world, we plan and prepare for possible emergency situations we may face. Our planning in South Africa is similar to what we do in all countries.”
Hillmeyer said he could not discuss specifics about safety and security planning for “obvious reasons”.
Eskom sources have told City Press a national blackout was a “very significant possibility for the foreseeable future”.
Two sources told City Press the situation had become even worse over the past month.
Eskom should be able to generate 43 300MW of power on a 24-hour basis. However, on a good day, the power utility only produces 71% of its generation capacity owing to faults at its power stations – and the need for maintenance is critical. Lately, according to the utility’s own graphs, they have been operating at 65% on most days.
Two mid-level technical managers working at Eskom told City Press “the standing at the edge of the precipice” scenario was certainly not a secret within Eskom.
“We can handle crises with careful management, but if a perfect storm were to hit, with two power stations experiencing breakdowns without warning, we would be in deep trouble,” said one.
“And it is not unrealistic. Have you seen what Eskom’s power stations look like? The fact that more incidents haven’t taken place is a miracle.”
The second manager said the only way to handle the crisis was to be especially diligent when it came to load shedding.
“When there is an incident, we have to switch off. And whoever is watching the grid can’t take their eye off the ball for a second. Even if there is an escalation of incidents, as long as we apply load shedding to keep the demand below the supply, we will be okay. But we are so close to disaster that many of our people come to work every day fearing for the worst.”
Two weeks ago, Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona told a closed meeting of 100 of South Africa’s top business leaders that his senior management “prays every day” that nothing unforeseen happened to collapse the national grid infrastructure, causing a potentially catastrophic nationwide blackout.
A CEO in the telecommunications industry, who did not attend the meeting, but was informed of Matona’s message, told City Press companies not drawing up plans for a worst-case scenario were being “daft”.
“We certainly have had meetings on the issue and God help us all if it does happen, but we can’t sit around doing nothing if the Eskom head himself has warned us,” he said. He did not want to elaborate on his company’s plans to survive a national blackout.
People who keep lights on
Last year, when City Press visited Eskom’s National Control Centre, manager Al’louise van Deventer (pictured) said it was critical officials at the centre never took their eyes off the grid – even a second of negligence could prove costly.
With so little spare electricity available, employees couldn’t even slip away for a bathroom break – they had to ask one of their colleagues to fill in for them and watch their controls. To prevent a catastrophe, Van Deventer’s technicians had to be on the ball as well.
“We look at employees when they check in and make sure they are [well grounded],” said Van Deventer during our visit to the centre last August.
The centre’s precise location is a heavily guarded secret and journalists are not allowed to take phones or recording devices inside.
“This is definitely not a job for excitable people,” said Van Deventer.


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