Monday, December 1, 2014

( The Freedomworks Report ) Patcnews Dec 1, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Freedomworks © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

john boehner, jeb bush and karl rove 
the three liberal republican rino's


I would hope to think you are not advocating the Republican status quo considering we are over $18 Trillion in Public Debt PLUS another $117 Trillion in unfunded liabilities? What if somebody would actually have to pay for all of that someday? ? ? ? ? ?
We all know from the GOP voting record that the Republicans do not fall very far behind the Democrats in voting for LAWLESS spending bills that FAR exceed the 18 limited spending privileges We The People granted them to ensure against American voting MOB rule and vote buying, and to secure our wages, our salaries, our property, our economy, our jobs, our small businesses, as well as our individual and States Rights, "to ourselves and our Posterity" (Preamble of The Constitution) from them and from their hired IRS henchmen of extortion who operate, according to the rulings of The Supreme Court, above the law.
Paul Ryan, told me, when I asked him about obedience to the Tenth Amendment that the Republicans cannot afford to obey it because if they don't buy votes, with our IRS stolen wages, salaries and property, the GOP wouldn't be able to buy elections from their chosen special interest voting blocs and "The Kronies" anymore.
He and the Republicans are Right about that fact, which is why the Republicans HAVE TO pass Amnesty; so they can procure the 20+ Million ILLEGAL voters by transferring our IRS stolen American Middle Class wages, salaries and property to them through EBT Food Share Cards, Taxpayer subsidized low Income Housing, Free Cell Phones, Social Security and Medicare entitlements, free public schooling, special College grants for Illegals, all sorts of other Federal benefits and Welfare programs.
Without doing this the Republicans will lose the ILLEGAL voters to the Democrats. As Karl Rove, Scott Walker, John Boehner, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan all said in one form or another; "That is just the political reality on the ground". What other choice do they have but to make sure that Republicans get the credit for Amnesty and making sure that the American Middle Class wages and salaries are transferred to the Illegals so that the Republicans can win the votes to procure and maintain power in 2016 and beyond? That is why John Boehner has to make sure that the costs for amnesty are in the appropriations bill. From a political point of view and acquiring the Illegal votes, what other choice does he have, but to have the IRS transfer our wages, salaries and property to them?
IF YOU have a problem with any of this, I would recommend that you join US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION so that we can save our economy, small businesses, jobs, wages, property, individual and States Rights from the Rove-Publican Party who KNOWS they have to pass Amnesty and our wages to the ILLEGALS if they want to procure and maintain power.


The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

As the holiday season approaches, Americans are budgeting for Christmas presents, decorations, cards, and of course, lots of delicious food. At such moments, while we are pinching our pennies to maximize holiday cheer, it’s instructive to remember the ways in which government blows through our tax dollars with reckless abandon.
One of these ways is the Export-Import Bank, an 80 year old Grinch of a program, leftover from the New Deal and designed to encourage U.S. exports, a function largely unnecessary in today’s global economy, especially considering that most of the Bank’s loans got o huge corporations like Boeing that scarcely need the help.
The Ex-Im Bank claims, through the magic of government accounting, to be revenue neutral, but in fact, it is expected to cost taxpayers about $2 billion over the decade. It can be hard to wrap your head around a number like that, so let’s express it in terms of what we, as Christmas shopper, could get for that amount of money.
Christmas Tree
In 2013, Americans bought 33 million Christmas trees, for a total cost of $1.16 billion. Just think, the abolition of the Ex-Im Bank would free up enough money to buy nearly double the amount of Christmas trees we purchase each year as a nation. Wouldn’t that be a better use money than subsidizing giant corporations?
Christmas Ham
But if evergreens don’t float your Christmas canoe, there’s always the matter of Christmas dinner to consider. One of the most popular and traditional choices is the Christmas ham, which typically weighs about seven pounds. Depending on what sort of ham you prefer, the money currently used to support the Ex-Im Bank could purchase more than 200 million festive holiday hams, nearly two for every household in America.
Christmas Family
Regardless of your personal preference for Yuletide cuisine, there’s no doubt that a lot of merriment could be spread with the $2 billion devoted to propping up an obsolete and cronyist Bank. According to Forbes, the average American spends about $1,000 on the holiday season. That means that, for the cost of the Ex-Im Bank, 2 million additional people could enjoy a very merry Christmas indeed.
Only a real Scrooge could prefer paying off bankers to promoting peace on Earth and goodwill towards men, but that’s exactly what the Export-Import Bank does. It’s time to end it now.


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