Tuesday, December 16, 2014

( No more Bushy ) Patcnews Dec 16, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports No more Bushy © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush

PALM BEACH, Florida – With the announcement Tuesday by former Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush that he plans to “actively explore” a run for president
in 2016, radio host Rush Limbaugh says the real reason Jeb is seeking
the White House is to choke the influence of tea-party conservatives out
of the Republican Party.

“You want to know why Jeb Bush is thinking about running?” Limbaugh asked on his top-rated program Tuesday.

“He’s … being looked at as savior by the big-money donor class and
the consultant class – the establishment of the party – to head off the
tea party. They’re gonna pull out all the stops to make sure that a
tea-party-type conservative doesn’t get the nomination.

“It could be a sacrificial run just to make sure that a conservative
doesn’t get the nomination in 2016. There’s a whole bunch of stuff under
the surface here that’s percolating and effervescing and it’s all about
us being the No. 1 enemy of these people.”

In a message posted on Facebook on Tuesday, Bush said he’s discussed his plans with his family.

“As a result of these conversations and thoughtful consideration of
the kind of strong leadership I think America needs, I have decided to
actively explore the possibility of running for President of the United
States,” Bush said.

He added, “In the coming months, I hope to visit with many of you and
have a conversation about restoring the promise of America.”

Limbaugh said Bush is going to run “in a unique way.”

“He’s going to do it by ignoring the base. Jeb Bush is out telling
donors … that he is not gonna compromise his principles like others have
in order to get the nomination, meaning he’s not gonna pander to the
tea party. Nope. He’s not gonna pander to conservatives. He’s gonna show
that you can win the Republican Party nomination without securing the

“The Republican Party is dominated now by what is called in the
parlance of the day, the donor class … the big, big donors,” Limbaugh

“So when you hear Jeb, or anybody else, seek the Republican
nomination and start talking about doing it without winning the base …
they’re trying to all come up with a way to win the party nomination
without owing anything to the tea party. Their wildest dream is to
render the tea party, conservatives an irrelevant factor.

“And one of the primary reasons for that is that’s what the donors
want. The donors rule the roost. The donors are the big money. And the
donors determine in large part what the party does. Clearly that’s what
happened here in this budget deal. It’s clearly what’s happening with
amnesty. …

“A lot of this talk about the Jeb candidacy is an attempt to see if
they can actually, once and for all, in a primary setting, relegate the
tea party and members of it who are elected – such as [Sens.] Ted Cruz
and Mike Lee – impotent.”

Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh

On Monday, Bush appeared in the right-leaning state of South
Carolina, delivering the winter commencement address to some 14,000
people, including about 2,000 graduates at the University of South

Warren Tompkins, a longtime South Carolina strategist who steered
former President George Bush’s 2000 campaign and has been talking with
Jeb Bush’s advisers about a 2016 run, told the Washington Post the state’s politics are “fundamentally different” now.

“We’re much more conservative than we were in 2000,” Tompkins said.
“There’s a perception that [Jeb Bush] is a moderate. Here, we’re a
classic three legs of a stool primary electorate: you’ve got to be right
on social issues, on fiscal issues and on foreign affairs. You’ve got
to navigate all those waters. His challenge will be to prove that he’s
fundamentally sound and in sync with us here.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/


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