Sunday, November 30, 2014

( Audrey Russo ) Patcnews Nov 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Audrey Russo © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

  Friday: Debate Analysis Audrey Russo
  guest from New York will be Audrey Russo. We'll get her take on last night's republican debate, and we'll critique the moderators, who, by my cursory glance did a terrible job, and once again Megyn Kelly, or News-Barbie, as we like to call her, tries a gotcha question right off the bat, taking aim at Trump as the womanizing general in the fictitious war on women.

Would love to hear some studio out-takes of News-Barbie Megyn Kelly and see what kind of language she lets fly at the hired help.

The debate did no damage to Trump, in fact he tended to make everybody else on the stage appear that much smaller by comparison.

Jeb Bush is like a tall drink of hot, curdled milk on a 100 degree day in the Sahara. Ted Cruz was essentially ignored. Scott Walker, did he get any significant time? John Kasich...why was he there again?? Ben Carson, please stop whispering or speaking in diminutive, hushed tones. Belt it out, like you were mad at your kids or something!!

Chris Christie. You are just a worthless piece of political garbage. Arrogant, juvenile, and trying to come back after the Obama hug-a-thon comment, Christy was at his lamest. " It's the hugs I gave to the 9/11 victims families that people remember".christie_obama_nj Really? Can someone please used one of those theatrical canes(king-sized, of course) and drag Christie off the stage? He should really just switch parties and run against Hillary.

OK...I will save it for the show, which starts at 3:05PM Eastern at

In hour 2, the Mysterious Colonel and Trade Martin will chime in with their debate thoughts, and we'll preview what's coming up next week!

AmericanreportPlus, a sneak preview of our newest show, the weekly round-table show "American Report, which debuts Saturday at 8:05AM Eastern at and


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