Sunday, October 19, 2014

( The Ebola Report Director CDC ) Patcnews Oct 19, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Fox News Megyn Kelly CDC Director over Ebola © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Perry calls for tougher Ebola screening at U.S. entry points Texas Gov. Rick Perry Calls For Added Federal Ebola Screening

Announces Creation of Task Force to Enhance State’s Ability to Respond to Pandemic Diseases


AUSTIN, Texas—Gov. Rick Perry on Monday called on federal officials to boost Ebola screening at all U.S. points of entry, as he announced the creation of a task force to assess and enhance the state’s ability to respond to pandemic diseases.

Perry calls for tougher Ebola screening at U.S. entry points
Gov. Rick Perry on Monday called on the federal government to immediately step up the screening of people coming into the United States at every point of entry to combat Ebola.
American-Statesman Staff
Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Monday called on the federal government to immediately step up the screening of people coming into the United States to combat the spread of the Ebola virus.
People coming in from areas experiencing outbreaks of Ebola and other serious, contagious diseases would be questioned and could have something as simple as their temperature taken, Perry said. Anyone who presents a public health concern would be held at customs and quarantined, he added.
Perry also issued an executive order creating a task force to enhance the state’s readiness to handle additional cases of Ebola, should they occur, as well as other infectious diseases, after missteps in Dallas where the nation’s first Ebola case was diagnosed last week.
Perry said he did not make an official request of the federal government, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a written statement to the American-Statesman that it works with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has processes in place to detect ill people traveling from abroad. Travelers are observed and questioned for “overt signs of illness” at all entry points, and customs workers have gowns, masks and other protective gear on site, the statement said.
“CBP personnel receive training in illness recognition, but if they identify an individual believed to be infected, CBP will contact CDC along with local public health authorities to help with further medical evaluation,” the statement said. “The traveler would be isolated from the traveling public while the CDC and local public health authorities conduct an evaluation.”
The Ebola patient in Dallas, Thomas Eric Duncan of Liberia, was said to have fallen ill after he arrived in the U.S. Sept. 20. He first went to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Sept. 25 but was sent back to an apartment where he was staying with a family, including children. Duncan’s condition worsened and he returned the hospital three days later, when he was diagnosed. He’s in critical condition now, and the people who might have been exposed to Ebola are being monitored in Dallas.
“There were mistakes made,” Perry said. “There will probably be mistakes made in the future as we go forward. I stand by the fact that the process is working. We don’t have an outbreak. We have one event that is being handled properly.”
The task force, he said, will help ensure that lessons learned from events in Dallas are put in place.
Perry named Dr. Brett Giroir, CEO of the Texas A&M Health Science Center, as the leader of the 17-member task force, which will assess the situation, make recommendations and provide timely information to the public about Ebola and other infectious diseases.
“The presence of Ebola in our state is a serious concern,” Giroir said at the news conference, flanked by the governor and other members of the committee. “However, all appropriate identification and control measures have been implemented and are working to prevent any additional transmission of the disease beyond those contacts potentially already exposed and now being carefully monitored. …
“Remember, this is the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States and it would be foolish to believe there would be no lessons learned,” Giroir said.
The task force intends to share its expertise with officials in other states, Perry said.
Before joining the health science center last year, Giroir was the principal investigator in a partnership program between Texas A&M University and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that sought to enhance the nation’s emergency preparedness against emerging infectious diseases.
From 2004 to 2008, Giroir was the federal government’s deputy director and later, director, of the Defense Sciences Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which handled research that included biodefense.


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