Tuesday, October 14, 2014

( Angela Rigas District 86, Michigan 2016 ) Patcnews Oct 14, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Candidate for State Representative District 86, Michigan House District 2016 © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Angela Rigas I grew up Hasting Michigan daughter of a factory worker   My Moms stay at home.  We struggle financially. Mom left when I was 13. My dad was my hero until he pass away in 2008. He taught me work ethic honestly and courage. I graduated from  Hasting High School in 1993 My first was  at the Hasting Mcdonalds, then I worked banking business for 4 years. I got in the salon  finally in 2009 working for Panopoulos   Salon, then managing Regas Corporation in finally  in 2009. I became self employed.

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See also: Michigan House of Representatives elections, 2014
Elections for the office of Michigan House of Representatives will take place in 2014. A primary election was held on August 5, 2014, and a general election will take place on November 4, 2014. The signature-filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was April 22, 2014. Lynn Mason was unopposed in the Democratic primary. Incumbent Lisa Posthumus Lyons defeated Angela Rigas in the Republican primary. Lyons faces Mason in the general election.


Dear @JusesCrustHD,

I started blogging about my son Quinn and his disability, I knew this
day would come. There’s no shortage of trolls on the Internet who hide
behind the anonymity of a screen name with the intent to be cruel, and
I’ve seen their hostility many times before. In fact, in the wake of a
recent robbery at the Down Syndrome Association of Houston’s
headquarters, in which $10,000 worth of technology was stolen, there was
no shortage of ignorant comments on the news story reporting the
incident. One user asked, “how will they learn to count to potato?”
Another claimed that wasting computers on “retards” was stupid anyway
and that the organization deserved to be robbed. These comments, while
offensive, simply serve to showcase people’s hate-fueled ignorance and
aren’t worth my time. I grimace when I read them, but realize there’s
little to be done about such stupidity. But last Saturday, you targeted
my son personally and instead of being angry, I’d like to give you some
advice: Don’t be a d*ck. It will come back to haunt you. I don’t want to
make assumptions about you, but I can only guess that you know little
about the helplessness that parents feel when caring for a sick infant
with respiratory issues. Quinn was sick last week, but was feeling much
better by Friday. We decided to sit in the backyard and soak up the sun
after school. There aren’t many things in this world more beautiful than
seeing your recently-ill child light up in a smile, and I snapped a few
photos to celebrate his recovery, then posted them on Instagram with
the hashtag “#downsyndrome.” I love to look through those photos myself
in my spare time, because damn if those kiddos aren’t adorable. Of
course, you feel differently because you, JusesCrustHD, found this photo
and left a comment with one simple word:


fact that you find my child ugly is one thing. You are entitled to your
opinion. But the fact that you intentionally search #downsyndrome to
find pictures to insult (sadly, Quinn is not the only victim of your
behavior; I came across many other inflammatory responses) is both
childish and sad. Your profile is also full of offensive posts and crude
statements. In one such photo, featuring two kids with Down syndrome
and the word “wiitard,” you get bent out of shape because many, MANY
people called you on your prejudice. You claim it was a joke and that
people should lighten up. But what about purposefully seeking out
pictures of our children? What about the fact that a beautiful
photograph of my son was tarnished by your hatred? That’s not a joke.
That’s cyberbullying. Needless to say, I reported your profile.

will not be the last time someone discounts my son because he is
different. It will not be the last time someone makes a joke at his
expense, but to actively seek out actual people to tease goes beyond
cruel. It’s inhuman.

recognize that you want to see me get worked up about your little
“joke.” I’ll be honest; it’s hard not to be angry about it, but I can’t
allow myself to carry that weight on my shoulders. I can’t allow myself
to feel anything but sorry for an individual with so little tact.
Because in end, you will be the one to face the consequences of your
choices someday. There are few people in this world who tolerate that
kind of backwards thinking, and you’ll eventually mouth off to the wrong
person. My guess is that you already have, which is why you hide behind
a screen name.

knows there were plenty of cruel adolescent boys in my time: boys who
took pleasure in pranks and jokes at others’ expense. There were even a
few of them that were directed at me, but it gave me tough skin and I
grew from the experience of facing such mistreatment. Maybe that’s why
I’m willing to let this one go; I know where most of those boys ended
up, and it’s nowhere I’d want to be. And as a teacher, I’ve seen kids
like you crash and burn. Go outside. Read a book. Compliment someone.
Most importantly, enlighten yourself; there’s already enough cruelty in
this world, and anyone worth their salt should be striving to make this
place better, not worse.

simply hope my own children learn to look past ignorant comments and
actions and treat others with respect and dignity. We all deserve it,
even you.


A Proud Mama

Read more: http://www.mix969.com/onair/

 Angela Rigas ~ Merry Christmas to my sweet little angel Maverick. Four years ago today your beating heart stopped at 28 weeks along. You left us before I ever got the chance to meet you. After I delivered you, I held your lifeless body for over 8 hours. I pictured in my head what your cry would have sounded like, what your eyes would look like, my heart broke that day. I think about you every single day. Today I received earrings from your daddy that would have been your birthstone. I love you sweetheart. My beautiful little angel.


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