Tuesday, October 28, 2014

( The Military And Veteran Report ) Patcnews Oct 26, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network The Military And Veteran Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland sent home worksheets
with students that infuriated parents. The homework? Three pages of
Islamic propaganda.  Then the  school filed a restraining order against a
US Marine veteran parent who refused to let his child participate in the assignment.

An assignment on Islam

When Kevin Wood stopped by his daughter’s room and asked how she was
doing with her homework, she seemed to be hiding it from him. He took
the papers and looked at them, but what he found made him livid.

Her world history class talked about Muhammad and the tenets of
Islamic religion…comparing it to Christianity, but without
allowing Christians to be heard. It indoctrinated the students with
false ideas of Islam, and did not give them a true picture. History is
literally  being re-written.

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 The world history text:

The question became, why is Islam taught in the school, but not
Christianity or Judaism?  If it’s ok to talk about Muhammad, why isn’t
it ok to discuss Christ?Why would the school allow a text that tells
children that Islam treats “conquered peoples with tolerance, kindness,
and respect” when that is absolutely not true? Recent beheadings,
threats of death,  demands for Jizya tax…all are obvious examples of the
false narrative being fed to the children.

The true history of Islam throughout the ages is one of intense
violence,  slaughter, terror, and barbaric practices against women, and
conquered peoples. One needs only pay attention to current world events
to see that truth. It is not a “religion of peace” and never has been.

The school answer

The Woods contacted the Administrator, “Miss Pearl,” who said she
would come up with alternate assignments for their daughter. She was
polite and did not appear to have a problem with their complaint. The
daughter’s regular teacher was out of town and would not return until
Oct 27.

But later, the Vice Principal of the school, “Miss Morris” told them
that  if their daughter did not complete that original assignment, she
would receive a zero or an “F.”

The battle intensifies

Outraged, Mr. Wood told the school that he would be bringing the
media in to the issue. The Vice Principal then contacted the court and
filed a restraining order against Mr. Wood, effectively banning him from
coming to the school his daughter attends.

The Wood family believes that order has something to do with a
confrontation the year before, when the Vice Principal confiscated their
daughter’s cell phone, saying it was “illegal” for her to have it. Mr.
Wood battled for his daughter in that situation, and they believe Miss
Morris recognized his name.

[To be clear, a high schooler in possession of cell phone is not exactly "illegal." It is a school rule that
makes the students subject to disciplinary action if they do not keep
the cell phone hidden and OFF during portions of the school day. The
purpose of which is to keep students from  socializing rather than
paying attention during class. In all cases, if the phone is
confiscated, it is to be returned to the parent.]

The Woods are awaiting a decision by the Board of Education at this
time. The regular instructor should return on Monday. Alternate
assignments in World History could be an excellent way of circumventing
this issue. The hard line approach of the Vice Principal does not leave
room for an equitable solution to the problem. Parents need to be more
pro-active in checking their children’s homework to see what they are
being taught. The pro-Islamic agenda is riding the politically correct
wave -only parents can stop it.

Former captive Bergdahl returning to regular duty

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has completed the final phase of his reintegration at an Army hospital in Texas and will return to "regular duty," the Army confirmed Monday.
Bergdahl was released from Taliban captivity May 31 in a controversial trade that resulted in handing over five Taliban detainees to the government of Qatar in return for his freedom.
Bergdahl was held captive by the Taliban for nearly five years after he went missing from his post in Afghanistan in 2009. As part of the reintegration process Bergdahl, 28, received therapy and counseling at an Army hospital in San Antonio, and will be assigned at the same base, Fort Sam Houston.
"He will now return to regular duty within the command where he can contribute to the mission," an Army statement said. "The Army investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding the disappearance and capture of Bergdahl is still ongoing."
Bergdahl's new assignment will be "commensurate" with his rank, said Don Manuszewski, a spokesman for the Army in San Antonio. Bergdahl was promoted while in captivity.
His new responsibilities at Fort Sam Houston will involve mainly administrative tasks at the headquarters unit on the post, he said.
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl has been assigned to investigate Bergdahl's disappearance from his outpost in Afghanistan in 2009. The Army had said, however, that the investigation would have to wait until Bergdahl's health had improved.
An Army fact-finding investigation conducted in the months after Bergdahl's disappearance concluded he walked away from his post of his own free will, CNN reported, citing an official who was shown the report.
But the report said there was no definitive conclusion Bergdahl was a deserter because that would require knowing his intent — something officials couldn't learn without talking to him, a U.S. military official has said.
Bergdahl's return to service comes after the Obama administration drew sharp rebukes from many Republicans — and even some Democrats — in Congress for making the swap. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., had been among those who expressed concern that the Guantanamo Bay detainees released in the Bergdahl deal could return to the battlefield and even kill Americans.
Last week Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who heads the Armed Services Committee, released letters from each of Joint Chiefs expressing support for Bergdahl's "repatriation."
"Each of these military leaders emphasized a simple principle — America does not leave its troops behind," Levin said in a statement. "The unanimous support of the Joint Chiefs for securing Sgt. Bergdahl's release is a powerful statement on the importance of that commitment. I give great weight to their views, and I believe it's important for the American people to hear them."

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