Friday, October 24, 2014

( Kimberly Guilfoyle: Young Women Voting ) Patcnews Oct 24, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Fox News The Five Kimberly Guilfoyle: Young Women Voting © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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Let’s Parse This Comment by Fox’s Kimberly Guilfoyle: What She Really Said About Young Women Voting


The Five co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle caught flak from the Huffington Post, Salon, Media Matters, and even E!Online when she made an off-hand remark about young women and voting.

“I just think excuse them so they can go back on Tinder or”

The context is that Fox’s The Five panel was discussing how young, single women tend to lean Democrat whereas older, married women tend to lean Republican, or are more conservative because as co-host Greg Gutfeld claims, “with age comes wisdom.”
Gutfeld stated that “it’s a known fact that the older that you get, the more conservative you get” and that young people don’t need to wait to get older in order to become conservative. Gutfeld’s comments are necessary context throughout the entire discussion.
To this comment, Guilfoyle, a former Court TV anchor and lawyer, responded that this is seen in juries, as well, where young women are seen by some lawyers to not “get it,” because they simply do not have the life experience of their older or married peers.

“The same reason why young women on juries is not a good idea. They don’t get it. They’re not in that same life experience of paying the bills, doing the mortgage, kids, community, crime, education, healthcare…

They’re like healthy and hot and running around without a care in the world.”

When Bob Beckel said young women had every right to be on juries, Guilfolyle responded that she didn’t say that they shouldn’t be. She then made a quip about going back onto Tinder or and then chuckled.
Look out below! Here come the breathless headlines about Fox News wanting to suppress the young woman vote and what they’re really saying is that women should probably never leave their homes and stay barefoot and pregnant all the time.
The HuffPo article itself takes her comments and tone out-of-context; jumping from a context that is rooted in age and experience to one where “Fox News” is trying to suppress women voting:

“Fox News is discouraging young people from voting again, but this time the target is more specific: young women…”

Ironically, right before focusing on young female voters, the panel discussed the Democrats’ failing ‘War on Women’ tactic.


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