Monday, October 6, 2014

( Carrie Underwood ) Patcnews Oct 6, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Carrie Underwood "Something In The Water" - Audio © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews



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Carrie Underwood Has a Message for People Who Hate Her Christian Lyrics

Carrie Underwood Has a Message for People Who Hate Her Christian Lyrics
Country superstar Carrie Underwood, plucked from obscurity on the hit talent television show American Idol, has recently come under attack by atheists for her new hit song “Something in the Water.” But Underwood is not backing down from the Christian claims she makes in the melody.
The overtly Christian song affirms the reality of God, conversion, and baptism, the Conservative Tribune reported.
With water baptism being a common practice in the Christian faith, symbolizing the believer’s dedication to a life in tune with Jesus Christ, it’s no wonder atheists have taken issue with Underwood’s praise of the practice in her beautiful ballad.
Underwood does not mince words on her beliefs nor in her opinion of those who attempt to undermine them, namely irate atheists upset at her song’s sentiment, when she said:

“I’m not the first person to sing about God, Jesus, faith [or] any of that, and I won’t be the last,” the Blaze reported. “And it won’t be the last for me, either. If you don’t like it, change the channel.”
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Underwood’s intention for the song is to convey the message that God improves the lives of those who follow Him.

“It’s really kind of a joyous, uplifting song about changing your life for the better and kind of having that ‘a-ha’ moment, to waking up and your life being different from that moment forward,” Underwood said.
The singer was inspired to write this song just days after her own baptism symbolizing her solid commitment to Christ.

Then it hit me like a lightning late one night
I was all out of hope and all out of fight
Couldn’t fight back the tears so I fell on my knees
Saying, “God, if you’re there come and rescue me.”
Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I’m changed
Underwood hopes her message is far reaching and touches the hearts of those that need it most.
As a conservative, please don’t turn the channel when this song comes on, instead turn up to volume and hear the message, while annoying atheists within hearing range.
Listen to the moving message in “Something in the Water” below:


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