Sunday, October 12, 2014

( muslims at Flight Schools ) Patcnews Oct 12, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports muslims at American Flight Schools - Why ATP © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Middle East will have 8,000 pilots in next 20 years

 This IS Red Flag If you care About America share this Link and photo

News Report from Newsmax : muslims Female pilots from the Middle East and Syria just been hire and cleared by The FAA To fly
 [ Untied Airlines ] Are you kidding me ???
 Here we go again sharia law in the us 9/11
middle east gets 8000 pilots muslims Female pilots in next 20 years to fly All America commercial Airlines... We Since at Newsmax America is going to have another 9/11 again
This is [ Red Alert ] Where is Tom Ridge where you need him ??? I tell you one thing this is true  if America Gets attack it's obama's fault

More than 8,000 commercial pilots will be added  over the next 20 years to satisfy demand from expanding Middle East carriers, aerospace experts say.

  • WAM
  • Published: 15:22 OCTOBER 12, 2014

  • Salma Mohammad Al Baloushi and Aisha Hassan Al Mansouri are set to become the first female UAE national pilots to take to the skies.

Abu Dhabi: More than 8,000 commercial pilots will be needed over the next 20 years to satisfy demand from expanding Middle East carriers, aerospace experts say.

Massive fleet development among the region's commercial carriers, including Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways, is spurring demand for manpower, according to the Al Ain-based Horizon International Flight Academy (Horizon).

Aerospace experts are predicting that the world's aviation fleet will double to more than 35,000 aircraft by 2025.

"The only thing that can be done to meet the shortfall is to train more people for careers as pilots," said Mohammed Humaidan Al Zaabi, General Manager of Horizon.

Al Zaabi added that more Emirati men and women are showing interest in taking up a profession in aviation. "The career potential for locals is huge," he said.

Al Zaabi said they are offering alternative "cost effective training courses" for aspiring pilots.

"With much of the new demand for pilots originating in the Middle East, it makes sense to train them here," he said.


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