Monday, September 15, 2014

( Megyn Kelly is once again facing backlash muslims CAIR’s agenda ) Patcnews Sept 15, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports 'Why Did Palestinians Elect Hamas?' Megyn Kelly Takes on Ahmadiyya muslims © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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                          liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Monday, September 15, 2014

FOX NEWS MAY FIRE MEGYN KELLY FOR TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM! In the weeks since agents of the radical Islamic terrorist group Hamas kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers–one of whom had dual citizenship in both Israel and the United States–Israel has worked to bring the terrorists to justice. When Hamas responded to those efforts by firing long-range rockets from Gaza into Israel, the Israel Defense Forces prepared for, and then began, ground operations to root out the terrorists and destroy the tunnel network they use to smuggle weapons into and throughout Gaza. As in any conflict, civilian casualties occur. Israel, which takes special efforts to protect its civilian population, suffers relatively few. The Palestinian civilians, unfortunately, do not receive the same treatment from their government–Hamas uses civilians as human shields, both to protect their war materiel and to score propaganda victories when the liberal media decries the civilian deaths. Megyn Kelly recently asked Muslim author Harris Zafar about the connection between the deaths of civilian Palestinians and the terrorists of Hamas, whom Palestinians elected into their government.  She claimed that the Palestinians obviously identify with Hamas. “People look at Hamas and say, ‘They are the Palestinians, and the Palestinians are Hamas,’” she argued as explanation as to why they voted for the group.  Zafar argued that Osama bin Laden held a similar position–that Americans had voted  George W. Bush into office and therefore were guilty and fair targets for violent attacks.

Megyn Kelly is once again facing backlash after covering a segment on honor killings and the treatment of women in Islamic countries on her show The Kelly File. Megyn Kelly Refuses to Cave to Angry Muslims CAIR’s agenda is to go after anyone who speaks the truth about militant Islam.  They’re not interested in helping victims of the abuses of shariah law or honor killings.  They want political correctness, and they and the mainstream media cover up the violence against women that is rampant in the Middle East.
It just goes to show that liberals obsessed with political correctness are more committed to protecting Islam than standing up for “women’s rights,” which is something that they claim is near and dear to their hearts.  Where is the real “War on Women,” and why aren’t liberals speaking out about it?

'Why Did Palestinians Elect Hamas?' Megyn Kelly Takes on Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Spokesperson

As seen on The Kelly File
Megyn Kelly tonight took on Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA spokesperson Harris Zafar over the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
“The contention that the victims have themselves to blame for their
indiscriminate targeted murder, is not only insensitive, it’s dangerous
and myopic,” Zafar said about Hamas using civilians to hide its
weaponry. He said Hamas commits nefarious acts which must be condemned,
but they do not embody the ambitions or desires of Palestinians.
Kelly asked him: Why did Palestinians elect Hamas?

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“People look at Hamas and say, ‘They are the Palestinians, and the Palestinians are Hamas,’” she said.
But Zafar said that’s the argument that was made by Osama bin Laden –
that Americans elected George W. Bush and have forfeited rights to be
protected civilians. “The United States doesn’t have in its Constitution a stated mission of
destroying another country. The Hamas charter specifically says ‘All  Israelis must die,’” Kelly fired back.

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“Both sides have violated the laws of their own faith. So we can’t
continue to defend one side versus the other […] Peace is with justice.
It’s not with wars. You’re not going to get peace by killing more
children,” Zafar said.


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