Saturday, September 20, 2014

( Lily4Liberty' ) Patcnews Sept 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Lily4Liberty' One on One with Sage Steele © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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When I was growing up under Mao’s regime in China, the government used Household Registration and Personnel File system to keep track of its citizens from birth to death. This old photo of me in Mao’s Red Guard uniform was used in my Middle School Student File which documented everything: age, gender, parents, their jobs and political class, religion, siblings, home address, your grades, awards, punishments, politically incorrect speeches, bad behaviors, etc. Then this file followed me to my high school, college, my first job, my future jobs, etc. It was shared by all the government agencies and employers.
Before I left for America to pursue a master degree, my Communist boss made me to sign a paper to promise to return to my job after my graduate study or my file would be returned back to my hometown Chengdu of Sichuan Province. I was the law school assistant professor at Fudan University in Shanghai which is one of the top Chinese universities. Sending my file back to my hometown means I would lose my legal career forever and has a black spot in my file which makes it harder to get another good job. I had to sign it in order for my employer to release me so I could apply for my passport with their consent papers. Even though I finally broke the tracking of Chinese government of me by coming to America, but I still feel sometimes I could be haunted by my file, have nightmares about it, which finally went back to my hometown Chengdu somewhere in the local security or police office today.
I am running for state representative in HD 44 in Colorado, because I want to use my own story as a Chinese immigrant to wake up Americans, because I believe this country is the Shining City on the Hill I came here for. What is happening now and what has happened for a long time is very dangerous and scary. NSA is watching us, Common Core is used to track our children, our government and corporations are invading our privacy, what else could come to take away more of our rights? Our freedom is very precious and we must fight to keep it. Without it, you are just a slave no matter how much money you have. Trust me to say this because I lived under tyranny before and will never want to live in it again. I took a long journey from tyranny to liberty, feel like I am back in tyranny again. If you like my story, please share this and like my FB: Lily4Liberty, or check out my web site: Please join me to fight for our liberties, join me to repeal Common Core. Thank you for your support.

        The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

                           liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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                          liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

In her speech to Electronic Communication Students at Cal State Dominguez University Hills late last month, founder Amy Senk offered up not just her life story but also lot of wisdom for the burgeoning journalists in the room who may or may not have been toying with the idea of taking the path of online publishing.

Amy Senk shed light on the life of both a print and electronic journalist for Electronic Communication students at Cal State University Dominguez Hills late last month. A semi-accidental journalist turned stay-at-home mom turned CEO, Senk – founder of – did not mince words when it came to discussing how she ended up on the path of an electronic journalist. 

The family of Nate Dogg announced Tuesday evening that the hip-hop legend had died at the age of 41.
Born Nathaniel Hale in Long Beach, California, Nate Dogg grew up singing in church before joining the Peace Corps at 16 for a three-year run. After that, Nate formed the trio 213 with childhood friends Snoop Dogg and Warren G in the early 90′s, which was the inception of the revolutionary sound in hip-hop known as “G-Funk”, and the rest is music history.
Throughout the course of his 15+ year career, Nate Dogg’s smooth, soulful, and unmistakable croon earned him over 200 guest appearances on a variety of seminal hip-hop albums, 12 top-40 hits on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart, 14 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop chart, three solo albums of his own, four Grammy nominations, and the indisputable title as the voice of hip-hop.
A series of strokes in 2007 and 2008 left Nate Dogg paralyzed on his left side but his voice  was reportedly unaffected and many wondered if he and when he would resume his music career. Although some reports stated he had been working on new material, nothing had materialized by the time of his death.

When people think of great sportscasters, names like Hannah Storm, Holly Rowe, Sage Steele, and Erin Andrews may not readily come to mind without the assistance of a search engine. This is a fact that California State University Dominguez Hills senior Kristina Wheeler is determined to change. Her first step is by adding her name to that list.
A communications major, with an emphasis in public relations, Wheeler says it was how the public related to women’s sports in high school, where she played on the basketball team, that sparked her interest in female sportscasting.
“They wouldn’t come. People came out like crazy to support the boys’ team but nobody came to the girls’ games,” Wheeler said. Later on, she discovered that it was more than women’s athletic skills people cared less about. “From what I saw, people thought girls aren’t that good at sports and they don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to sports.”
This overwhelming apathy towards female athleticism is what motivated Wheeler to set her sights upon more than just playing sports. “If I got injured playing [sports] and couldn’t do it anymore, I would still have my voice,” she said.
For Wheeler, her motivation comes from being inspired by listening to voices similar to hers that have been able to forge a successful path into the world of sports journalism. You can watch an interview with one of Wheeler’s biggest inspirations, Sage Steele, below as she discusses her upbringing, what led her into the world of sports journalism, and how she’s managed to successfully navigate such male-dominated waters.


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