Sunday, September 14, 2014

(Sarah Palin Loves Chick-fil-A ) Patcnews Sept 14, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Sarah Palin Loves Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches but Now A High school bans sales of 'offensive' Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

WOW, What Chick-Fil-A Just Did For This Fallen Police Officer Is AWESOME!

Jan 12, 2017 by Dylan Leave a Comment

Fox News A central Florida Chick-fil-A restaurant is honoring a police officer who died during a manhunt for a suspected cop killer.

Fox 35 Orlando reported Tuesday that Orange County Deputy First Class Norman Lewis was a big fan of the fast food restaurant – so much so that he visited an Orlando location one or twice a week for years.

The staff at this particular location was stunned by Lewis’ recent death. He was helping other Florida officers in a manhunt for 41-year-old Markeith Loyd, who police say shot and killed an officer who confronted him outside a Walmart on Monday. Lewis was killed in a crash while responding to the manhunt.

The restaurant decided to create a tribute for Lewis called the “Missing Man Table.” Photos show a white cloth on one of the tables in the restaurant with a meal, a Bible and Lewis’ picture on top.

“I turned on the TV, and I couldn’t believe it. I just started balling,” Beth Ivey, a restaurant employee, told Fox 35 Orlando. “I can’t believe I won’t see him ever again. It doesn’t seem real.”

Lewis also frequented a gas station in the area and employees said they looked forward to seeing him every week.
Orange County Deputy First Class Norman Lewis (Orange County Sheriff/Twitter)
Danielle Giaquinto said Lewis would give some of the employees giant bear hugs and huge smiles when he visited the station.

“I still can’t even believe it,” she added. “I immediately had a panic attack, because everyone knows how close I am to him.”

Lewis was a graduate at the University of Central Florida. He played on the school’s football team as well.

The manhunt for Loyd is ongoing. Authorities raised the reward for the suspected cop-killer to $100,000 and confirmed the suspect likely has someone helping him stay one step ahead of law enforcement.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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High school bans sales of 'offensive' Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches

“With their political stance on gay rights and because the students
of Ventura High School and their parents would be at the event, I didn’t
want them on campus,” Val Wyatt, principal of Ventura High School, told
the Ventura County Star. Ironically, the school district claims it
embraces "inclusivity and diversity," which these days means, "think
like us or else."
“We value inclusivity and diversity on our campus and all of our
events and activities are going to adhere to our mission,” said Ventura
Unified School District Superintendent Trudy Tuttle Arriaga.
Apparently, in Arriaga's view, "diversity" means only allowing sales
from companies whose management believes as they do, with no room for
differing points of view.
"This is a classic example of those preaching inclusivity and
diversity being the least inclusive and diverse of all," Starnes said.
As we have reported many times before, it's not the first time liberals
have displayed such an Orwellian view of "diversity."
Starnes said the local franchise has a long history of supporting schools in the area, having donated some $21,000 to Ventura schools in the last year. Last week's event would have raised an estimated $1,600 for the football team.
“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from
uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim said.
“We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Originally, Starnes said, the principal claimed the “main reason” she
banned Chick-fil-A was to keep outside organizations from selling or
advertising at the event. She told the Ventura Star she didn't want the
school to become a "marketplace for all kinds of vendors to come to the
campus and reap profit.”
But Starnes said that explanation didn't pass the smell test. All of
the proceeds would have gone to the booster club, and Chick-fil-A would
not have made a cent.
One student supported the principal's decision, telling CBS Los
Angeles that for gay students at the school, Chick-fil-A's presence
"might be kind of weird." Michelle Cisneros, a parent whose daughter
attends the school, however, disagreed, telling CBS Chick-fil-A "should
have been allowed to be here.”
CBS said Chick-fil-A is not permantently banned from donating food.
According to CBS, the booster club will be allowed to sell tickets for
meals off campus, when school is not in session.


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