Wednesday, August 20, 2014

( The Real Estate Report ) Patcnews Aug 18, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Real Estate Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Christine Mulijono Realtor 
The Hibbert Group
Main 561-400-8222 
Office 561-752-5414

Claudienne Hibbert
The Hibbert Group


Office 954-966-0631

For Sale: The Clampett Mansion from 'The Beverly Hillbillies'

Coldwell Banker Global Luxury, Hilton & Hyland, and Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

By Chris Morris
August 8, 2017

Jed Clampett may have made his first fortune in oil, but he’s about to find that real estate is where the real money’s at.
The house that was featured as the setting for The Beverly Hillbillies is up for sale—and it’s boasting the most expensive real estate price tag in the country: $350 million.
That will take a lot of black gold (or, if you prefer, Texas tea) to afford, but you’ll get plenty for the money. The 10.3-acre estate, with a 25,000-square-foot main house and a 5,700-square-foot guesthouse, actually belonged to A. Jerrold “Jerry” Perenchio, the media tycoon who sold Univision in 2007 and had a hand in the production of 1970s sitcom hits including The Jeffersons and One Day at a Time.
Perenchio passed away in May of this year.
The estate, known as Chartwell, was built in the 1930s as a gift for a property developer’s wife. She hated it, though, and never moved in, leaving it empty until it was sold in the 1940s. Perenchio added to the property, buying up five nearby land parcels, including Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s longtime home.
The estate also comes with pristine gardens, a lighted tennis court and an undergound parking garage for 40 cars. And, of course, a swimming pool—a 75-foot long one, in fact.


Realtors take steps to improve safety for their agents

DES MOINES, Iowa — Prospective homebuyers who want to tour a house here might now have to meet the listing agent in a coffee shop or an office and show their driver’s license.
The new protocol comes as real estate firms around the country launch training and safety initiatives in an effort to protect agents.
Real estate professionals say the job has inherent dangers. Agents often find themselves alone in empty houses with prospective buyers they have never before met. But recent, high-profile murders of real estate agents have pushed the issue into the spotlight.
Last year, Arkansas real estate agent Beverly Carter was found dead after showing a home to a stranger.
In 2011, 27-year-old real estate agent Ashley Okland was shot and killed inside a model townhome in a suburb of Des Moines.
“Ashley was our ‘one too many,’ and we don’t want another one,” said Robin Polder, president of the Des Moines Area Association of Realtors.
Des Moines real estate firms Thursday announced a new safety initiative encouraging agents to not show homes to strangers before meeting them in a public place and checking their ID. The initiative includes an optional pledge for brokers and Realtors and an optional contract for home sellers.
The seller contract prohibits any agent from showing the home to someone they have not previously met and identified.

Dylan de Bruin, a Century 21 agent who helped create the seller contract, called the step “revolutionary” because it requires agents, even those who have not signed the safety pledge, to first meet new buyers in a safe place.
“I think this is something that starts here, catches and spreads all over the country,” said R. Michael Knapp, CEO of Iowa Realty.
Chris Polychron, 2015 president of the National Association of Realtors, said he thinks Des Moines’ optional seller contract is the first of its kind and he hopes other real estate firms adopt it. “I think they have been pioneers in a serious problem,” he said.
Meeting prospective buyers in public and checking their ID discourages would-be attackers and allows agents to spot red flags in a safe place, he said.

To encourage that practice, dozens of real estate brokerages and other firms have joined Open Door Partners. Participating companies open their offices for real estate agents — even those from competing companies — to meet with prospective buyers.
But there is still plenty of room for progress, Polychron said.
In 2013, the most recent year for which statistics were available, 25 real estate professionals were the victims of homicide, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
According to a 2015 National Association of Realtors study, 46% of Realtors said their brokerages had safety procedures for agents. Another 40% said they have experienced a situation that made them fear for their personal safety or personal information.
For agents and prospective buyers, meeting in public before showings is an added step that could be the difference between closing on a property or not. But advocates for the practice say it’s worth the time.
”We are not in any way trying to hinder a buyer’s capacity to get in a house, but we do have to take some steps to retrain the public to understand some safety protocols,” de Bruin said.
Sexiest Real Estate Agent in the World! Anything

 The Sexiest Real Estate Agents in the World 2011 is a Facebook competition to vote for the Sexiest Real Estate Agent! We have been excepting entries since January, of Women Real Estate Professionals willing to bare their Bikini Bods to fight for the Title of Sexiest Real Estate Agent of the World 2011. We started with a staggering 5,798 entries! Then we narrowed the contest down to 5 on Twitter through who had the most TWEETS (VOTES). THE FINAL 3 SEXIEST REAL ESTATE AGENTS IN THE WOLD REMAIN. IT IS UP TO YOU TO VOTE FOR THEM BY FRIENDING THEM ON FACEBOOK! EACH PROFILE BELOW HAS THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS FACEBOOK PAGE. SIMPLY FRIEND REQUEST THE HOTTEST REAL ESTATE AGENT FOR HER CHANCE TO WIN THE TITLE "SEXIEST REAL ESTATE AGENT IN THE WORLD!' Vote Now on their Facebook Contest Pages by Friend Requesting your Favorite.
 1.1 Stephany Styles

  1. Thank you everyone for your votes on Twitter for The Sexiest Real Estate Woman in the World 2011! I'm so excited and beside myself I received this many votes to make it to the final 3! Wow!! Please VOTE for me on my Facebook Contest Page by Friend Requesting me. Thanks Again! -Stephany
     2.2Angela Espanoza

    Hey ya'll! Wow, can't believe I made it this far!! I'm so excited it has been a dream come true participating in The World's Sexiest Real Estate Woman 2011! Thanks for all my fans support on Twitter that got me to the final 3!! Please vote for me on my Facebook Contest Page by Friend Requesting me!

    3.3 Allie Rodriguez

    I can't believe I made it to the top three! I love each and everyone of you who voted for me. Next time I should where a smaller Bakini lol! Anyway, I would love to take the title this year for The Sexiest Real Estate Woman in the World 2011! Please VOTE for ME XOXO by Friend Requesting me on my Contest Facebook Page.

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Facebook CEO’s Foundation, Firms to Raise $500 Million for San Francisco-Area Housing

Effort involving Mark Zuckerberg aims to address the Bay Area’s housing crunch amid tech boom

San Francisco and the surrounding region suffer from a housing shortage as the booming technology industry generates jobs and attracts new residents.

San Francisco and the surrounding region suffer from a housing shortage as the booming technology industry generates jobs and attracts new residents. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Companies and philanthropists in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, said they plan to raise $500 million for affordable housing, weeks after California Gov. Gavin Newsom called on the private sector to do more to address the region’s critical shortage of homes.
The investment fund, which has raised $260 million so far, aims to help build at least 8,000 homes in five Bay Area counties within the next 10 years, according to its leaders. It also will work to preserve homes at risk of being redeveloped into more expensive properties.
The fund is part of a larger project led by Mr. Zuckerberg’s philanthropy arm with his wife, Priscilla Chan, called the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; the San Francisco Foundation, a major community donor; and other philanthropy groups. They aim to coordinate solutions to the housing shortage. The fund’s early contributors include Morgan Stanley and biotech firm Genentech Inc.
Mr. Newsom, the state’s new Democratic governor, earmarked $500 million for middle-income housing in his first proposed budget. He has called on “corporate California” and Silicon Valley in particular to at least match the state’s contributions.
The San Francisco-area initiative follows a similar announcement last week in Seattle, where Microsoft Corp. pledged nearly $500 million to support affordable housing in the area, the company’s largest financial commitment to a single community issue. Building Bust Total housing production in the Bay Area*Source: Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Association of Bay Area Governments*Includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, SanFrancisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano andSonoma counties .units
The new fund will target housing in Silicon Valley and surrounding areas, where a population boom driven by highly paid tech workers has left housing prices out of reach for many lower-paid employees, including teachers, restaurant staff and nurses.
Since 2010, the region gained over 700,000 jobs but built just over 100,000 housing units, according to regional agencies. The area’s transportation commission projects 1.3 million new jobs and 820,000 new households by 2040. A recent study involving local governments projects the region needs to build 35,000 units a year to keep up with population growth.
Judith Bell, the San Francisco Foundation’s vice president of programs, said the initiative was born from “the unbelievable daily pressure that almost every resident here feels in the context of housing, particularly low-income families, and how much it is impacting employers in the tech, nonprofit, health and service sectors.”
She and other nonprofit leaders said the effort has been in the works for two years, but it has taken time to hold talks with local communities and identify housing needs.
Affordable housing has been a hot-button issue in tech hubs. Soaring home prices have led communities including Seattle and Silicon Valley towns to consider imposing a per-employee levy on big companies to raise funds. Such a tax passed in Seattle but was later repealed. In Cupertino, Calif., where Apple Inc. has its headquarters, local lawmakers backed down from a similar tax after business opposition.
In San Francisco, Inc. Chief Executive Marc Benioff backed a tax measure that won approval in November’s election to boost a gross-receipts tax on the city’s businesses to fund homelessness programs.
The new Bay Area fund involving Mr. Zuckerberg will offer flexible loans and other types of financing not usually available to affordable-housing developers and community groups, said executives from Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nonprofit administering the fund.
A separate $40 million fund will give grants to cities and localities to get the resources and expertise they need to boost affordable-home building. That fund has raised $20 million so far, including $10 million from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and $1 million from Facebook.
Nonprofit and local government leaders said there was a long way to go in generating broad political support to build more housing, especially for lower-income residents, in communities traditionally resistant to neighborhood changes.
“Our housing crisis requires all hands on deck,” said California Assembly member David Chiu, who represents a district encompassing eastern San Francisco and leads the state assembly’s housing committee. “Everyone would agree that the success of our economy has exacerbated our housing crisis,” Mr. Chiu said.
Write to Nour Malas at

Yale's Robert Shiller: 'This Is the Most Dramatic Housing Slump We've Ever Had'

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Sunday, 22 Feb 2015 06:35 PM

By Dan Weil

 Home prices have rebounded since bottoming in 2012, but it hasn’t exactly been a soaring recovery. The S&P/Case-Shiller index of home prices in 20 cities rose only 4.3 percent in the 12 months through November.

It's almost nine year since home prices peaked, notes Nobel laureate economist Robert Shiller, co-creator of the index.

"This is the most dramatic slump in housing we've ever had," he told Yahoo Finance.

"The government has taken over risk management through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHA [Federal Housing Administration]." Those agencies back the overwhelming majority of new mortgages.
"It's not even much of a private market," Shiller explained.

He reiterated his view that owning a home isn't for everyone. "There is an argument for helping low-income people get a house. I think it makes them feel better about their attachment to this country and themselves," Shiller said.

"But there's no reason to bias people toward owning a house as opposed to getting an education or starting a business — other things people can do."
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The Yale professor and Starwood Capital CEO Barry Sternlicht offered clashing views of the housing market on CNBC.

Shiller said, "Home prices are . . . at about the right level based on history. So maybe they won't go anywhere in the near future."

But Sternlicht sees it differently. "The housing sector is going to be a major asset class in this country," he said. And it's an asset class that is "actually trailing asset bubbles," Sternlicht argues. "It's cheaper to buy a house and finance it than it is to rent in many markets."

Existing home sales rose 2.4 percent in December from November, according to the National Association of Realtors. And the median home sales price for all of 2014 rose to its highest level since 2007 — $208,500.

Granted, Americans are "a little nervous about taking mortgages," Sternlicht said. But he thinks falling gasoline prices will boost consumer confidence.

See the Real-Life Flintstones House

Yes, you could actually live in the classic cartoon home.

By Lindsey Campbell

With their foot-powered cars and prehistoric friends, The Flintstones made Stone Age-living look desirable (who wouldn’t want a pet dinosaur that plays fetch?). Now, you can meet the Flintstones, well, at least see the real-life version of their house.
The 2500-square-foot custom villa, originally designed for TV personality Dick Clark, was modeled after the Bedrock home to blend in to its mountainous surroundings in the hills of Malibu.
However, it’s not just the exterior — complete with private beach and beautiful views — that channels Fred and Wilma’s stone age abode. The interior is filled with stone-like features from floor to ceiling — even furniture and a cleverly-cut window — that matches the cartoon. An all-stone master bath and bedroom filled with animal-like textiles gives the home even more of a natural look. Unfortunately, a dinosaur garbage disposal, pet saber-tooth, and woolly mammoth vacuum cleaner are not included.
Love this home? You could buy it! The asking price has recently been reduced to $2.5 million from $3 million. See the full listing and more pictures here.

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Claire Xie

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 Cathy Nogueras
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Office 305-822-9800

 Leslie T. Chang

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 Nicki Anderson

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About Me

Recognized as the top selling broker in Lower Manhattan and among the best in New York City, Thomas Adam Clayton is a fiercely committed real estate professional with a proven track record of closing deals and exceeding his clients’ expectations. As the founder of The Thomas A. Clayton Team at Douglas Elliman, which he launched in 2008, Thomas leads a group of skillful and dynamic brokers in representing buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants and developers and completing deals at new developments and re-sale properties. With Thomas at the helm, the team has sold and rented over 500 properties totaling over a billion dollars in neighborhoods across the city.

Nicki Anderson

Vania Tanoto

Christine Kim

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 Christine Kim


                         Bekkah Herman

  • 275 E Rivulon Blvd Gilbert, AZ 85297

Born and raised in Arizona, Bekkah Herman is an enthusiastic member of the real estate community. Bekkah is well known for her unparalleled customer service, consistent communication, strong attention to detail and ensures a positive experience for all parties in a transaction: buyers, sellers, cooperating agents.

Bekkah epitomizes integrity, energy, hard work and creative service in every detail of your real estate transaction. Bekkah is a local to Arizona but started her luxury real estate career in Los Angeles, California working for Rick Caruso. Bekkah has a professional track record and does absolutely everything in her power to ensure her clients’ happiness and success.

Bekkah is a part of the Russ Lyon Sotheby's International Realty International Strategic Marketing Team and is among 35 (out of 21,000) Sotheby's International Realty Sales Associates to complete and be certified Global Advisor: China.

International Showcases:

  • Luxury Property Showcase




About Tricia Masih-Das

Hi, I am Tricia and I am here to assist you with all of your Florida Real Estate needs.
I have been a business professional for over twenty years and I have many years of experience in the real estate industry as a licensed real estate agent and also as an experienced real estate investor. I am currently solely focused on being your real estate agent and to assist you throughout the entire process of your real estate transaction.

Let me put my years of experience in all areas of the real estate industry from price negotiations, concessions, rehabbing houses, short sales, banks sales, foreclosures, new homes, loan applications, selling and buying homes to work for you.

I work with the terrific team at Home Wise Realty in Orlando, Florida where we have all the necessary tools and staff to ensure you have a successful real estate transaction from start to finish.

It is important to choose the right agent who is very experienced and knowledgeable in the buying and selling process in real estate and who understands mortgages, inspections, closings and all the other aspects of a real estate transaction.

For any real estate transaction to be successful, team effort is needed and I have a great team at Home Wise Realty in place to assist us with all of your real estate needs.

So whether you are looking to buy or sell, no matter where you live (Canada, New York, California, Florida or anywhere else), I will be hard at work to ensure that we get you that ideal property or to sell your property at the most attractive prices.

I look forward to working with you for all of your Florida real estate needs. 

Thank you.


PS: Any referrals will be very much appreciated.


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