Sunday, August 10, 2014

( Russian Warplanes Violated Airspace ) Patcnews Aug 10, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Russian Warplanes Violated Ukrainian Airspace Several Times © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Russian Planes 'Play Dangerously', Report Warns

Sky News
© Provided by Sky News Russia is pursuing a dangerous course of military brinkmanship, with the potential for serious escalation, according to a new study backed by senior European figures.
Research by the European Leadership Network examined more than 40 close military encounters between Russia and NATO countries, and their partners in Sweden and Finland, over the last eight months.
The incidents included a civilian airliner taking off from Copenhagen on 3 March, 2014 that came within 90 metres of a Russian reconnaissance aircraft which was not transmitting its position.
The Boeing 737, bound for Rome, had 132 passengers on board.
Scandinavian Airlines, which operated the flight, confirmed to Sky News that the incident had taken place and was reported to the relevant authorities.
In early September, Russian strategic bombers were reported in the Labrador Sea near Canada, practising what researchers believe to be simulated cruise missile strikes on the United States.
On 17 September, two Russian aircraft violated Swedish airspace, in what the country's Foreign Minister described as the "most serious aerial incursion" in years.
Former UK Defence Secretary Des Browne told Sky News: "History shows that, quite often, serious conflicts escalating into wars start off with relatively small incidents which grow very quickly.
"In my view, they are doing this on NATO's borders to test cooperation and readiness on our side. We need to tell Russia that there are costs and risks associated with this for them, as well as us."
Last month, Swedish armed forces searched the waters off Stockholm in the hunt for what was widely rumoured to be a Russian submarine. However, the country's military would only confirm they were investigating suspected "foreign underwater activity".
Vowing to use force if necessary, it was the nation's biggest anti-submarine operation since the end of the Cold War.
The following week, RAF fighter jets were scrambled twice to intercept Russian long-range strategic bombers.
A degree of mutual probing is routine, but NATO has reported an unusual level of Russian activity over European airspace recently – with more than 100 recorded intercepts so far this year, three times the total in 2013.
Russia has doubled its military spending over the last decade, under ambitious orders from President Vladimir Putin to upgrade 70% of military equipment by 2020.
But despite the image of strength Mr Putin likes to project, Russia's economy is looking increasingly weak.
The value of the ruble has plummeted, hit by sanctions and a fall in the price of oil.
Capital flight from the country is expected to exceed $100bn (£63bn) this year, around twice the cost of hosting the Sochi Olympics.
Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer explained that the weaker Russia's economy gets, the stronger its posturing may become, in an attempt to force concessions on sanctions from Europe.
"It's basically nuclear blackmail to frighten the Europeans that Russia may go to war, that this may become nuclear. That they should make concessions – phase out sanctions, be more considerate to Russia, because Russia can go real bad."
Last week, Finland's President warned that Europe is at the gates of a new Cold War.
As tensions continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, this pattern of close air and naval encounters appears to be an increasingly dangerous game.

Russian Bombers Violate U.S. Airspace At Least 16 Times in Past Ten Days....

 That's fine Russian Bombers Violate U.S. Airspace At Least 16 Times in Past Ten Days
Well the obama regime is at martha's vineyard he busy looking for his damn balls on the Damn golf course it's time to throw the trash in DC out Now....


073 russian 610

During the present conditions of heightened tensions between the
United States and Russia, there seems to be some gamesmanship going on
with the Russian Air Force. Information is being released that there
were at least sixteen instances over the past ten days in which Russian
strategic nuclear bombers conducted operations which violated American

The incursions occurred in northwestern U.S. air
defense-identification zones and are characterized as an unusually high
number of incidents by U.S. defense officials.

The aircraft involved were Tu-95 Russian Bear H bombers as well as a second reconnaissance jet in one instance near Alaska.

Maj Beth Smith, spokesperson for US Northern Command and the North
American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD reported, “Over the past week,
NORAD has visually identified Russian aircraft operating in and around the US air defense identification zones.”

While she noted the “spike in activity,” she characterized the
flights as routine training missions and exercises, although routine
missions don’t generally violate our airspace.

An anonymous source disagreed, telling the Washington Free Beacon’s Bill Gertz
that “These are not just training missions.” He indicated that the
Russians appear to be “trying to test our air defense reactions, or our
command and control systems.”

NORAD scrambled fighters in response to the incursions, which
occurred into Alaskan space covering the Aleutian Islands, part of the
continental part of Alaska, as well as one incursion into Canada’s air
defense zone.

Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation,
our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from
multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit watch us on twitter gunfire7778

Ferguson Protesters Using Molotov Cocktails

Monday, 18 Aug 2014 12:41 AM

By Greg Richter

Police say protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, began hurling Molotov cocktails at them Sunday night, forcing them to respond with tear gas and rubber bullets.
The incident began when protesters started moving toward a police command center and refused to stop, CNN reports. One man was had his hands in the air, but continued walking toward the command center, a CNN reporter on the scene said.

The crowd of about 400 appeared to be marching peacefully, but a spokesman for the Missouri Highway Patrol said "aggressors" had advanced on the command post.

"We ordered them back. We ordered them back again. After several attempts, we utilized the smoke to disperse these individuals," said Missouri Highway Patrol Corporal Justin Wheetley

Multiple protesters insisted they were marching to the command center with their hands up and that nobody threw Molotov cocktails or fire bombs.

Hundreds of protesters fled the police smoke and tear gas.

A CNN reporter on the scene said he saw at least one protester fire a shot. A reporter and a photographer for Reuters said they heard gunfire, but were note sure where it was coming from.

CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill said police told him a "Code 2000" had been issued, meaning that all available law enforcement officers, regardless of their agency were needed.

Ferguson was the scene earlier in the day a church service memorializing Michael Brown Jr., the 18-year-old unarmed black man shot by white Police Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9.

Hill told CNN that the scene had been tense on Sunday even after the peaceful memorial service. He said an officer pointed a gun at him in a "very threatening manner" before he could get out of his parked media vehicle.

"I immediately screamed, 'I'm media, I'm media," Hill said. "So I think if kind of energy's in the air combined with some protesters who aren't doing the right thing, I think it creates a very, very, very dangerous mix."

CNN also reported that at least three journalists were briefly arrested by Capt. Ron Johnson of the Missouri State Troopers, who is now in charge of the police presence.

Democratic operative Donna Brazile urged protesters to remain peaceful.

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