Friday, August 22, 2014

( ST Louis Powell Shooting Cell Phone Camera) Patcnews Aug 21, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports ST Louis Powell Shooting Cell Phone Camera © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Cell Phone Video Emerges That Refutes St. Louis Cops Version of Shooting


Did the Police Had to shoot this Guy ??? No

Did he attack anyone ??? Not what I seen from  this Video 

Did he help like he needed Help ??? Yes 

Powell allegedly stole two energy drinks is it worth talking someones life over this ??? No

Do you believe this guy was on Drugs ??? Yes

So Why do the Police Shoot this unarmed Guy In this Case ??? I Don't Know 

Should the Police Officers should go to Jail ??? Yes

This is The fault of eric holder damn him damn that man !!!! 


It's A Sad ending isn't it ??? YES
St. Louis- On Tuesday, while tensions continued to simmer in Ferguson, just a few miles away 25-year-old Kajieme Powell was gunned down by St. Louis cops.
Officers claimed that they were in fear of their lives as Powell charged at them with a knife. They claim he had the knife in an “overhand grip” and came within three feet of the officers, at which time they opened fire, killing Powell.
The incident stemmed from a call by a Six Star Market owner after Powell allegedly stole two energy drinks, according to KSDK.
Reports from witnesses claim that Powell was acting erratically, pacing back and forth on the street and talking to himself, while carrying a knife.
St. Louis Metro Police Chief Sam Dotson responding to a question of whether the shooting was justified said his officers “have a right to go home at night” going on to say that all officers have a right to defend themselves.
He went on to defend his officers actions saying that they used deadly force due to the suspect with a knife coming within three of four feet of the officers, which would be considered within lethal range.
New cell phone video has emerged that calls into question officer’s version of events, and Dotson’s defense of his officers, leading up to the shooting.
In the video two cops arrive together, exit the vehicle, and demand Powell drop the knife. Powell begins yelling “shoot me, shoot me, shoot me now,” as walks onto a ledge then steps off as if to approach.
Powell, who had his hands at his sides, never came within more than 10-15 feet of the officers before they opened fire killing him.


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