Tuesday, July 8, 2014

( The Costco Report ) Patcnews July 8, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Costco Report ~ Boycott Costco IS Removing Dsouzas America from Shelves Costco are hiring muslims terrorists © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Biden Economy

Vice President Joe Biden shakes hands with Costco CEO Craig Jelinek, right, as co-founder Jim Sinegal watches at center, after Biden arrived to shop at the new Costco store in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012. Biden went shopping for presents and to highlight the importance of renewing middle-class tax cuts so families and businesses have more certainty at this critical time for our economy. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) AP

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President Obama visiting a Maryland Costco store in January.
President Obama visiting a Maryland Costco store in January 2014.
NEW YORK – The retail giant Costco Wholesale has issued an order to
remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book, “America:
Imagine the World Without Her,” from the shelves of its stores
nationwide, WND has confirmed.

The book, in this midterm election year, is a strong rebuttal of the
progressive ideology behind President Obama’s policies, which have been
supported by Costco co-founder and director Jim Sinegal, a major
Democrat donor and a speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
that nominated the president. A Washington Post political reporter has noted Obama’s “romance” with the nation’s second-largest retailer.

At Amazon.com, D’Souza’s book, released June 2, is ranked No. 5 overall and No. 1 in Political Commentary and Opinion.

Copies of “America” at a Costco store Monday (WND photo)
Costco has sold more than 3,600 copies of “America” nationwide, with
about 700 copies sold last week as D’Souza’s film by the same name
opened at more than 1,000 movie theaters nationwide.

But Costco’s book department issued the “pull-order,” requiring all
Costco stores nationwide to remove the book, confirmed Scott Losse, an
inventory control specialist in the book department at the Costco
Wholesale corporate office in Issaquah, Washington, a suburb of Seattle.

The July 1 order required all copies to be removed by July 15.

Contacted for a reaction, D’Souza was surprised to learn of the Costco decision.

“If true, this would be very odd,” D’Souza said.

“We’re in the process of finding out what’s happening. I look forward
to getting to the bottom of this and continuing the strong relationship
my publisher and I have always had with Costco and their millions of

Most Costco stores WND contacted Monday had already pulled “America”
from the shelves, with others scheduled to remove it with their
regularly scheduled inventory changes Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

A few Costco stores told inquirers Monday they were “in luck,”
because a handful of books were still available and a few copies
remained in the warehouse waiting to be returned. Staffers offered to
put aside a book so it could be purchased before all copies were shipped
back to the vendor.

WND contacted by telephone and email Costco’s national book-buyer,
Pennie Clark Ianniciello, at Costco’s headquarters, but received no
response to WND’s questions regarding why D’Souza’s book was being
pulled from the shelves just as the companion movie was opening in

WND was unable to reach by phone or email Marji Ross, the president of Regnery, which published D’Souza’s book.

Missing from the New York Times list

Amazon readers have given “America” an average rating of 4.6 out of 5.

The Washington Examiner reported June 20 that the book sold 4,915 in
the first week and 5,592 in the second week but mysteriously was kept
off the New York Times bestseller list, where it would have ranked No. 8
and then No. 11 on the June 29 list.

told the Examiner: “It’s their newspaper, and they have a right to rig
their list anyway they want, but if they are doing it, people should

He said the New York Times list is important to boosting sales.

“It matters to be on it,” he said.

The book will be on the Times July 13 list, however, at No. 17.

The movie “America,” which has been given a rare “A+” CinemaScore by
audiences, opened in 1,105 theaters nationwide to roughly $4 million
over the five-day July 4 holiday weekend.

It didn’t do as well as D’Souza’s 2012 breakout hit, “2016: Obama’s
America,” which enjoyed a remarkable $6.5 million debut on its way to
$33 million, but the November election between Obama and Republican Mitt
Romney was clearly a factor, noted TheWrap, a website that covers

“We didn’t expect to open as well as that film for that reason,”
co-director John Sullivan told TheWrap. “But the word of mouth on
‘America’ is tremendous, even better than on ’2016,’ and we think it’s
going to build in the coming weeks.”

Sullivan commented that for a documentary “without Justin Bieber or animals in it, I think we did pretty darn well.”

Obama’s ‘romance’ with Costco

In January, Obama paid a visit to a Costco store in a Washington,
D.C., suburb, “proving,” as Jaime Fuller of the Washington Post
commented, “that his administration’s romance with the second-largest
retailer in America is stronger than ever – and might just be the most
successful union of a politician and a supermarket in American history.”

Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal
Sinegal spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, which nominated President Obama for a second term.

Sinegal, who retired as Costco CEO in January 2013, said Obama’s
re-election would be better for businesses than a country led by Mitt

American companies, he said, need “a president who takes the long view and makes the tough decisions,” said Sinegal.

“That’s why I am here tonight supporting President Obama, a president making an economy built to last,” he said.

Fuller said that in the 2012 campaign, Costco played “an important
role in countering Walmart’s support of Republican candidates and issues
while also proving an easy way for Obama to mention income inequality
and smart job creation on the campaign trail.”

In total, Costco has given $100,000 to Obama and another $100,000 to Priorities USA, the pro-Obama super PAC.

Sinegal was the author of an email blast sent out by the Obama
campaign in July 2012. Obama also held a fundraiser at Sinegal’s house
in Seattle, during which the incumbent president said “the story of
Costco and everything that you guys have done I think is representative
of what America is all about.”

Concerned individuals may contact Costco President and CEO W. Craig Jelinek by email or by calling (425) 313-8100 and/or Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President Richard A. Galanti by email or by calling (425) 313-8100.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/costco-removing-dsouzas-america-from-shelves/#qIjUrGbDOG6MMQDW.99

Costco angers many, sparks boycott after yanking 'America’ from shelves

See also

On Monday, WND's Jerome Corsi reported that Costco Wholesale, the second-largest retailer in the country, decided to pull all copies of Dinesh D'Souza's best-selling book, "America: Imagine a World Without Her," from its shelves. The move sparked anger from a number of people who let Costco know in no uncertain terms that they would no longer do business with the company.
"GOODBYE COSTCO," one person said on the company's Facebook page Tuesday morning. "To me, your company is UN-AMERICAN."
"This is America and you have the right to conduct your business as YOU see fit," another person added. "I the CONSUMER have the right to shop where I see fit. I WILL NOT be shopping at Costco anymore. Yeah, that's at least 300 dollars a month you will not be seeing. Let Freedom Ring."
"Costco Members: Don't simply stop shopping there. Call and ask for a refund of your membership," said another visitor to the page.
As of this writing, not one comment could be found supporting the move. Corsi said Costco's actions caught D'Souza by surprise.
“If true, this would be very odd,” D’Souza said. “We’re in the process of finding out what’s happening. I look forward to getting to the bottom of this and continuing the strong relationship my publisher and I have always had with Costco and their millions of shoppers.”
According to Corsi, Scott Losse, an inventory control specialist in the book department at the company's Issaquah, Wash., corporate offices, confirmed that Costco issued the pull order. By July 15, all copies of the book will be gone from the store.
"At Amazon.com, D’Souza’s book, released June 2, is ranked No. 43 overall and is the No. 3 hardcover book in Amazon’s Politics and Government section and No. 1 in the Commentary and Opinion subsection of Politics and Government," Corsi said. Costco has sold 3,600 copies of the book nationwide.
For many, the move smacks of politics, as Costco is known to support the Obama administration. In January, the Washington Post's Jaime Fuller noted the "romance" between Costco and Barack Obama.
"Costco founder Jim Sinegal is a vocal supporter of Democratic politicians. His company gave more than $20 million during the 2012 election cycle (mostly supporting issues and politicians in Washington state). Over the course of Obama’s presidential career, Costco has given $100,000 to him and another $100,000 to Priorities USA, the pro-Obama super PAC," he wrote.
Sinegal even addressed the 2012 Democratic National Convention, where Obama was lauded as "prophesy fulfilled." As Corsi observed, D'Souza's book is highly critical of the Obama administration.
As a result, a movement to boycott Costco has begun. One Facebook page just started had only 300 likes as of this writing, but a number of people told the company they would no longer shop there.
The Blaze said in an update that Costco told one customer that it does not make decisions based on politics. According to the note reportedly sent by Costco, the company had "the best intentions" when the book came out on June 2, but the book did not meet their sales thresholds.

Report: Costco Pulling Copies Of Dinesh D’Souza’s New Book From All Its Stores…

Shockingly, Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal is a big Obama supporter who spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2012 where he formally endorsed him.
Via The Blaze:
Costco Wholesale, the second-largest retailer in the United States, has apparently decided to remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” from its stores nationwide, WND reports. The decision to yank the book, if true, would coincide with the theatrical release of D’Souza’s new film of the same name last week.
Scott Losse, an inventory control specialist in the book department at the Costco Wholesale’s Issaquah, Washington, corporate office, reportedly confirmed that a nationwide “pull-order” was issued for D’Souza’s book. All copies are now reportedly required to be removed by July 15, 2014

Costco Wholesale, the second-largest retailer in the United States, has apparently decided to remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” from its stores nationwide, WND reports. The decision to yank the book, if true, would coincide with the theatrical release of D’Souza’s new film of the same name last week.
Scott Losse, an inventory control specialist in the book department at the Costco Wholesale’s Issaquah, Washington, corporate office, reportedly confirmed that a nationwide “pull-order” was issued for D’Souza’s book. All copies are now reportedly required to be removed by July 15, 2014
Costco has sold about 3,600 copies of “America” nationwide.
D’Souza was apparently unaware of any order to remove his book from Costco shelves, saying, “If true, this would be very odd.”
“We’re in the process of finding out what’s happening. I look forward to getting to the bottom of this and continuing the strong relationship my publisher and I have always had with Costco and their millions of shoppers,” he told WND.
“America” takes aim at the progressive ideology, which D’Souza claims shapes the policies of the Obama administration.
“It is the Progressive view that is taught in our schools, that is preached by Hollywood, and that shapes the policies of the Obama administration. If America is a force for inequality and injustice in the world, its power deserves to be diminished; if traditional America is based on oppression and theft, then traditional America must be reformed—and the federal government can do the reforming,” the book’s description reads.
“In America: Imagine a World without Her D’Souza offers a passionate and sharply reasoned defense of America, knocking down every important accusation made by Progressives against our country,” it adds.
As of Monday night, “America” was No. 51 on Amazon’s bestsellers list. Despite strong sales, the book was not featured in the New York Times bestsellers list. D’Souza accused the newspaper of “rigging” its list.

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