Saturday, July 19, 2014

( Dinesh D'Souza America ) Patcnews July 19, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports "America" Theatrical Trailer (Lionsgate) © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Dinesh D'Souza / Fox News /
FOX News: Google Responds to Problems with Searches for Dinesh D'Souza's "America"
Originally published at Fox News.
Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza wants to know why his latest docudrama America: Imagine the World Without Her was buried by mega search engine Google.
“I certainly hope this is not intentional. But how long does it take a technical company to fix a technical problem?” D’Souza told FOX411. “We’re trying to be patient, but this is making it harder for people to get accurate information about the film.”
Here’s the technical problem: When one normally searches the name of a current movie plus the word “movie” in Google, showtimes and more information for the film typically show up. America opened on July 1 in 700 theaters nationwide, but typing in “America movie” has not provided show time information in a Google search.
Lawyers for the film sent a letter to Google chief legal officer David Drummond insisting the situation be fixed, claiming that it is hindering the ability for moviegoers to find out where its being played.
A Google rep acknowledged the problem, stating that their systems “have unfortunately confused the title of the movie America, because it’s a common term and appears in many movie titles.”
“We’ve updated the Knowledge Graph, our database that stores this type of information, but it will take some time to display show times and other details for this movie. We’re always working on improving our systems, and we appreciate the feedback,” the rep explained, adding that the show times are already there; but that the system just hasn’t fully updated yet to display show times when you search for directly for “America 2014 movie.”
A Google search Wednesday morning still did not not show provide theaters and times, even though America is now in more than 1,000 theaters.
D’Souza’s letter also questioned whether the glitch was a human or automated error, and demanded that Google provide statistics on searches in an effort for filmmakers to determine how many users could not find session times as a result of the technical error.
Google did not respond to FOX411′s request for comment. However, some tech experts we talked to say the situation was most likely a code problem.
“Google’s search algorithm is not an absolute exact science, however, its core mission is to serve up reliable and accurate information to the end user,” Ari Zoldan, CEO of Quantum Networks said. “The company does not engage in unethical or biased mis-search results. They are not in the business of taking sides.”
Zoldan also noted that Google can correct the problem.
“I am fairly certain they will do just that, this is not their only change-request inquiry for the search engine giant and [the movie] will have to wait in line,” he said.
Despite its Google problems, America has been doing well at the box office, drawing over $8.5 million on its limited theatrical run.
D’Souza says the docudrama seeks to celebrate the United States of America and its technological and humanitarian achievements.
“I want to rekindle that natural patriotism,” D’Souza added. “I want people to understand why they love their country and do more to restore America.”
D’Souza has been fighting another battle over the book version of America, this time with retail giant Costco. They yanked America off the shelves before the movie premiered, citing poor sales. But D’Souza says he met personally with the CEO of the company, and was told that Costco, after hearing complaints from thousands of their members, is now in the process of restocking the title.
Read more at Fox News.
D'Souza's new book on the role of America in the world is now available in print, digital, and audio versions, and the trailer for his newest film, America, is online! Watch here:


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