Saturday, June 7, 2014

( the obama regime and The Taliban ) Patcnews: June 7, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Taliban releases video of Bergdahl's transfer Taliban Release Video Showing Transfer Of Sgt Bowe Bergdahl - America's News Room ~ Fox News © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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How President Obama will be impeached

June 18 at 4:22 PM

President Obama
President Obama (Olivier Douliery/Pool/EPA)
Writing about Rep. Eric Cantor’s  (R-Va.) stunning primary defeat last week, I warned Democrats that the House majority leader’s loss was as much a wake-up call for them as it was for the GOP. Well, now I want to warn them about a very real possibility: President Obama will be impeached if the Democrats lose control of the U.S. Senate.
Yeah, yeah, I read Aaron Blake’s astute piece in The Post on the impeachment process. He says “probably not” to the question of whether the House could impeach Obama. But “probably” is not “definitely.” And with the way the impeachment talk has gone, “probably not” could become “absolutely” if the Senate flips to the Republicans.
Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) became the latest to openly discuss impeaching the president. In response to a question from a radio host on Monday, the two-term congressman who was swept in during the tea party wave of 2010, said, Obama is “just absolutely ignoring the Constitution and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances.” Articles of impeachment, he added, “probably could” pass in the House.
In a later interview, Barletta said one of the reasons he wouldn’t vote for impeachment was because a Democrat-controlled Senate would never convict the Democrat president. Blake also mentions this parenthetically in his piece. Others who have talked about impeachment point to this as the reason not to pursue the extraordinary political rebuke.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) (Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg)
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) (Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg)
Last August at a town hall meeting, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.) cited the Senate as a reason for not pursuing impeachment. “If we were to impeach the president tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it,” he said in response to a constituent upset about “the fraudulent birth certificate of Barack Obama” and who wanted him punished. “But it would go to the Senate and he wouldn’t be convicted.” A week later, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) was asked, “Why don’t we impeach him [Obama]?” His answer was similar to Farenthold’s. “It’s a good question,” the freshman senator said, “and I’ll tell you the simplest answer: To successfully impeach a president you need the votes in the U.S. Senate.”
Actually, impeachment is a two-step process that starts in the House. All it takes is a simple majority of that chamber to approve a single article of impeachment against the president for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Once that happens, a president is forever branded as having been impeached. President Andrew Johnson (1868) and President Bill Clinton (1998) share that distinction. President Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 before the full House could vote to impeach him.
To officially remove a president from office, two-thirds of the Senate must vote to convict him on those articles of impeachment. Johnson and Clinton were not convicted. Obama could share the same or worse fate. A Republican-controlled Senate could lead to Obama becoming the third president impeached and the first ever to be removed from office.
I don’t make this prediction lightly. The tea party-infused GOP has done things many once believed impossible. I’m thinking specifically about the two instances it brought the nation and the world to the brink of economic ruin because of its resistance to raising the debt ceiling. If Republicans are willing to ignore their leadership and jeopardize the full faith and credit of the United States, there really is nothing they aren’t willing to do. And a Republican takeover of the Senate would only embolden them.
I’ve said this before and I’ll keep repeating it until the message sinks in for Democrats inclined to sit out the midterms: Obama is not on the ballot in November, but Obama is on the ballot in November. Democrats have it in their power to keep the Senate and save the Obama presidency from the all-but-certain asterisk of impeachment. Whether they use it is a very real concern.
Follow Jonathan on Twitter: @Capehartj

FBI: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's parents have received threats

By Ed Lavandera, Devon Sayers and Azadeh Ansari, CNN

updated 9:37 AM EDT, Sun June 8, 2014
  Guantanamo detainees swapped
Soldiers killed after Bergdahl left unit Soldiers killed after Bergdahl left unit

Lone Survivor': Bergdahl branded already

Official: Bergdahl held in box or cage

Photos: Americans detained abroad 
Hailey, Idaho (CNN) -- The FBI is investigating threats against the parents of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the latest development in a case that has put the spotlight on the circumstances surrounding his capture in Afghanistan and release by the Taliban.

"We are working jointly with our state and local partners and taking each threat seriously," FBI Special Agent William Facer told CNN in an e-mail on Saturday.

Facer declined to detail the nature and severity of the threats, and a military spokesperson for the Bergdahls declined to comment.

Bergdahl's parents have not been seen publicly since the announcement last week that the soldier had been freed from five years in captivity at the hands of the Taliban in exchange for the release of five detainees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

The news comes as a fallen soldier's mother and a former member of Bergdahl's unit continued to assert that troops were killed while searching for the soldier in eastern Afghanistan.

Pentagon and Army officials have looked at such claims, and "right now there is no evidence to back that up," a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, has told CNN.
But former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl's platoon, told CNN's Michael Smerconish that "men were injured and killed in the search for him."

"The mission was to find Bergdahl," Vierkant said.

In the week since Bergdahl was released by the Taliban, a controversy has grown over whether troops were killed, directly or indirectly, in the search.

Former soldiers involved in the operations asserted to CNN this week that at least six soldiers were killed in the search for Bergdahl.

Also making claims of troop deaths in the Bergdahl search is Sondra Andrews, the mother of 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, who was killed in September 2009.
She endorsed accusations by former unit members that Bergdahl deserted and caused U.S. troops to die in the search for him -- though Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has said it's "unfair" to Bergdahl and his family to presume anything about his disappearance.

Andrews said she believes her son and other troops "were strictly on a mission looking for Bergdahl."

That information is "based on the men that served with Darryn," she told Smerconish.

Andrews said that military should give her family information "on what Darryn was doing and why they lied to us."

"I'd like to see Bergdahl given an opportunity to tell his story, be on trial, have the witnesses come forward and tell their story and get the truth through that, and then I would like to see the full measure of the law followed for his punishment," Andrews said.

Bergdahl went missing on June 30, 2009, in Afghanistan's Paktika province, where he was deployed with the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.

An Army fact-finding investigation conducted in the months after his disappearance concluded that Bergdahl left his outpost deliberately and of his own free will, according to the official, who was briefed on the report.

The Army has no definitive finding that Bergdahl deserted because that would require knowing his intent -- something Army officials couldn't learn without talking to the soldier, a U.S. military official told CNN.

Devastating Criticism: NBC Reporter Makes Unfavorable Comparison of Obama Admin. to the Taliban

by: Doc Holliday
Now you know things have gone to complete hell for Obama when NBC allows such strong language against the fist gay President.
Reporting from just outside the Landstuhl military hospital in Germany, NBC chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel says that the media is receiving more information about the release of Sgt. Bergdahl from the Taliban than from our own government.
Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski also noted how difficult it is to get information from the Administration, save for the few press releases it periodically releases.
How does it look for the “most transparent administration in history” when a reporter says it is providing less information than a terrorist organization? Whatever it is, it can’t be good.

(Tea Party) – The Tea Party research team has discovered shocking documents which incriminate and expose Obama’s plot to use illegal alien children as political pawns as a way to swamp the U.S. immigration system and set the stage for amnesty.

As far back as 2013, the Obama regime appears to have been plotting the overthrow of the US immigration system. Several concerned citizens have stepped forward with documents that not only appear to be accurate, but are disconcerting as well.

    “Transporting of children for political purposes is unconscionable and must be stopped. The trust in the Obama regime and Washington has hit a new low, not only in the minds of the American people but in the lives of child victims who are suffering at the hand of Obama.”  Steve Eichler – Tea Party


Under the guise of escort services, government agencies appear to be moving blocks of human cargo from foreign countries into the US. This infusion of illegal aleins will no doubt apply extreme and unnecessary pressure on entire immigration system, until the whole process collapses.

However, because of recent discoveries, amnesty is getting further from reach, and a spotlight is now focused on the Obama regime and their unconscionable actions against the most helpless members of the human race: children. Many of these child victims have been forcibly separated from their parents for the “greater good.”

The Tea Party research team is continuing to investigate these newly discovered documents and statements, more information will be forth coming. The following document showcases the date, time, and intent of Obama’s plot.

    Procurement Type: Request for Information (RFI)/Sources Sought

    Title: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children

    Classification Code: V- Transportation/Travel/Relocation

    NAICS code: 561612

    Primary POC: Rachel Ali, Contract Specialist/

    Secondary POC: Tony Ross, Contracting Officer/

    A. Introduction

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States. ICE is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier), property inventory, providing juveniles with meals, drafting reports, generating transport documents, maintaining/stocking daily supplies, providing and issuing clothing as needed, coordinating with DHS and HHS staff, travel coordination, limited stationary guard services to accommodate for trip disruptions due to inclement weather, faulty equipment, or other exigent circumstances. In emergency situations, the Contractor shall be called on to provide temporary shelter locations (such as trailers) with shower facilities for juveniles who are pending placement with HHS when bed space is unavailable nationwide for extended periods of time. The Contractor shall provide temporary guard services and other support as necessary during these emergencies.

    In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s). While this may not require each employee to be fluent in all of the encountered languages, personnel should have access to and knowledge of translation services.

    B. ICE Standards/Special Requirements

    The contractor is required to perform in accordance with the ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS 2011), all ICE policies related to the transportation of juveniles (see the ICE Family Residential Standards at as well as the Flores Settlement Agreement, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, and the Homeland Security Act of 2002. In cases where other standards conflict with DHS/ICE Policy or Standards, DHS/ICE Policy and Standards will prevail. ICE Inspectors will conduct periodic inspections to assure compliance of the aforementioned standards.

    Personnel shall have the knowledge and experience to transport individual children with special needs. Often times, children with special needs may require a transportation method that is time saving and direct, i.e. by commercial airline. Contractor shall also provide for accompanying medical care. Additionally, due to exigent circumstances, the Contractor shall be required to transport juveniles via ground to HUB airports or other staging areas that are not located within the area of initial apprehension.

    The Contractor shall follow a fully developed training curriculum and transporting staff shall have the highest level of competency possible. Areas of training shall include, but are not limited to the following: Airport rules and regulations for travelers, crisis intervention, child development, working with and transporting youth with special needs, transporting youth with behavioral problems, CPR & First Aid training, non-secured UAC policy and procedures and the implementation of contingency plans in the event of a crisis during transport, which include de-escalation techniques.

    Background Investigations and Suitability Screenings will be conducted on all Contract Employees by the Office of Professional Responsibility and Personnel Security Unit (OPR-OSU).
    The Contractor shall agree that each employee working on this contract will successfully pass the DHS Employment Eligibility (E-Verify) program operated by USICS to establish work authorization and U.S. Citizenship.
    Employees must reside in the United States.

    C. Contract Type

    The Government anticipates awarding a five (5) year Fixed Price Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle consisting of a one year base period, and four (4) option years. The Service Contract
    Act is applicable to this acquisition. All required clauses, provisions will be included in the solicitation and resulting contractual instrument.

    The anticipated release date of the solicitation is March 3, 2014. The solicitation closing date will be thirty (30) days after release of the Request for Proposal (RFP).

    Projected Set-Aside: All business sizes are welcome to participate; however, ICE is trying to determine small business interest, particularly HubZone companies. All information received in response in to this notice will be used to determine the appropriateness of any small business set-aside for this requirement.

    D. Place of Performance:

    Service Area: Throughout the Continental United States (US)

    The area(s) or region(s) serviced may occur either with a phased approach over a period of several months to a full year. Alternatively, the Contractor shall perform the entire transportation function upon full funding. For example, the following two circumstances may occur: (1) The contractor could initially provide transportation services only in the Southwest Region of the U.S. for those juveniles who are apprehended in the state of Texas; or, (2) The Contractor may be required to provide transportation services for all juveniles who are in DHS custody throughout the continental U.S.

    E. RFI Purpose/Requirements

    The purpose of this RFI is to obtain market information and capabilities for planning purposes and to determine appropriate strategies to meet the Agency’s requirements. This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes and does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a commitment for an RFP in the future.  Responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are advised that the Government will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this announcement and information submitted in response to this RFI will not be returned.

    Interested parties are instructed to submit the following information: (Note: Please do not exceed 5 pages per RFI submission)

    POC information (name, title, phone number, address, email address, etc.)
    Socio-economic status
    Brief Company Capability statement (to include addressing all special needs as stated above)

  F. Submissions and Point of Contact Information

    Submit written or electronic submissions via email to by 1:00pm EST on Monday, February 19, 2014.

- See more at:

June 17, 2014 2:13 pm 
(Tea Party) – The Tea Party research team has discovered shocking documents which incriminate and expose Obama’s plot to use illegal alien children as political pawns as a way to swamp the U.S. immigration system and set the stage for amnesty.
As far back as 2013, the Obama regime appears to have been plotting the overthrow of the US immigration system. Several concerned citizens have stepped forward with documents that not only appear to be accurate, but are disconcerting as well.
“Transporting of children for political purposes is unconscionable and must be stopped. The trust in the Obama regime and Washington has hit a new low, not only in the minds of the American people but in the lives of child victims who are suffering at the hand of Obama.”  Steve Eichler – Tea Party
Under the guise of escort services, government agencies appear to be moving blocks of human cargo from foreign countries into the US. This infusion of illegal aleins will no doubt apply extreme and unnecessary pressure on entire immigration system, until the whole process collapses.
However, because of recent discoveries, amnesty is getting further from reach, and a spotlight is now focused on the Obama regime and their unconscionable actions against the most helpless members of the human race: children. Many of these child victims have been forcibly separated from their parents for the “greater good.”
The Tea Party research team is continuing to investigate these newly discovered documents and statements, more information will be forth coming. The following document showcases the date, time, and intent of Obama’s plot.
Procurement Type: Request for Information (RFI)/Sources Sought
Title: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children
Classification Code: V- Transportation/Travel/Relocation
NAICS code: 561612
Primary POC: Rachel Ali, Contract Specialist/
Secondary POC: Tony Ross, Contracting Officer/
A. Introduction
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States. ICE is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier), property inventory, providing juveniles with meals, drafting reports, generating transport documents, maintaining/stocking daily supplies, providing and issuing clothing as needed, coordinating with DHS and HHS staff, travel coordination, limited stationary guard services to accommodate for trip disruptions due to inclement weather, faulty equipment, or other exigent circumstances. In emergency situations, the Contractor shall be called on to provide temporary shelter locations (such as trailers) with shower facilities for juveniles who are pending placement with HHS when bed space is unavailable nationwide for extended periods of time. The Contractor shall provide temporary guard services and other support as necessary during these emergencies.
In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s). While this may not require each employee to be fluent in all of the encountered languages, personnel should have access to and knowledge of translation services.
B. ICE Standards/Special Requirements
The contractor is required to perform in accordance with the ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS 2011), all ICE policies related to the transportation of juveniles (see the ICE Family Residential Standards at as well as the Flores Settlement Agreement, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, and the Homeland Security Act of 2002. In cases where other standards conflict with DHS/ICE Policy or Standards, DHS/ICE Policy and Standards will prevail. ICE Inspectors will conduct periodic inspections to assure compliance of the aforementioned standards.
Personnel shall have the knowledge and experience to transport individual children with special needs. Often times, children with special needs may require a transportation method that is time saving and direct, i.e. by commercial airline. Contractor shall also provide for accompanying medical care. Additionally, due to exigent circumstances, the Contractor shall be required to transport juveniles via ground to HUB airports or other staging areas that are not located within the area of initial apprehension.
The Contractor shall follow a fully developed training curriculum and transporting staff shall have the highest level of competency possible. Areas of training shall include, but are not limited to the following: Airport rules and regulations for travelers, crisis intervention, child development, working with and transporting youth with special needs, transporting youth with behavioral problems, CPR & First Aid training, non-secured UAC policy and procedures and the implementation of contingency plans in the event of a crisis during transport, which include de-escalation techniques.
Background Investigations and Suitability Screenings will be conducted on all Contract Employees by the Office of Professional Responsibility and Personnel Security Unit (OPR-OSU).
The Contractor shall agree that each employee working on this contract will successfully pass the DHS Employment Eligibility (E-Verify) program operated by USICS to establish work authorization and U.S. Citizenship.
Employees must reside in the United States.
C. Contract Type
The Government anticipates awarding a five (5) year Fixed Price Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle consisting of a one year base period, and four (4) option years. The Service Contract
Act is applicable to this acquisition. All required clauses, provisions will be included in the solicitation and resulting contractual instrument.
The anticipated release date of the solicitation is March 3, 2014. The solicitation closing date will be thirty (30) days after release of the Request for Proposal (RFP).
Projected Set-Aside: All business sizes are welcome to participate; however, ICE is trying to determine small business interest, particularly HubZone companies. All information received in response in to this notice will be used to determine the appropriateness of any small business set-aside for this requirement.
D. Place of Performance:
Service Area: Throughout the Continental United States (US)
The area(s) or region(s) serviced may occur either with a phased approach over a period of several months to a full year. Alternatively, the Contractor shall perform the entire transportation function upon full funding. For example, the following two circumstances may occur: (1) The contractor could initially provide transportation services only in the Southwest Region of the U.S. for those juveniles who are apprehended in the state of Texas; or, (2) The Contractor may be required to provide transportation services for all juveniles who are in DHS custody throughout the continental U.S.
E. RFI Purpose/Requirements
The purpose of this RFI is to obtain market information and capabilities for planning purposes and to determine appropriate strategies to meet the Agency’s requirements. This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes and does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a commitment for an RFP in the future.  Responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are advised that the Government will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this announcement and information submitted in response to this RFI will not be returned.
Interested parties are instructed to submit the following information: (Note: Please do not exceed 5 pages per RFI submission)
POC information (name, title, phone number, address, email address, etc.)
Socio-economic status
Brief Company Capability statement (to include addressing all special needs as stated above)
F. Submissions and Point of Contact Information
Submit written or electronic submissions via email to by 1:00pm EST on Monday, February 19, 2014.
- See more at:
June 17, 2014 2:13 pm 
(Tea Party) – The Tea Party research team has discovered shocking documents which incriminate and expose Obama’s plot to use illegal alien children as political pawns as a way to swamp the U.S. immigration system and set the stage for amnesty.
As far back as 2013, the Obama regime appears to have been plotting the overthrow of the US immigration system. Several concerned citizens have stepped forward with documents that not only appear to be accurate, but are disconcerting as well.
“Transporting of children for political purposes is unconscionable and must be stopped. The trust in the Obama regime and Washington has hit a new low, not only in the minds of the American people but in the lives of child victims who are suffering at the hand of Obama.”  Steve Eichler – Tea Party
Under the guise of escort services, government agencies appear to be moving blocks of human cargo from foreign countries into the US. This infusion of illegal aleins will no doubt apply extreme and unnecessary pressure on entire immigration system, until the whole process collapses.
However, because of recent discoveries, amnesty is getting further from reach, and a spotlight is now focused on the Obama regime and their unconscionable actions against the most helpless members of the human race: children. Many of these child victims have been forcibly separated from their parents for the “greater good.”
The Tea Party research team is continuing to investigate these newly discovered documents and statements, more information will be forth coming. The following document showcases the date, time, and intent of Obama’s plot.
Procurement Type: Request for Information (RFI)/Sources Sought
Title: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children
Classification Code: V- Transportation/Travel/Relocation
NAICS code: 561612
Primary POC: Rachel Ali, Contract Specialist/
Secondary POC: Tony Ross, Contracting Officer/
A. Introduction
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States. ICE is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier), property inventory, providing juveniles with meals, drafting reports, generating transport documents, maintaining/stocking daily supplies, providing and issuing clothing as needed, coordinating with DHS and HHS staff, travel coordination, limited stationary guard services to accommodate for trip disruptions due to inclement weather, faulty equipment, or other exigent circumstances. In emergency situations, the Contractor shall be called on to provide temporary shelter locations (such as trailers) with shower facilities for juveniles who are pending placement with HHS when bed space is unavailable nationwide for extended periods of time. The Contractor shall provide temporary guard services and other support as necessary during these emergencies.
In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s). While this may not require each employee to be fluent in all of the encountered languages, personnel should have access to and knowledge of translation services.
B. ICE Standards/Special Requirements
The contractor is required to perform in accordance with the ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS 2011), all ICE policies related to the transportation of juveniles (see the ICE Family Residential Standards at as well as the Flores Settlement Agreement, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, and the Homeland Security Act of 2002. In cases where other standards conflict with DHS/ICE Policy or Standards, DHS/ICE Policy and Standards will prevail. ICE Inspectors will conduct periodic inspections to assure compliance of the aforementioned standards.
Personnel shall have the knowledge and experience to transport individual children with special needs. Often times, children with special needs may require a transportation method that is time saving and direct, i.e. by commercial airline. Contractor shall also provide for accompanying medical care. Additionally, due to exigent circumstances, the Contractor shall be required to transport juveniles via ground to HUB airports or other staging areas that are not located within the area of initial apprehension.
The Contractor shall follow a fully developed training curriculum and transporting staff shall have the highest level of competency possible. Areas of training shall include, but are not limited to the following: Airport rules and regulations for travelers, crisis intervention, child development, working with and transporting youth with special needs, transporting youth with behavioral problems, CPR & First Aid training, non-secured UAC policy and procedures and the implementation of contingency plans in the event of a crisis during transport, which include de-escalation techniques.
Background Investigations and Suitability Screenings will be conducted on all Contract Employees by the Office of Professional Responsibility and Personnel Security Unit (OPR-OSU).
The Contractor shall agree that each employee working on this contract will successfully pass the DHS Employment Eligibility (E-Verify) program operated by USICS to establish work authorization and U.S. Citizenship.
Employees must reside in the United States.
C. Contract Type
The Government anticipates awarding a five (5) year Fixed Price Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle consisting of a one year base period, and four (4) option years. The Service Contract
Act is applicable to this acquisition. All required clauses, provisions will be included in the solicitation and resulting contractual instrument.
The anticipated release date of the solicitation is March 3, 2014. The solicitation closing date will be thirty (30) days after release of the Request for Proposal (RFP).
Projected Set-Aside: All business sizes are welcome to participate; however, ICE is trying to determine small business interest, particularly HubZone companies. All information received in response in to this notice will be used to determine the appropriateness of any small business set-aside for this requirement.
D. Place of Performance:
Service Area: Throughout the Continental United States (US)
The area(s) or region(s) serviced may occur either with a phased approach over a period of several months to a full year. Alternatively, the Contractor shall perform the entire transportation function upon full funding. For example, the following two circumstances may occur: (1) The contractor could initially provide transportation services only in the Southwest Region of the U.S. for those juveniles who are apprehended in the state of Texas; or, (2) The Contractor may be required to provide transportation services for all juveniles who are in DHS custody throughout the continental U.S.
E. RFI Purpose/Requirements
The purpose of this RFI is to obtain market information and capabilities for planning purposes and to determine appropriate strategies to meet the Agency’s requirements. This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes and does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a commitment for an RFP in the future.  Responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are advised that the Government will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this announcement and information submitted in response to this RFI will not be returned.
Interested parties are instructed to submit the following information: (Note: Please do not exceed 5 pages per RFI submission)
POC information (name, title, phone number, address, email address, etc.)
Socio-economic status
Brief Company Capability statement (to include addressing all special needs as stated above)
F. Submissions and Point of Contact Information
Submit written or electronic submissions via email to by 1:00pm EST on Monday, February 19, 2014.
- See more at:


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