Sunday, June 1, 2014

( Virginia Fuller For Congress ) Patcnews June 1, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomes Virginia Fuller For Congress © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

                    liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
                Thanks for your Support

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                                  liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Virginia Fuller

Virginia Fuller
Independent Write-in Candidate
I am Virginia Fuller.
I am the endorsed candidate for the American Independent Party, and running for the open congressional seat in district 11 as a write-in candidate.
I immigrated to the United States in 1976 and gained my citizenship in 2000. I have lived in California for over 36 years. I was trained as a registered nurse in The Netherlands, Europe. My two children are both college graduates and model citizens.
I became a child advocate after I observed the shortage for quality long-term nursing care for children in my community while working as a staff nurse in the rehab unit at Children’s Hospital Oakland.
In 1989 I established and operated two pediatric care facilities. One was a 24-hour Emergency Shelter Home for abused and neglected children located in Oakland. The other was a Nursing Care Facility in Richmond, licensed by the State Health Department.
I observed first-hand, the inequality and limited access to long-term nursing care for poor and minority children in this predominately liberal and Democratic region. As a result, I became a political activist in 2000.
I decided to run for the open congressional seat in CA-District-11 as an Independent.
Why? Because the retiring incumbent George Miller has demonstrated for 40 years, that he was out of touch with a significant segment of his constituency. And he believed, that we, the subjects, should be grateful that he saddled us with his signature bill, called Obamacare. The new healthcare law however does not apply to him, or to many of the proponents of Obamacare. His partisan and neglectful policies have proven to be disastrous to traditional families and to our communities.
As your Congresswoman, I have great plans for rebuilding the 11th Congressional District’s inner cities – by stimulating the economy and keeping jobs in California; giving parents school choices with school vouchers, and greater access to better performing schools. Many neighborhoods have deteriorated because of high crime rates and population exudes due to decades of neglect by George Miller.
I have integrity, decency and will maintain loyalty to my constituents. I am a proud Constitutionalist, a patriotic citizen with common sense and real life experiences. I am running for Congress as a citizen politician, not a lawyer!
If you are a proud American citizen and believe in our rights under the 14th Amendment, being superior to powers granted to the LIMITED Federal government, in the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, may I count on your support?
Thank you and God Bless.
Virginia Fuller

 "One can only imagine the calamitous results to our liberties if the government of the United States would take on the roll of a sovereign plantation owner who provides for the food, education, health care, and housing of his slaves."

- U.S. Major General Freman - 1861

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

- Ronald Reagan



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