Sunday, June 1, 2014

( The Ann-Marie Murrell Report ) Patcnews June 1, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ann-Marie Murrell on Dr. Phil Show © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

 PolitiChick Ann-Marie Murrell on the Dr. Phil Show

                   liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
                Thanks for your Support

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                                  liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

The Ann-Marie Murrell Does not know that   Dr. Phil does not believe in the U.S. Constitution that is a Fact...

Why Put This Crap on National Television If I'm going to Watch this I will watch thriller Movie instead of Dr. Phil...

Photo of Constitution

Ann-Marie Murrell Needs to Read These Books

Books For
Ann-Marie Murrell and She is Not that Conservative Either it's all about Entertainment News Now.....

Ann-Marie Murrell

Ann-Marie Murrell is the original PolitiChick anchor and is the National Director/Editor-in-Chief of, which was
nominated at CPAC 2013 as the “People’s Choice Blogger of the Year”. In 2013, Ann-Marie received Front Page Magazine’s Glazov Gang Ronald Reagan Award.

Ann-Marie writes for dozens of respected Conservative websites including
TownHall, Daily Caller, Front Page Magazine, The Blaze Ann-Marie is often a guest speaker at rallies across the US and is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows, including a 2013 appearance on the Dr. Phil Show in which she represented the conservative viewpoint. She has been featured on dozens of radio and television shows, including
Fox News, BlazeTV, the Dennis Prager Show, the Janine Turner Show and  she is a regular commentator and guest host on One America’s Rick Amato Show, Front Page Magazine’s Glazov Gang and the Mark Isler Show on
870/The Answer.

Ann-Marie is one of the go-to conservative reporters in Los Angeles and has covered multiple political events throughout the United States.
Ann-Marie has conducted hundreds of interviews with conservative leaders including Congresswoman Michele Bachmann,
Lt. Col. Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, and she was one of the last reporters to interview the late Andrew Breitbart.

Ann-Marie speaks at various Conservative rallies and 2nd Amendment events across the country, from California to Texas and many cities in
between, and was the exclusive reporter for the David Horowitz Freedom Center West Coast retreat.

You can find Ann-Marie Murrell on Facebook and Twitter (@PolitichickAM). (@PolitichickAM).


June 1, 2014 at 5:00 am / by

About Ann-Marie Murrell
Ann-Marie Murrell is the original PolitiChick anchor and is the National Director/Editor-in-Chief of, which was nominated at CPAC 2013 as the “People’s Choice Blogger of the Year”. In
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PolitiChicks is proud to announce that as of May 22, 2014, Ann-Marie Murrell, Morgan Brittany and Dr. Gina Loudon (via Line in the Sand Productions Inc.) are the new owners of
National Director/Editor-in-Chief Ann-Marie Murrell says, “As we head into this important election season, Morgan, Dr. Gina and I are honored to be the new owners of PolitiChicks.   The three of us have worked very hard to build and grow the site over the years and we have dynamic plans to make it bigger and better than ever.  We are especially thrilled that the relaunch coincides with our national book tour for What Women (Really) Want.”
“One big change will be the way we organize our articles by topics, with our nationwide writers focusing on areas they specialize in”, says Ann-Marie.
Some of the new topics will be:
Red Hot Education, where you’ll learn the latest about everything from homeschooling to Common Core from experts across the U.S.
Red Hot Parenting & Religion, featuring parenting tips and encouragement from ‘real moms’, and issues regarding religion (Israel, Christian persecution and more)
Red Hot Fashion & Health, featuring everything from the latest clothes and makeup trends to health/diet tips from some of Hollywood’s leading experts.
…and much more!
“Our relaunch will also feature our 2nd Annual Red Hot Conservative Men of 2014”, Ann-Marie adds. “This was one of our most popular series ever last year.  Of course it’s going to be so Red Hot only our subscribers will be able to see it,” she says with a laugh.
“We have all been so excited to share this with you!” says Dr. Gina Loudon.  “We have many fun, exciting changes in store that will make PolitiChicks take off like a red-hot rocket ship.  So hang on to your stilettos, ladies!  We are gonna’ take this thing sky high–and you are the key to that.  Thank you for being our inspiration, motivation, and trajectory!”
From Morgan Brittany,

“Here we go folks!” says Morgan Brittany. “It’s time to propel PolitiChicks into the stratosphere and we are locked, loaded and ready for action!  Our army of patriots is growing and thanks to all of you for your help we are now a bigger, stronger force to be reckoned with.  We will cover serious news and critical issues from our communities, our states and our country while combining some jaw-dropping lunacy from Hollywood and some other surprises that you will love. Can’t wait for the launch!”
During this transition period, we are asking for your patience as we prepare for these exciting changes.  As we all recently experienced with a certain government program, website glitches are bound to happen.  Hopefully ours won’t affect the entire nation.
And thank you again for your continued loyalty to, where we are committed to bringing you all of the Red Hot Politics of the day!




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