Friday, June 20, 2014

( al Qaeda jihad ISIS terrorists report ) Patcnews: June 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports al Qaeda mohammed jihad terrorists are evil © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

On Tuesday evening, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley was the only broadcast network newscast to have any coverage of the upcoming midterm elections, which are four weeks away from Tuesday.
While that was the case, the just over two-minute-long segment wasn’t free of liberal bias, as it criticized Republican candidates for running ads on the issue of fighting the Islamic terrorist group ISIS since President Obama “does have a strategy now” for confronting the group in Iraq and Syria. [MP3 audio here; Video below]
Anchor Scott Pelley began by telling viewers that “ISIS has worked its way into the congressional elections” that are “just coming up four weeks from today” and then introduced CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes to report on “some campaign ads that are getting a lot of attention.”
After playing a number of Republican ads, Cordes stated that: “In ad after ad, Republicans fault the President and, by extension, Democrats in Congress for allowing ISIS to grow unchecked.”
After showing another GOP ad, Cordes objectively pointed out that subject is “a potent argument for outsiders” considering a new CBS News poll found that 36 percent of Americans believe the policies of the Obama administration “have made the country less safe from terrorism” and 77 percent said Congress fairly or poorly assessed the ISIS threat.
When she wrapped up her story, however, Cordes resorted back to going after Republicans. She said that the President’s admission in August that he didn’t have a strategy for dealing with ISIS “opened the door for attacks by Republicans,” but now is “a tricky campaign issue” at this stage of the campaign because “he does have a strategy now, and it’s one a majority of members of Congress from both sides say they support.”
Cordes’s panning of Republican ads that criticize President Obama on ISIS provides another example a double-standard in the liberal media, as droves of Democratic candidates aired ads on the Iraq War to bash then-President George W. Bush and Republicans ahead of the 2006 midterm elections (in which Democrats swept both the House and Senate).
On the day after the 2006 midterms, a Washington Post article cited numerous incumbents that were defeated by challengers after successfully linking them to the war taking place in Iraq. Writing for the Post at the time, Michael Grunwald highlighted how “Iraq especially seemed to sour the environment for Republicans in the Northeast” and said the election overall:
[W]as much more than a referendum on the war, but bad news from Baghdad gave Democrats a powerful argument for change, and a metaphor for a “rubber-stamp Congress” that wants to “stay the course” in America as well as Iraq.
Additionally, analyses of campaign ads that centered around criticism of Bush and the GOP on the Iraq War were done by National Public Radio (NPR) and The New York Times in the weeks leading up to the election and, not surprsingly, offered no such criticism of them being out of place. An analysis done by the Times on September 17, 2006 gushed over the anti-Bush campaign strategy:
The emergence of this recurrent theme in Democratic advertising is not a coordinated push by the legions of consultants, party leaders, campaign managers and candidates. Democrats said using advertisements involving Mr. Bush was almost an obvious thing to do, given his lack of popularity, and reflects the effort by many in the party to turn this election into a national referendum on Mr. Bush.
The full transcript of the segment that aired on the October 7 edition of the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley is transcribed below.
CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley
October 7, 2014
6:38 p.m. Eastern
SCOTT PELLEY: ISIS has worked its way into the congressional elections, too. They're just coming up four weeks from today. Nancy Cordes tells us about some campaign ads that are getting a lot of attention.
NARRATOR IN WENDY ROGERS FOR CONGRESS AD: Are we secure? Are we protected?
CORDES: The ad was released yesterday by an Arizona Republican running for Congress named Wendy Rogers. It opens with video of American journalist James Foley just before he was beheaded.
NARRATOR IN WENDY ROGERS FOR CONGRESS AD: Keeping us safe and secure is Congress's job. Kirsten Sinema hasn't done her job.
CORDES: A Democratic spokesman called the ad “reprehensible” and accused Rogers of using “footage of an American tragedy for political gain,” but the Rogers campaign argued it was only using current events to show differences between the candidates, like several other Republican challengers have done.
NARRATOR OF AD CRITICIZING KAY HAGAN: While ISIS grew, Obama kept waiting and Kay Hagan kept quiet.
CORDES: In ad after ad, Republicans fault the President and, by extension, Democrats in Congress for allowing ISIS to grow unchecked.
SCOTT BROWN [IN AD]: President Obama and Senator Shaheen seem confused about the nature of the threat. Not me.
CORDES: It's a potent argument for outsiders. In today's CBS News poll, 36 percent of Americans said the Obama administration's policies have made the country less safe from terrorism. 77 percent of respondents said Congress did only a fair or poor job assessing the ISIS threat. Anticipating such attacks, some incumbent Democrats, like Colorado's Senator Mark Udall, have released their own ads.
NARRATOR OF MARK UDALL AD: Intelligence Committee member, Chair of the Committee on Strategic Forces, determined to defeat ISIS with full support for American airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.
CORDES: The President opened the door for attacks by Republicans on this issue, when he admitted back in August that the U.S. did not have a strategy for taking on ISIS in Syria, but what makes this a tricky campaign issue, Scott, is that he does have a strategy now, and it’s one a majority of members of Congress from both sides say they support.
PELLEY: Nancy Cordes on Capitol Hill for us tonight. Nancy, thank you. 
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I am thrilled to announce that human rights activist and freedom fighter Nonie Darwish, an ex-Muslim who grew up in Gaza and experienced jihad and Jew-hatred firsthand and repudiated both, has become our first AFDI fellow. In that capacity, Nonie, author of the must-read books Now They Call Me Infidel and Cruel and Usual Punishment will be contributing regular articles here. I am pleased to be able to feature her unique and important perspectives here at Atlas. I’m also very happy to announce that Nonie’s groundbreaking and courageous organization, Former Muslims United, will now continue its work as part of the AFDI freedom network.
We have worked together on a number of critical projects ie Islamic Apartheid week on college campuses, Former Muslim conferences to aid Muslims who have left Islam, CPAC education programs etc.

Obama’s Conduct Unbecoming
Obama, as the leader of the free world, had the perfect opportunity to speak again to the Muslim world from Antalya, Turkey, during the G-20 summit. But this time, instead of appeasing, he could have talked business to a Muslim world entrenched in self-deception, self-pity, blame, misery, hatred and terror. He could have finally done what many needed him to do; to demand from Islamic religious and political leadership to change course to end the glorification of the jihad culture, hate education and take responsibility for creating a culture of terror. He could have demanded an end to the paranoia against the West and the centuries long breeding of millions of Muslim young men believing that honor, glory and love of country means dying for the sake of Allah in martyrdom operations against perceived enemies of Islam.
That would have been the appropriate thing to do by the leader of the free world after over 14 years of non-stop Islamic terror threats and attacks on the West by Muslims. Obama would have been uniquely qualified for that long awaited moment of truth with the Muslim world, for a plea to Muslims to make peace with themselves and with the West for the sake of peace and prosperity for all.
But after the Paris terror attack, Obama chose to yet again defend Islam and shame anyone who dare link Islam with terror. He never even hinted at time for an Islamic reformation movement. Obama’s missed opportunity to demand an Islamic reformation, might have upset many Muslims, but would have started a worldwide discussion among Muslims to be open with self-criticism and looking within instead of attacking the outside for solutions. Obama instead provided Muslims with yet more excuses for Islamic terror, when he insisted that we couldn’t stereotype and judge.
After the terror attack on Paris, Obama still chose to reprimand legitimate critics of Islamic jihad. He warned against “equating the terrible actions that took place in Paris terrorism with the views on Islam.” He insisted, “Those stereotypes are wrong and counter-productive.” No word from him was addressed to the Islamic world, but warnings to the West.
It is time for Western citizens to stand firm to demand better from their leaders and say enough with Western leaders appeasing a constantly offended Muslim world; enough with Western leaders speaking from a position of weakness before a terrorized and neglected Western population who are constantly blamed for Islamic discontent; enough with claims that “Islam is a religion of peace” and “Islam has nothing to do with terror” business, because it is no longer a valid argument by anyone, let alone Obama, whose job qualification is, first and foremost, to protect American citizens.
Obama so far have done everything he could to please Muslims, and that makes him especially credible today to make demands on Muslims to start an Islamic reformation after the horrific terror attacks on Paris. Many Muslim political leaders are themselves fed up with radical Islamist groups threatening to bring their governments down. Egyptian president Al-Sisi himself, who risked being labeled an apostate, when he stood before Al Azhar leaders, demanding sweeping reforms in Islam.
Putting aside whether Islam is good and peaceful or not, it is a fact that world wide Islamic terrorism is the product of the cultural, educational and religious teachings long practiced in Muslim countries. That must change and Western leaders must step up their efforts to protect their Western citizens, culture and way of life. It is gross negligence for Western leaders to gamble with the safety and security of their citizens for the sake of taking in refugees from an area of the world plagued with Islamic terrorism and sympathizers.
It is unbecoming for the president of the US to keep defending Islam and lecturing his citizens on tolerance of the intolerant. It is infuriating for Americans, and rightfully so, after acts of Islamic terror on US soil with chants of Allahu Akbar, for the president of the USA to call them ‘work place violence’. It is redundant and useless to keep perpetuating the argument that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, because it is no longer working.
True or not, appearances do count. Obama is inappropriately becoming the number one defender of Islam, among world leaders today. Obama’s bizarre and constant defense of Islam after every Muslim terror attack on American soil is not only drawing the attention and raising eyebrows of American citizens, but also promoting distrust among Egyptian reformists who are fed up with Islamic terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood. The distrust of Obama is publicly expressed in Egypt in a front-page article in Egyptian newspaper — Al-Wafd —that recently and specifically accuses Obama of being a member of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Many people are openly asking if Obama is a Muslim, but that does not matter because it is his actions and not what is in his heart that counts. Many respected journalists are describing Obama as ‘delusional’ after his Turkey comment, but the problem points to us, the voters of America, who have given Islamism its best gift ever after 9/11; the election of Barak Hussein Obama.
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Sen. Ted Cruz: White House Stalling Probe Into $1.3B Payment to Iran

Image: Sen. Ted Cruz: White House Stalling Probe Into $1.3B Payment to Iran
Sen. Ted Cruz (Photo by Dennis Van Tine/STAR MAX via AP)

By Todd Beamon   |   Tuesday, 23 Aug 2016 04:54 PM

Sen. Ted Cruz Tuesday accused the Obama administration of stonewalling Congress on how it paid $1.3 billion in taxpayer money to Iran along with the $400 million in cash for the release of five American hostages in January.

"The already bizarre circumstances surrounding the $1.7 billion payment to the Islamic Republic have only gotten stranger in the weeks since we learned of the $400 million in cash that was sent to the Iranian regime last January 16th," the former 2016 presidential candidate told The Washington Free Beacon. "If this payment was, as the Obama administration insists, a straightforward settlement of an old debt that it would have cost America more to contest, why all the secrecy?"

The White House has claimed that the $400 million was to settle a 1979 dispute with Tehran, with the remaining $1.3 billion described as "interest."

State Department spokesman John Kirby admitted last week that the Obama administration withheld the $400 million cash delivery until the hostages were released — leading Republicans to accuse the White House of paying ransom for the Americans.

The agency said Monday that it did not know how those remaining dollars were transferred or to whom they was transferred, the Free Beacon reports.

"It is even more confounding that the State Department spokesman claimed Monday not to know how or to whom the residual $1.3 billion was transferred, although he does know the transaction happened," Cruz told the Free Beacon. "That kind of money doesn't just transfer itself to a rogue regime still under heavy U.S. sanctions for its sponsorship of terrorism.

Latest News Update
"Someone in our government must have the answers the American people deserve."

Both Cruz, a first-term Texas senator, and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who is seeking his second term this fall, have requested information from Obama administration officials to determine whether the payments violated U.S. law, the Free Beacon reports.

"While we are deeply concerned about the national-security implications of the administration's cash-for-hostages scheme, especially in light of reports that Iran has already arrested additional Americans, the purpose of this letter is to inquire about the legality of the payment," the senators wrote in an Aug. 12 letter.

"It is imperative that the administration provide a full accounting of its conduct with respect to the $400 million cash payment to Iran," they continued. "If the administration violated the law, then Congress and the American people should be made aware of it so that they can hold the appropriate officials accountable and take whatever steps necessary to strengthen the law and prevent any reoccurrence."

Activists go after Rep. Ryan and 15 states supporting refugee resettlement

Activists go after Rep. Ryan and 15 states supporting refugee resettlement


November 19, 2015

Contact: Americans for Less Immigration PAC | (866) 703-0864 |

ALIPAC is asking activists to go after Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and the 15 Democrat Governors who are working to protect and sustain Obama's nationally destructive refugee resettlement programs now opposed by 32 states!

ALIPAC is releasing the very popular national map showing 32 states opposing Obama's refugee resettlement programs that has been viewed more than 85,000 on social media since being posted yesterday. Activists are encouraged to make calls and social media posts berating Ryan and the Democrat governors found on the contact list at...
15 Muslim Refugee Supporting States Targeted by Activists

"I've never seen Americans this angry at politicians! Our post of the map showing 32 states now rejecting refugees from Muslim nations that hate us is very popular on our social media pages and has been viewed more than 85,000 times. Today we are asking Americans to bombard the remaining 15 Democrat state governors with calls and social media posts opposing their support for the importation of Muslim refugees and the current and future terrorists among them," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Americans are already doing these things and many of the Facebook pages of the Jihadist Democrat alliance Governors are already melting down. We want to add structure to this activism and create a lasting record of which politicians are putting American lives in danger through their efforts to import refugees and illegal aliens to bolster future Democrat campaigns."

Speaker Paul Ryan is trying to protect Obama's Syrian refugee resettlement programs today by passing a bill that only "pauses" the program instead of stopping it. Also, Ryan's bill is based on the false premise that refugees from Muslim countries can be adequately vetted when they can't as Senator Jeff Sessions is pointing out!

ALIPAC added opposition to the Syrian refugee resettlement programs to the organization's national platform more than a month before the Paris attacks when it became clear the program puts American lives and national security at risk.

A special request is being made for Kentucky where activists are being asked to make posts on the social media pages of Governor Elect Matt Bevin to ask that Bevin announce Kentucky will join the other states stopping refugee resettlement when he is sworn in as Governor of Kentucky.

For more information about illegal immigration, or for contact information for Paul Ryan and the Democrat Governors, please visit

Many people are openly asking if Obama is a Muslim, but that does not matter because it is his actions and not what is in his heart that counts. Many respected journalists are describing Obama as ‘delusional’ after his Turkey comment, but the problem points to us, the voters of America, who have given Islamism its best gift ever after 9/11; the election of Barak Hussein Obama. - See more at:
On Tuesday evening, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley was the only broadcast network newscast to have any coverage of the upcoming midterm elections, which are four weeks away from Tuesday.

While that was the case, the just over two-minute-long segment wasn’t free of liberal bias, as it criticized Republican candidates for running ads on the issue of fighting the Islamic terrorist group ISIS since President Obama “does have a strategy now” for confronting the group in Iraq and Syria. [MP3 audio here; Video below]

Anchor Scott Pelley began by telling viewers that “ISIS has worked its way into the congressional elections” that are “just coming up four weeks from today” and then introduced CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes to report on “some campaign ads that are getting a lot of attention.”

After playing a number of Republican ads, Cordes stated that: “In ad after ad, Republicans fault the President and, by extension, Democrats in Congress for allowing ISIS to grow unchecked.”

After showing another GOP ad, Cordes objectively pointed out that subject is “a potent argument for outsiders” considering a new CBS News poll found that 36 percent of Americans believe the policies of the Obama administration “have made the country less safe from terrorism” and 77 percent said Congress fairly or poorly assessed the ISIS threat.

When she wrapped up her story, however, Cordes resorted back to going after Republicans. She said that the President’s admission in August that he didn’t have a strategy for dealing with ISIS “opened the door for attacks by Republicans,” but now is “a tricky campaign issue” at this stage of the campaign because “he does have a strategy now, and it’s one a majority of members of Congress from both sides say they support.”

Cordes’s panning of Republican ads that criticize President Obama on ISIS provides another example a double-standard in the liberal media, as droves of Democratic candidates aired ads on the Iraq War to bash then-President George W. Bush and Republicans ahead of the 2006 midterm elections (in which Democrats swept both the House and Senate).

On the day after the 2006 midterms, a Washington Post article cited numerous incumbents that were defeated by challengers after successfully linking them to the war taking place in Iraq. Writing for the Post at the time, Michael Grunwald highlighted how “Iraq especially seemed to sour the environment for Republicans in the Northeast” and said the election overall:

    [W]as much more than a referendum on the war, but bad news from Baghdad gave Democrats a powerful argument for change, and a metaphor for a “rubber-stamp Congress” that wants to “stay the course” in America as well as Iraq.

Additionally, analyses of campaign ads that centered around criticism of Bush and the GOP on the Iraq War were done by National Public Radio (NPR) and The New York Times in the weeks leading up to the election and, not surprsingly, offered no such criticism of them being out of place. An analysis done by the Times on September 17, 2006 gushed over the anti-Bush campaign strategy:

    The emergence of this recurrent theme in Democratic advertising is not a coordinated push by the legions of consultants, party leaders, campaign managers and candidates. Democrats said using advertisements involving Mr. Bush was almost an obvious thing to do, given his lack of popularity, and reflects the effort by many in the party to turn this election into a national referendum on Mr. Bush.

The full transcript of the segment that aired on the October 7 edition of the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley is transcribed below.

    CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley
    October 7, 2014
    6:38 p.m. Eastern


    SCOTT PELLEY: ISIS has worked its way into the congressional elections, too. They're just coming up four weeks from today. Nancy Cordes tells us about some campaign ads that are getting a lot of attention.

    NARRATOR IN WENDY ROGERS FOR CONGRESS AD: Are we secure? Are we protected?

    CORDES: The ad was released yesterday by an Arizona Republican running for Congress named Wendy Rogers. It opens with video of American journalist James Foley just before he was beheaded.

    NARRATOR IN WENDY ROGERS FOR CONGRESS AD: Keeping us safe and secure is Congress's job. Kirsten Sinema hasn't done her job.

    CORDES: A Democratic spokesman called the ad “reprehensible” and accused Rogers of using “footage of an American tragedy for political gain,” but the Rogers campaign argued it was only using current events to show differences between the candidates, like several other Republican challengers have done.

    NARRATOR OF AD CRITICIZING KAY HAGAN: While ISIS grew, Obama kept waiting and Kay Hagan kept quiet.

    CORDES: In ad after ad, Republicans fault the President and, by extension, Democrats in Congress for allowing ISIS to grow unchecked.

    SCOTT BROWN [IN AD]: President Obama and Senator Shaheen seem confused about the nature of the threat. Not me.

    CORDES: It's a potent argument for outsiders. In today's CBS News poll, 36 percent of Americans said the Obama administration's policies have made the country less safe from terrorism. 77 percent of respondents said Congress did only a fair or poor job assessing the ISIS threat. Anticipating such attacks, some incumbent Democrats, like Colorado's Senator Mark Udall, have released their own ads.

    NARRATOR OF MARK UDALL AD: Intelligence Committee member, Chair of the Committee on Strategic Forces, determined to defeat ISIS with full support for American airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.

    CORDES: The President opened the door for attacks by Republicans on this issue, when he admitted back in August that the U.S. did not have a strategy for taking on ISIS in Syria, but what makes this a tricky campaign issue, Scott, is that he does have a strategy now, and it’s one a majority of members of Congress from both sides say they support.

    PELLEY: Nancy Cordes on Capitol Hill for us tonight. Nancy, thank you.

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Newt Gingrich in Myrtle Beach. (Fox News) Myrtle Beach, S.C. -- Charges of anti-Muslim discrimination at Catholic University in D.C. has presidential candidate Newt Gingrich up in arms. "I look at the things that are going on in this country that make no sense to me," he said to a crowd of about 250 South Carolinians gathered at a pig roast fundraiser organized by the Myrtle Beach Tea Party. "We now have a lawsuit apparently by some Muslim students at Catholic University who are offended being at a Catholic university. Now my first answer to them is 'Fine, don't go to a Catholic university.'" His comments drew applause. Gingrich was referring to allegations that Catholic University of America is illegally discriminating against Muslim students by "denying them access to benefits that other student groups enjoy," and, in particular, not providing space for daily prayers so that they have to pray in classrooms or campus chapels where they are surrounded by Catholic symbols. The charges are currently being reviewed by the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights. Gingrich challenged the "people who filed the lawsuit," asking rhetorically, "Are you prepared to sponsor a Christian missionary in Mecca? Because if you're not prepared to sponsor religious liberty in Saudi Arabia, don't come and nag us with some hypocritical baloney. So I think we need to be prepared to stand firm for genuine religious liberty, not for something that's anti-Christian." The former House speaker brought up the story after being asked a question from the audience on the persecution of Coptic Christians in the Middle East, which he related to what he sees as a global picture of anti-Christian sentiment. Gingrich answered, "What I would do is I would actively try to defend religious liberty across the planet, including in Egypt, in Iraq. Look, the number of Christians left in Iraq dropped from a million 200 thousand to five hundred thousand after we liberated the country." He blasted U.S. strategy in the Middle East as a "totally grotesque area." "People say, well isn't this great, we're having an Arab Spring. Well I don't know, I think we may in fact be having an anti-Christian spring. I think people should actually be taking this pretty soberly."

[Watch] John Bolton – Mosul Dam Progress Proves Kurds Can Do The Job With a Little Help, Right Tools

081 bolton 610
Just as the military advisers have been virtually unanimous in predicting, air strikes in conjunction with Kurdish ground forces equals dead ISIS terrorists. Dead terrorists can’t hold territory, and fourteen air strikes helped return portions of the Mosul Dam to Kurdish control.
Former UN Ambassador John Bolton describes the winning formula and the importance of keeping the ISIS forces from being able to become entrenched and established. ISIS has continued their genocidal butchery with reports of at least another four-hundred Yazidi men massacred. It appears Obama might have been a little premature in his “mission accomplished” announcement between rounds of golf as to the resolution of the humanitarian crisis.
There still exists a risk to Mosul and Baghdad that the dam may be used as a weapon to flood the cities as well as controlling electrical power to the area. Returning control to Iraqis as quickly as possible is a high priority item. The report indicates the road to the dam has already been mined.

Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit  like us on facebook ppatcnews    

Everyone is talking about isis jihad al qaeda muslims terrorists Here is What We Do with them video to watch



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FBI director warns of Khorasan attack

The Hill
FBI director warns of Khorasan attack © Getty Images FBI director warns of Khorasan attack
The head of the FBI said in an interview broadcast late Sunday that the U.S. is preparing for an imminent terrorist attack.
FBI Director James Comey said the Khorasan Group, an al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, may still be working on a plan to hit the United States.
“Khorasan was working and may still be working on an effort to attack the United States or our allies, and looking to do it very, very soon,” he said on CBS’s “60 Minutes.”
“I can’t sit here and tell you whether it’s their plan is tomorrow or three weeks or three months from now,” he said.
“Given our visibility, we know they’re serious people, bent on destruction. And so we have to act as if it’s coming tomorrow.”
He said that terrorist networks in Syria are a product of “the metastasis of al Qaeda” with the two major groups, al Nusra and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
“They are both vicious, sort of the inheritors of a lot of the mantle of al Qaeda and present different threats in a lot of ways,” Comey said.
He described the al Nusra group as experienced bomb makers, killers and planners seeking international targets.
“These are people who have thought about bringing terrorism on a global scale,” he said.
“ISIL is as sophisticated, maybe more than any of the others in its media presence and its recruiting and training efforts online,” he said, using another acronym for ISIS.

Jihadi recruitment video for Islamist terror group Isis features three Britons

'Cure for depression is jihad,' says one militant in 13-minute video appeal for Muslim westerners to join war in Iraq and Syria
The Guardian,

The War on Terrorism
  Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's extremist contact, money and continuing defense of terrorist fundraisers.

The First Reason
On a clear, beautiful September morning in 2001 our American family was savagely attacked by Islamic assassins murdering thousands of us…parents embracing their children on airlines, young stewardesses cut down while blocking cockpit doors, pilots slashed while strapped helpless in their seats, thousands of citizens just like us at work sipping their first coffee burned alive then crushed or vaporized with 415 incredibly brave rescuers slaughtered trying to reach the unreachable victims.
Those heroes sacrificed their lives while "in uniform" just like our military heroes in the Middle East today and for months to come. All of us, or at least most of us, felt on September 11, 2001 that our lives had changed forever. A resolute President Bush forcefully proclaimed that we were fully engaged in a "War on Terror". How soon some have forgotten all that "worse then Pearl Harbor" horror. I was hosting my live national program that painful morning reporting every terror strike as they happened.
It's all burned in my memory; that evening a deep desire to "go back on active duty". To me, Congress was a form of active duty for those beyond youthful military years. I discussed with my wife Sallie running in a primary election in March 5th, 2002, but it was too soon to prepare a campaign. We looked forward to March 2nd, 2004.
My unique military and intelligence background (22 ½ years of U.S. Air Force active/reserve service and eight years on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee) make me perfectly qualified to serve my country and you again in this treacherous, no end in sight war on terror.
For over thousand years marauding Islamic warriors tried to conquer the known world. Then in 1683 A.D. after a two month siege of Vienna with the conquest of all Europe in the balance, Polish Calvary led by a 72 year old prince destroyed the Muslim forces on "September 11th". Osama picked that very date to strike America 318 years later. For three centuries the Muslim's assaults were bloody but confined to piracy, the Balkans and genocide of 1,500,000 Armenians while Europe typically turned its back. Now starting in the 1980's with increasing ferocity the dark side of Islamic expansionism has returned with a jealous vengeance and gone inter-continental. I understand this history unlike a single sitting member of Congress, especially the "useful idiots". I'm prepared to serve without salary.

Reason #2: Cong. Dana Rohrabacher's Islamic Apologia
My nationally syndicated radio show contract precluded my declaring for Congress in late 2001 so we began to plan for December 2003. For years I had observed Rohrabacher moving deeper and deeper into radical Islamic intrigue. After accepting over $34,000 in easy campaign money Dana began to make a historically dishonest and unfair moral equivalency argument against Israel and against American scholars trying to educate the Bush Administration on Muslim conquests.
Dana began making illegal, non-diplomatic contacts with terrorist front men and finally with the Taliban foreign minister earning a severe rebuke from the State Department Intelligence operatives for "meddling in U.S. foreign policy". Unprecedented criticism for a sitting member of Congress. Dana's Arabic friends when away from him (we hope) were constantly spewing Hitler venom at Israel and their American protectors. Then came the May 2, 2002 "Alan Keyes Show". It was a stunning eye opener on how far Dana had drifted under Islamic influence. Study these excerpts: "…the Israelis have committed acts of slaughtering innocent people".


An Islamist fighter, identified as Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni from Britain, speaks in the Isis video
An Islamist fighter, centre, identified as Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni from Britain, speaks from an unknown location in the Isis video. Photograph: Reuters TV

Three men who claim to be British have appeared in a recruitment video for the terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), in which they directly appeal for other westerners to join them fighting jihad and state their intention to join the war in Iraq, where the army is struggling to repel the Sunni insurgents.
The video – entitled There's No Life Without Jihad – features three men with distinctly English accents, along with two Australians, holding guns and surrounded by greenery as they implore others to join them. Captions state their nationality and noms de guerre.
A man identified as Abu Bara' al-Hindi says: "Are you willing to sacrifice the fat job you have got, the big car you have got, the family you have? Are you willing to sacrifice this for the sake of Allah?
"To all my brothers living in the west, I know how you feel [from] when I used to live there. In the heart you feel depressed. The cure for the depression is jihad … all my brothers come to jihad and feel the honour we are feeling, feel the happiness we are feeling."
Going to Iraq or Syria to fight could constitute a crime under UK terrorism legislation.
The 13-minute video, which was apparently filmed in Syria, features clips of the seated men speaking in English, littered with Arabic phrases and words – including some quotations from the Qur'an – interspersed with footage of Isis fighters on the march.
Isis has been using its control of territory and oilfields in north-eastern Syria, where a number of jihadist groups have joined the civil war that has been raging for more than three years, to capture land in Iraq and they are now believed to be crossing the border between the two countries with ease.
Another man in the video, identified as Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni, says that the men are getting ready to fight in Iraq, where the beleaguered government has been petitioning the US to carry out air strikes to quell the insurgency.
"We have participated in battles in Sham [the Arabic name for the Levant or Greater Syria] and we will go to Iraq in a few days and fight there and come back and we will even go to Jordan and Lebanon with no problems," he boasts.
About 400 British nationals are thought to be fighting in Syria, with a majority likely to be involved with Isis or its affiliated factions, according to Charles Lister, a Middle East analyst at the Brookings Doha Centre. "This latest focus on British and Australian fighters symbolises Isis's continued determination to recruit further western, and especially English-speaking, fighters to their cause," he said.
The third Briton – and final speaker – in the video, identified as Abu Dujana al-Hindi, describes his monologue as a "message to the brothers who stayed behind".
He says: "You can be here in these golden times, fighting, or you can be on the sidelines fighting. It's your choice."
After he finishes speaking, the video concludes with slow-motion shots of the men smiling, with one apparently picking something out of his fellow fighter's beard.
David Cameron has vowed to address the threat posed to Britain by the return of foreign fighters, warning that the Sunni insurgents in Iraq, were "also planning to attack us here at home in the United Kingdom". Britain has said it will provide humanitarian assistance and counterterrorism expertise in Iraq but will not carry out military action.

ISIS Exposed 100% As A CIA Operation: “The  al Qaeda Mohammed jihad terrorists are evil” – Don’t Be Fooled (Video)

Friday, June 20, 2014 4:27

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leader of the ISIS was released from U.S. custody in Iraq by President
Barack Obama during his Iraqi troop draw down last year. The CIA has
organized this ISIS terror group. Then they open America’s southern
boarders for man power, weapons and supplies can be moved into America
with no resistence. 

Then Obama releases the GITMO 5 to join their Islamic brothers and bring Jihad to America. 

you watch this video understand that government propaganda on the masses
is legal under 2012 NDAA. America is facing danger beyond
comprehension. Mainstream media keeps feeding people an illusion of
safety while our own CIA organizes and assists these rebel Jihadists.

I would like you all visit this link to their Jihad recruiting video. This video is real and if this doesn’t send chills down your spine nothing will. This video has been banned from CIA run Facebook already. Watch it while it’s still up. There is no doubt they will take this video down very soon.  click here to watch the latest ISIS recruitment video.


“The lone wolf method is a strategy employed by al Qaeda and its allies so that Western Governments are unable to detect all the terror attempts. When those young men and women go to internet, they find all the ideological material and guidelines which indoctrinate them and prep them as individual lone wolves. Even if these individual Jihadis aren’t members of al Qaeda and or other Jihadist organizations they nevertheless act on behalf of the same goals and are indoctrinated by the same ideology. The strategic desire of al Qaeda is to have a Jihadi force working on the US homeland and striking from within. Hence those lone wolves in fact, even though not members of the organizational structure or with minimal email contact with overseas Jihadists are part of the global web. They act alone but they are connected.”  

Iraq’s Break Up is the Real “Mission Accomplished”


The Terror Behind ISIS Group that Scares Even Al-Qaeda


 These last 2 videos are only hours old. They will bring you up to speed on the developments over night. ISIS flag reported flying in Baghdad now.


Facebook Will Not block ISIS clothing sales

By Samuel Burke, CNN Correspondent

updated 7:03 PM EDT, Tue June 24, 2014

  • Clothes supporting ISIS slogans are available on a host of websites and social media
  • Facebook is disabling accounts that sell the merchandise when it sees them
  • Many of the retail sites are in Indonesia, where some may be sympathetic to ISIS, analysts say

(CNN) -- T-shirts, hoodies and even toy figurines bearing the ISIS logo are being sold on online and marketed across social media.

For around $10 you can buy an ISIS shirt with the militant group's logo and phrases printed on it like "We are all ISIS" and "Fight for Freedom, Until the Last Drop of Blood."

A toy soldier available on, an Indonesian site which by Tuesday could not be accessed, holds a gun in its hands and an ISIS flag with the Islamic tenet: "There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God."

The websites are marketing the ISIS paraphernalia across social media. Facebook has been removing the pages once the media alerts them to their existence.

"Where hateful content is posted and reported, Facebook removes it and disables accounts of those responsible," a Facebook spokesperson told CNN via email.

CNN alerted Twitter to some of the merchants' pages on that social network, but Twitter declined to comment.

Using merchandise to market itself as "cool" is a one of the common propaganda tools ISIS uses, according to researcher Hassan Hassan of the Delma Institute in Dubai.

"The point is to encourage people to get out there and join the trend," Hassan said.

Many of the websites with the merchandise come from Indonesia.

While Middle East experts are unsure whether ISIS is manufacturing the products, terrorism researcher J.M. Berger says he wouldn't be surprised if the money ends up going to ISIS.

"ISIS has a big base of support in Southeast Asia -- a long history with Islamism and jihadism. A number of foreign fighters come from the region," Berger wrote in an email to CNN.

"Much radical activity is local: vigilante gangs and mainstream politics. For those who find those options lacking, ISIS seems to be the leading choice of outlet."

While some of the Indonesian manufacturers of the ISIS merchandise may be opportunistic capitalists, others may be sympathetic to ISIS.

On the Twitter feed of the Rezji manufacturers, they describe themselves in the Indonesian language as "distributors of anti-Western culture" and state "together we stand with you against the tyrants."

In early 2014, the Institute for the Policy and Analysis of Conflict (IPAC) published a report that said the Syrian conflict was attracting foreign fighters from Indonesia.

"Indonesian extremists are more engaged by the conflict in Syria than by any other foreign war in recent memory, including Afghanistan and Iraq," the report said.

"As far as we know the number of Indonesian combatants is still in the dozens."

Battle Rages On! Iraq’s Prime Oil Refinery Under Constant Attack!

It’s now reported that ISIS has their hands on chemical weapons over night as well.


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White House: Obama Authorized US Airstrikes on Mosul Dam in Iraq

Sunday, 17 Aug 2014 06:38 PM



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The White House on Sunday said President Barack Obama had informed Congress he authorized U.S. air strikes in Iraq to help retake control of the Mosul Dam, and that the action was consistent with his goal of protecting U.S. citizens in that country. "The failure of the Mosul Dam could threaten the lives of large numbers of civilians, threaten U.S. personnel and facilities - including the U.S. embassy in Baghdad - and prevent the Iraqi government from providing critical services to the Iraqi populace," the White House said in a statement.
"These operations are limited in their nature, duration, and scope and are being undertaken in coordination with and at the request of the government of Iraq."
The Mosul Dam fell under the control of Islamic State militants earlier this month. Control of the dam, Iraq's biggest, could give the Sunni fundamentalists the ability to flood cities and cut off vital water and electricity supplies.
The U.S. Central Command said on Sunday the United States conducted a second day of air strikes against Islamic State fighters near the dam, using a mix of fighter, bomber, attack and remotely-piloted aircraft.
Central Command said the 14 strikes on Sunday damaged or destroyed 10 armed vehicles, seven Humvees and two armored personnel carriers of the Islamic State as well as one of the militants' checkpoints. The strikes followed nine U.S. air strikes on Saturday.
"All strike aircraft exited the strikes areas safely," Central Command said in a statement.
The Obama administration earlier this month launched an air strike campaign to protect U.S. personnel from the Islamic State and to ensure northern Iraq's minority Yazidis were not subject to systematic violence at the hands of the militants.
The air strikes were the first direct U.S. military action in Iraq since the end of 2011, when Washington completed the withdrawal of its troops from the country.
Iraq has been plunged into its worst violence since the peak of a sectarian civil war in 2006 and 2007. Islamic State-led fighters have overrun large parts of western and northern Iraq, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee for their lives and threatening ethnic Kurds in their autonomous province.
The Islamic State has also seized large parts of Syria as it tries to build a caliphate across national borders drawn up by Europeans a century ago.

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