Wednesday, June 25, 2014

( VFW Calls For Boycott of Mexico ) {Clinton on target points Memo: 'What difference at this point does it make } Patcnews: June 25, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports VFW Calls For Boycott of Mexico Until Sgt Tahmooressi Is Released © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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George W. Bush Found Weapons of Mass Destruction Found. So the obama regime lied again just like Billary Clinton: 'What difference at this point does it make

History will show that Bush was right and Obama a fool.
Check it out:

Sunni extremists in Iraq have now occupied what was once Saddam Hussein’s premier chemical-weapons facility and found…. wait for it: The dreaded, long lost, never were there in the first-place, Bush lied – people died: Weapons of mass destruction.
ISIS, the group people are saying is worse than Al Qaeda – I guess you have to be competitive in today’s world – has apparently captured a stockpile of chemical weapons which if you listen to the aforementioned Clinton, Clinton, Gore & Kerry since the war, never existed.
State Department officials told the Wall Street Journal:
U.S. officials don’t believe the Sunni militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move, officials said.
Still though, what would you expect them to say? Barack Obama has been railing on George W. for ten years, saying GWB lied about the reason to go to war. He’s going to all of a sudden say, “hey, look! WMD’s – that President Bush was right all along!!”? Yeah, right..

Florida vet says 'Bring it on,' as he faces eviction over flower pot flag

A Florida veteran who is facing foreclosure for insisting on displaying a small American flag in a flower pot on his front stoop is telling his homeowner's association to "bring it on."
“The flag is worth fighting for,” 73-year-old Larry Murphree, of Jacksonville, told Friday. “If they want to foreclose, bring it on. I’m getting calls from all over the county to stand up. That’s what I'm going to do.”
Murphree's homeowners association at Tides Condominium at Sweetwater began hitting him with fines of $100 a day last year for violating his homeowners association’s flag display rules. But instead of paying the fines, Murphree let them pile up - and kept his flag on display. Now he owes more than $8,000, and neither side will budge.

"It’s a small flag but it stands for a big thank you and it shows the love and respect I have for my country.”- Larry Murphree
“I just kind of dug in my heels," he said. "It’s worth fighting for. It’s a small flag but it stands for a big thank you and it shows the love and respect I have for my country.”
On Wednesday, Murphree told Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends that his fight for the flag is with the board that runs the association.
“I would think if anybody on that board told me they served in the military, I’d have to ask them which side,“ Murphree, who served six years as an Air Force air traffic controller during the Vietnam War, said on theshow.
The fight started in 2011 and landed in court a year later where the two sides reached a settlement in which Murphree agreed to display his flag in compliance with association rules. But two weeks later, the board changed the rules, saying flags could only be displayed on a pole outside the garage and that flower pots were only for flowers.
Murphree ignored the new rules and, in 2013, the fines started. He took the board to court again, this time to federal court where he claimed he had a right to fly his flag under the 2005 Freedom to Display the American Flag Act. But last March a judge dismissed the case on technical grounds. The judge said Murphree could also take his claimsto state court.
Now the board is claiming Murphree owes $8,000 and has attached a foreclosure lien for nonpayment. If the retiree doesn’t pay up the board could start a foreclosure action to take his home.
"I'm not going to back down," Murphree told
The board said in a statement Thursday that it “has not prohibited any owner from properly displaying an American flag.”
“The Tides agrees with Mr. Murphree about demonstrating patriotism by flying the American flag,” the statement said. “We have established rules that conform with U.S. code and Florida statutes regarding flag etiquette, and we encourage residents to fly American flags in accordance with the state and national standards.”
Michelle Haines, the board’s attorney, said under Florida law the homeowner's association can fine a condo owner $100 a day, but the maximum amount is $1,000. She said the board is foreclosing on Murphree for being delinquent on his monthly assessment.

VFW Calls For Boycott of Mexico Until Sgt Tahmooressi Is Released

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An important voice in the effort to correct the injustice being inflicted against Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi has just joined the chorus of those calling for a Boycott of Mexico and Mexican products, The VFW.
Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly was among the first to adopt that position a week ago and as the Obama regime continues to ignore the plight of Sgt Tahmooressi, even while having conversations with the Mexican authorities on other issues. The time for action by the American people is upon us.
The VFW National Commander, William A. Thien wrote, “This combat Marine has been languishing away since he was arrested March 31 for allegedly crossing the border accidentally with three personal firearms that were legally registered in the States but not in Mexico. It was a mistake, but so is the Mexican government’s reluctance to release him unharmed back to the U.S.”
Thien notes the similarity between the Tahmooressi incident and one in 2012, in which a former Marine, Jon Hammer, was arrested for transporting an antique shotgun into Mexico despite having proper documentation. That incident lasted four months. Tahmooressi has already been held captive for almost three months.
Thien said the VFW has twice requested that Obama contact his Mexican counterpart. The lack of a response from the White House has resulted in the need to go to the people.
Thien said that the problem is rooted in politics and a political solution, such as economic pressure appears to be the best means to resolution.
Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


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