Sunday, June 29, 2014

[ the obama regime news network (cnn) ] Patcnews June 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports ~ News from the obama regime news network (cnn) Mississippi Tea Party Leader Mark Mayfield Dead of Apparent Suicide © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Mississippi State Tea Party Leader Who Shocked Thad Cochran Dead in Mysterious Suicide (Youtube)

June 29th, 2014

Mississippi State Tea Party Leader Who Shocked Thad Cochran Dead in Mysterious Suicide (Youtube)

Posted by: Barry Secrest
Published on June 29th, 2014 @ 02:30:20 am ,

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Refocus Notes:
The media has been on slandering duty with this particular story from day one, but now a man is dead and the tone coming from police is not one of confident certainty.
But why, exactly, were these individuals being singled out by media and law enforcement, or was it that a career of garnering political favors were finally being paid back in full?
Nor can most people remember a chain of individuals being locked up for conspiracy charges over the taking of a picture regarding a political player's wife, by an out of control blogger.
(CNN) -- A tea party leader that rattled estabishment Republicans in Mississippi and beyond is dead -- shot once in the head in an apparent suicide, according to police.
A handgun was found "nearby."

Police officers in Ridgeland, Mississippi, found Mark Mayfield's body shortly after 9 a.m. Friday on the floor of a storage room in his garage.

"Because all of the indications, it appears to be suicide, but we still got some things to look into," Ridgeland police Chief Jimmy Houston told CNN. "He left a suicide note, and we are verifying its validity."

Authorities haven't disclosed the contents of that note or why Mayfield might have taken his life.
Yet the lawyer and Mississippi Tea Party leader has been under fire for the past month, having been charged with three others -- according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper -- in connection to a blogger accused of taking a picture of Sen. Thad Cochran's wife in her nursing home bed. This came a week after the blogger, Clayton Kelly, was himself charged.

All were apparent allies of conservative state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who was then engaged in an ugly primary battle to see who would be the GOP Senate candidate from Mississippi.

(CNN) -- A tea party leader tied to alleged political dirty tricks that rattled Republicans in Mississippi and beyond is dead -- shot once in the head in an apparent suicide, according to police.

Police officers in Ridgeland, Mississippi, found Mark Mayfield's body shortly after 9 a.m. Friday on the floor of a storage room in his garage.

"Because all of the indications, it appears to be suicide, but we still got some things to look into," Ridgeland police Chief Jimmy Houston told CNN. "He left a suicide note, and we are verifying its validity."

Authorities haven't disclosed the contents of that note or why Mayfield might have taken his life.

Tea Party leader in election scandal dies

McDaniel: Miss. election not fair

Scandal hits Mississippi primary
Yet the lawyer and Mississippi Tea Party leader has been under fire for the past month, having been charged with three others -- according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper -- in connection to a blogger accused of taking a picture of Sen. Thad Cochran's wife in her nursing home bed. This came a week after the blogger, Clayton Kelly, was himself charged.

All were apparent allies of conservative state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who was then engaged in an ugly primary battle to see who would be the GOP Senate candidate from Mississippi.

The photo of Cochran's wife -- who suffers from dementia and has lived in a nursing home for 14 years -- surfaced in a political attack ad on YouTube that aimed to smear Cochran, The Clarion-Ledger reported. It's unclear how the photo was used because the ad was removed within hours of being posted, according to the newspaper.

This episode and others further inflamed the rhetoric in the primary fight. Cochran's spokesman Jordan Russell, for example, said last month that Mayfield and the others' arrests "raises even more questions the McDaniel campaign needs to answer."

But on Friday, Cochran -- who narrowly edged McDaniel in Tuesday's primary -- and his team showed only sympathy upon hearing about Mayfield's death.

"This is very much a tragic and sad situation," said Austin Barbour, a senior adviser to Cochran's campaign. "Mark was a really good guy. On behalf of Sen. Cochran and all of us for the campaign, our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and his friends."

Report: Mayfield faced conspiracy charges

Mark Mayfield leaves behind his wife and two children.

He also leaves a legacy in Mississippi in other ways, as a lawyer and a political leader. The Mississippi Tea Party remembered him as one of its founding members "and one of our biggest cheerleaders."

"He had a patriot's soul, and a smile that was as big as day," the group said on its website.

Outside Mississippi, Mayfield became part of a bigger national story one week after authorities arrested political blogger Clayton Kelly for allegedly exploiting a vulnerable adult and illegally and improperly obtaining a photo of her without her consent for his own benefit, according to the Madison, Mississippi, Police Department.

Mayfield was later arrested along with Richard Sager, an elementary school P.E. teacher and high school coach, according to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper. Police also charged a third individual, John Beachman Mary, but did not take him into custody because of "extensive medical conditions."

All three face conspiracy charges, the newspaper reported.

Mayfield's death came two days after the runoff to decide his state's GOP Senate nominee -- an election necessitated since neither Cochran nor McDaniel cracked 50% in the June 3 primary.

Cochran won the latest contest by fewer than 7,000 votes, aided by African-American Democrats who were actively courted during the runoff campaign by pro-Cochran forces.

According to Mississippi law, voters are not required to register with a political party, and anyone who doesn't vote in a primary election can cast a ballot in either party's runoff.

McDaniel repeated his vow to use every legal maneuver available to fight the runoff results.

Lawyer, friend: 'My heart is completely broken'

Still, while that political fight continues, the focus Thursday was on Mayfield and his family.

His wife Robin was the only other person at the family's Ridgeland residence at the time, and also the one who alerted authorities.

The 57-year-old Mayfield was found dead of a lone gunshot wound, alongside a large caliber revolver.

Mayfield's attorney, Merrida Coxwell, said in a statement e-mailed to CNN that he was a client "but more importantly, he was a friend for almost 34 years.

"My heart is completely broken. This is beyond tragic and the people of this community and state have lost a good man and citizen."

In a phone call with CNN, Coxwell added, "It's not important to me how it happened. It happened today. Mark's wife called and texted me that Mark was deceased."

And McDaniel posted a statement on his Facebook page saying that, "regardless of recent allegations made against his character, Mark Mayfield was a fine Christian man who was always respectful and kind."

"He was one of the most polite and humble men I've ever met in politics," the state senator added. "He was a loving husband, father, a pillar of his community, and he will be missed."


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(the obama regime gun control attacks the NRA ) Patcnews June 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ladies of Liberty with Guns ~ the obama regime gun control attacks the NRA © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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News Source:

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said during a press conference yesterday that Obama is preparing to take executive action on gun control, stating “The President’s goal is to look for opportunities to act administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority to try to make our communities safer,” Earnest said. “We’re always looking for those opportunities. But none of those opportunities when they present themselves is going to be an acceptable substitute for robust legislative action.”
This was in response to the recent shooting at an Oregon school where two people died.
Obama stated during a question and answer social media forum (video below) that America should do some “soul-searching” over its “epidemic” of deadly gun violence and “should be ashamed” we can’t address the issue of gun violence like other countries.

He specifically stated that we should be working towards keeping guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people.
So it seems the coming executive order will be some sort of gun control measure specifically targeted to ‘mentally unstable people’.
How much do you want to bet that ‘right wing extremists’, which the White House will very loosely define as anyone opposing the government in any way, will be considered to be to ‘mentally unstable’ and should be prevented from owning a gun under the coming unconstitutional executive order?

“And it happens now once a week,” Obama added. “And it’s a one-day story. There’s no place else like this.” While most of the Tumblr questions concerned the president’s student loan programs, and higher education in general, Obama turned emotional when one user asked about school shootings. Obama’s comments came just a few hours after the shooting death of a high school student in Oregon. His “biggest frustration” as president, Obama said, has been that “this society has not been willing to take some basic steps” to keep guns away from people who “can do just unbelievable damage.” The president again criticized Congress for blocking a proposal to expand background checks for gun buyers and said too many lawmakers are “terrified” of the National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups. While “our levels of gun violence are off the charts,” Obama said, the American people themselves have to demand new laws: “If public opinion does not demand change in Congress, it will not change.” Opponents of various gun control proposals said they would be ineffective, and some threaten Second Amendment ownership rights. They also said shootings are a mental health issue, an argument that Obama disputed. “The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people,” Obama said.


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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

( VFW Calls For Boycott of Mexico ) {Clinton on target points Memo: 'What difference at this point does it make } Patcnews: June 25, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports VFW Calls For Boycott of Mexico Until Sgt Tahmooressi Is Released © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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George W. Bush Found Weapons of Mass Destruction Found. So the obama regime lied again just like Billary Clinton: 'What difference at this point does it make

History will show that Bush was right and Obama a fool.
Check it out:

Sunni extremists in Iraq have now occupied what was once Saddam Hussein’s premier chemical-weapons facility and found…. wait for it: The dreaded, long lost, never were there in the first-place, Bush lied – people died: Weapons of mass destruction.
ISIS, the group people are saying is worse than Al Qaeda – I guess you have to be competitive in today’s world – has apparently captured a stockpile of chemical weapons which if you listen to the aforementioned Clinton, Clinton, Gore & Kerry since the war, never existed.
State Department officials told the Wall Street Journal:
U.S. officials don’t believe the Sunni militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move, officials said.
Still though, what would you expect them to say? Barack Obama has been railing on George W. for ten years, saying GWB lied about the reason to go to war. He’s going to all of a sudden say, “hey, look! WMD’s – that President Bush was right all along!!”? Yeah, right..

Florida vet says 'Bring it on,' as he faces eviction over flower pot flag

A Florida veteran who is facing foreclosure for insisting on displaying a small American flag in a flower pot on his front stoop is telling his homeowner's association to "bring it on."
“The flag is worth fighting for,” 73-year-old Larry Murphree, of Jacksonville, told Friday. “If they want to foreclose, bring it on. I’m getting calls from all over the county to stand up. That’s what I'm going to do.”
Murphree's homeowners association at Tides Condominium at Sweetwater began hitting him with fines of $100 a day last year for violating his homeowners association’s flag display rules. But instead of paying the fines, Murphree let them pile up - and kept his flag on display. Now he owes more than $8,000, and neither side will budge.

"It’s a small flag but it stands for a big thank you and it shows the love and respect I have for my country.”- Larry Murphree
“I just kind of dug in my heels," he said. "It’s worth fighting for. It’s a small flag but it stands for a big thank you and it shows the love and respect I have for my country.”
On Wednesday, Murphree told Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends that his fight for the flag is with the board that runs the association.
“I would think if anybody on that board told me they served in the military, I’d have to ask them which side,“ Murphree, who served six years as an Air Force air traffic controller during the Vietnam War, said on theshow.
The fight started in 2011 and landed in court a year later where the two sides reached a settlement in which Murphree agreed to display his flag in compliance with association rules. But two weeks later, the board changed the rules, saying flags could only be displayed on a pole outside the garage and that flower pots were only for flowers.
Murphree ignored the new rules and, in 2013, the fines started. He took the board to court again, this time to federal court where he claimed he had a right to fly his flag under the 2005 Freedom to Display the American Flag Act. But last March a judge dismissed the case on technical grounds. The judge said Murphree could also take his claimsto state court.
Now the board is claiming Murphree owes $8,000 and has attached a foreclosure lien for nonpayment. If the retiree doesn’t pay up the board could start a foreclosure action to take his home.
"I'm not going to back down," Murphree told
The board said in a statement Thursday that it “has not prohibited any owner from properly displaying an American flag.”
“The Tides agrees with Mr. Murphree about demonstrating patriotism by flying the American flag,” the statement said. “We have established rules that conform with U.S. code and Florida statutes regarding flag etiquette, and we encourage residents to fly American flags in accordance with the state and national standards.”
Michelle Haines, the board’s attorney, said under Florida law the homeowner's association can fine a condo owner $100 a day, but the maximum amount is $1,000. She said the board is foreclosing on Murphree for being delinquent on his monthly assessment.

VFW Calls For Boycott of Mexico Until Sgt Tahmooressi Is Released

028 vfw tahmooressi 610
An important voice in the effort to correct the injustice being inflicted against Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi has just joined the chorus of those calling for a Boycott of Mexico and Mexican products, The VFW.
Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly was among the first to adopt that position a week ago and as the Obama regime continues to ignore the plight of Sgt Tahmooressi, even while having conversations with the Mexican authorities on other issues. The time for action by the American people is upon us.
The VFW National Commander, William A. Thien wrote, “This combat Marine has been languishing away since he was arrested March 31 for allegedly crossing the border accidentally with three personal firearms that were legally registered in the States but not in Mexico. It was a mistake, but so is the Mexican government’s reluctance to release him unharmed back to the U.S.”
Thien notes the similarity between the Tahmooressi incident and one in 2012, in which a former Marine, Jon Hammer, was arrested for transporting an antique shotgun into Mexico despite having proper documentation. That incident lasted four months. Tahmooressi has already been held captive for almost three months.
Thien said the VFW has twice requested that Obama contact his Mexican counterpart. The lack of a response from the White House has resulted in the need to go to the people.
Thien said that the problem is rooted in politics and a political solution, such as economic pressure appears to be the best means to resolution.
Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


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( IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is A Lair ) Patcnews: June 25, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Congressional Hearing IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is A Lair HEATED Over Lois Lerner Missing Emails "Missing" IRS Emails Pretty Much Prove the obama regime machine © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Friday, June 20, 2014

( USAF Thunderbirds: 50th & 60th Anniversary ) Patcnews: June 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports U.S. Air Force - Thunderbirds: 50th & 60th Anniversary © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Young_Jedi's Holocron: Thunderbirds Booklet and Autographs: Part of my autographed "Thunderbirds" SSgt Kristi Machado



Thunderbirds Honor Air Force's 70th Anniversary Plus The 2017-18 Thunderbird Season Show Schedule Is Out!

7 February 2017 by



Photo by Tech. Sgt. Christopher Boitz

U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron “Thunderbirds”

Lt. Colonel Jason Heard, Thunderbirds Commander/Leader, taxis to the runway at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 7, 2017. In honor of the United States Air Force's 70th Anniversary, the Thunderbirds will fly with the logo displayed on their aircraft for the rest of the year. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Christopher Boitz)

Staff Sgt. Aaron Langley sets up the cockpit of a Thunderbirds F-16 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 7, 2017. In honor of the United States Air Force's 70th Anniversary, the Thunderbirds will fly with the logo displayed on their aircraft for the rest of the year. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Christopher Boitz)
History of The Thunderbirds
The USAF Air Demonstration Squadron ("Thunderbirds") is the air demonstration squadron of the United States Air Force (USAF). The Thunderbirds are assigned to the 57th Wing, and are based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Created in 1953, the USAF Thunderbirds are the third oldest formal flying aerobatic team (under the same name) in the world, after the United States Navy Blue Angels formed in 1946 and the prestigious French Air Force Patrouille de France formed in 1931.
The Thunderbirds Squadron tours the United States and much of the world, performing aerobatic formation and solo flying in specially marked aircraft. The squadron's name is taken from the legendary creature that appears in the mythologies of several indigenous North American cultures.
On 1 March 2013, the USAF announced that due to budget cuts, aerial demonstration team performances would cease indefinitely, effective 1 April 2013.  On 6 December 2013 the Thunderbirds announced their 2014 schedule and the resumption of their appearances.
Read More 
The Thunderbirds Are Coming To Town!

2017-18 Thunderbird Show Season

The Thunderbirds have the privilege and responsibility to perform for people all around the world, displaying the pride, precision and professionalism of American Airmen. In every hour-long demonstration, the team combines years of training and experience with an attitude of excellence to showcase what the Air Force is all about.
The sharply choreographed, drill-style ground ceremony kicks off the demonstration by showcasing the attention to detail and esprit de corps that defines our enlisted members. As the jets take to the skies and fly only a few feet from wingtip to wingtip, the crowd gets a glimpse of the awesome skills and capabilities that all fighter pilots must possess. The solo pilots integrate their own loud and proud routine, exhibiting some of the maximum capabilities of the F-16 Fighting Falcon – the Air Force’s premier multi-role fighter jet.
The flying unit, officially known as the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, will perform its first public flyover of 2017 at Houston, Texas for Super Bowl LI.

2017 Show Season Schedule:

February 5: Super Bowl LI, Houston, Texas (Flyover)
February 26: Daytona 500, Daytona Beach, Florida (Flyover)
March 11-12: Titusville, Florida – “TICO Warbird Air Show”
March 18-19: Waco, Texas – “Heart of Texas Air Show”
March 25-26: Lancaster, California – “Los Angeles Air Show”
April 1-2: Melbourne, Florida – “Melbourne Air & Space Show”
April 8-9: Maxwell AFB, Alabama – “Maxwell AFB Gathering of Eagles”
April 22-23: Tyndall AFB, Florida – “Gulf Coast Salute”
April 29-30: Lake Charles, Louisiana – “Chennault International Air Show”
May 6-7: Travis AFB, California – “Travis AFB Open House”
May 13-14: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – “Wings Over Pittsburgh”
May 20-21: Tinker AFB, Oklahoma – “Star Spangled Salute Air Show”
May 24: USAF Academy, Colorado
May 27-28: Wantagh, New York – “Bethpage New York Air Show”
June 3-4: Open Date
June 10-11: Scott AFB, Illinois – “Scott AFB Air Show & Open House”
June 17-18: Youngstown ANG, Ohio – “Thunder Over the Valley Air Show”
June 24-25: Dayton, Ohio – “Vectren Dayton Air Show”
July 1-2: Traverse City, Michigan – “National Cherry Festival Airshow”
July 8-9: Gary, Indiana – “Gary Air Show”
July 14-16: RAF Fairford, UK – “Royal International Air Tattoo”
July 22-23: Great Falls, Montana – “Flight Over the Falls”
July 26: Cheyenne, Wyoming – “Frontier Days Air Show”
July 29-30: Fairchild AFB, Washington – “Inland Northwest Skyfest”
August 12-13: Westfield, Massachusetts – “Westfield Air Show”
August 19-20: Selfridge ANGB, Michigan – “Selfridge ANGB Air Show/Open House”
August 23: Atlantic City, New Jersey – “Thunder Over the Boardwalk”
August 26-27: Dover AFB, Delaware – “Dover AFB Open House/Air Show”
September 2-4: Cleveland, Ohio – “Cleveland National Air Show”
September 9: Altus AFB, Oklahoma – “Altus AFB Air Show”
September 16-17: JB Andrews, Maryland – “JB Andrews Air Show”
September 23-24: Colorado Springs, Colorado – “Pikes Peak Regional Airshow”
September 30-Oct 1: Grand Junction, Colorado – “Grand Junction Air Show”
October 7-8: Minden, Nevada – “Minden-Tahoe Air Show”
October 14-15: Boise, Idaho – “Gowen Thunder Air Show”
October 21-22: Houston, Texas – “Wings Over Houston Air Show”
October 28-29: Moody AFB, Georgia – “Moody AFB Community Appreciation Day”
November 4-5: JB Lackland-Kelly, Texas – “JB Lackland-Kelly AFB”
November 11-12: Nellis AFB, Nevada – “Aviation Nation Open House”

2018 Show Season Schedule:

February 25: Daytona 500, Daytona Beach, Florida (Flyover)
March 10-11: Open Date
March 17-18: Melbourne, Florida – “Melbourne Air & Space Show”
March 24-25: Dobbins ARB, Georgia – “Dobbins Air Reserve Base”
April 7-8: March ARB, California – “March Field Airfest”
April 14-15: Lakeland, Florida – “Sun-N-Fun Fly-In Expo”
April 21-22: Columbus AFB, Mississippi – “Wings over Columbus”
April 28: JB Charleston, South Carolina – “Joint Base Charleston Air Show”
May 5-6: Fort Lauderdale, Florida – “Fort Lauderdale Air Show”
May 12-13: Laughlin AFB, Texas – “Laughlin AFB Open House
May 19-20: Langley AFB, Virginia – “Airpower Over Hampton Roads”
May 23: USAF Academy, Colorado
May 26-27: Cannon AFB, New Mexico – “Cannon AFB Air Show Air Commandos on the High Plains”
June 2-3: Mountain Home AFB, Idaho – “Gunfighter Skies”
June 9-10: Niagara Falls, New York – “Thunder Over Niagara Military Air Show”
June 16-17: Ocean City, Maryland – “OC Air Show”
June 23-24: Hill AFB, Utah – “Warriors Over the Wasatch”
June 30-1 July: JB Elmendorf, Alaska – “Arctic Thunder Open House”
July 7-8: Duluth, Minnesota – “Duluth Air Show”
July 14-15: Westover ARB, Massachusetts – “Great New England Air Show and Open House”
July 21-22: Milwaukee, Wisconsin – “Milwaukee Air & Water Show”
July 25: Cheyenne, Wyoming – “Frontier Days Air Show”
July 28-29: Latrobe, Pennsylvania – “Westmoreland County Air Show”
August 4: Minot AFB, North Dakota – “Minot AFB”
August 18-19: Chicago, Illinois – “60th Annual Chicago Air & Water Show”
August 22: Atlantic City, New Jersey – “Thunder Over the Boardwalk”
August 25-26: Ypsilanti, Michigan – “Thunder Over Michigan Air Show”
September 1-3: Toronto, Canada – “Canadian International Air Show”
September 8-9: McConnell AFB, Kansas – “McConnell Open House”
September 15-16: Mather, California – “California Capital Air Show”
September 22-23: New Windsor, New York – “New York Air Show”
September 29-30: Salinas, California – “California International Airshow”
October 6-7: Baltimore, Maryland – “Maryland Fleet Week and Air Show Baltimore”
October 13-14: Fort Worth, Texas – “Fort Worth Alliance Air Show”
October 20-21: Huntington Beach, California – “Huntington Beach”
October 27-28: Little Rock AFB, Arkansas – “Little Rock AFB”
November 3-4: Homestead ARB, Florida – “Wings Over Homestead ARB”
November 10-11: Nellis AFB, Nevada – “Aviation Nation Open House”
Admission to air shows at military installations are generally free and open to the public. Cost for attendees at civilian air show sites may vary.

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Show Season For 2014

The Thunderbirds have the privilege and responsibility to perform for people all around the world, displaying the pride, precision and professionalism of American Airmen. In every hour-long demonstration, the team combines years of training and experience with an attitude of excellence to showcase what the Air Force is all about.
The sharply choreographed, drill-style ground ceremony kicks off the demonstration by showcasing the attention to detail and esprit de corps that defines our enlisted members. As the jets take to the skies and fly only a few feet from wingtip to wingtip, the crowd gets a glimpse of the awesome skills and capabilities that all fighter pilots must possess. The solo pilots integrate their own loud and proud routine, exhibiting some of the maximum capabilities of the F-16 Fighting Falcon – the Air Force’s premier multi-role fighter jet.
The flying unit, officially known as the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, will perform its first public flyover of 2014 at the opening of the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., on Jan. 1. The remainder of the schedule is as follows:

Feb. 23: Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Fla.
March 9: Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Las Vegas, Nev.
March 15-16: Luke AFB, Ariz.
March 22-23: MacDill AFB, Fla.
 March 29-30: Punta Gorda, Fla.
April 5-6: Columbus AFB, Miss.
April 12-13: Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz.
April 26-27: Barksdale AFB, La.
May 3-4: Travis AFB, Calif.
May 10-11: Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.
May 17-18: Youngstown Air Reserve Base, Ohio
May 24-25: Cannon AFB, N.M.
May 28: U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo.
May 31 – June 1: Fairchild AFB, Wash.
June 7-8: Rockford, Ill.
June 14-15: Ocean City, Md.
June 21-22: Tinker AFB, Okla.
June 28-29: Hill AFB, Utah
July 5-6: Battle Creek, Mich.
July 12-13: Newton County, In.
July 15: Target Field, Minneapolis, Minn.
July 23: Cheyenne, Wyo.
July 26-27: JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska
Aug. 2-3: Oshkosh, Wis.
Aug. 9-10: Ypsilanti, Mich.
Aug. 13: Atlantic City, N.J.
Aug. 16-17: Rochester, N.Y.
Aug. 23-24: Waterloo, Iowa
Aug. 30-31: Kalispell, Mont.
Sep. 13-14: Altus AFB, Okla.
Sep. 20-21: Mountain Home AFB, Idaho
Sep. 27-28: Salinas, Calif.
Oct. 4-5: Melbourne, Fla.
Oct. 11-12: Daytona Beach, Fla.
Oct. 18-19: Rome, Ga.
Oct. 25-26: Ft. Worth, Texas
Nov. 1-2: Santa Teresa, N.M.
Nov. 8-9: Nellis AFB, Nev.

Maj. Caroline Jensen, Thunderbird 3, Right Wing pilot, shares a moment with her son Finn at the Thunderbird hangar. Military children make up a very special part of our nation's population. Although young, these children stand in steadfast support of their military parents through moves and deployments. To honor their unique contributions and sacrifices on behalf of our country, each April is designated the Month of the Military Child.

River Falls native is first mom, female reserve officer as Thunderbirds pilot

Meg Jones

Major Caroline Jensen, 37, from River Falls, flies No. 3 with the Thunderbirds, the first female and reservist to fly with the demonstration squad. The unit will perform this weekend at the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh.

Oshkosh — It was a homecoming of sorts for Caroline Jensen on Thursday. When she arrived at EAA AirVenture, it was with a bang.
Actually, it was a low rumble followed by a deafening screech that prompted spectators to stick fingers in their ears as Jensen and her five teammates soared through the skies over Oshkosh to prepare for their performances this weekend.
The Air Force major, fighter pilot and Wisconsin native is the third woman and the first mother to fly in the Air Force Thunderbirds flight demonstration team.
"For me, this is a dream come true — who wouldn't want to perform at Oshkosh? It's kind of like playing at Carnegie Hall," Jensen, 37, said in an interview outside her No. 3 plane shortly after arriving at Wittman Regional Airport.
Born in New Richmond, Jensen grew up in River Falls and got hooked on flight when she saw a plane flying in the clouds in a TV movie at the age of 5. She watched the Thunderbirds perform in Eau Claire when she was 13, sparking her dreams of one day becoming an Air Force fighter pilot.
She didn't get her first flight until she was 15 — in a single-engine Cessna 172. Her second and third flights were to and from the Air Force Academy for swim camp and her fourth was to basic training after she had been accepted as a cadet.
The daughter of a Marine helicopter pilot in Vietnam, she graduated from the Air Force Academy with a bachelor's degree in English and spent 10 years on active duty and the past five years as a reservist. She's the first female reserve officer to fly with the Thunderbirds
Before joining the famous flight demonstration team, she was a T-38 instructor and assistant flight commander for Air Force Reserve Command's 340th Flying Training Group at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas.
She met her husband in glider school while they were at the Air Force Academy. He's now a commercial airline pilot and stays home in Las Vegas with their 5-year-old son while Jensen is on the road 220 days a year. With both parents pilots, it's no surprise their son has a propeller next to his bed, a Braniff Airlines poster on his wall and a bookcase in the shape of a plane tail.
When she finishes this season in the Thunderbirds, she'll head to Washington, D.C., to be a congressional liaison for the Air Force.
One reason there are so few female Thunderbird demonstration pilots is because only 7% of America's fighter pilot forces are female, Jensen said.
"To be on the team, you have to be at the right place in your career with the right set of skills, a family who's supportive and the desire to do it. So there's a lot of things that have to happen for any pilot who wants to be part of the team," she said.
She has spent quite a bit of time in the cockpit — it is, after all, her office — with 3,100 hours as an Air Force pilot, including 200 hours of combat in F-16s in Iraq.
Jensen was at Disneyland with her family, standing in Cinderella's castle, when her cellphone rang in 2012. On the line were all 12 officers from the Thunderbird team calling to congratulate her. Most pilots spend two years in the Thunderbirds but because the military's flight demonstration teams were grounded last year due to sequestration, the entire team stayed together for an additional year.
She flies the No. 3 plane on the right side of the diamond, sometimes as close as 18 inches from the lead plane at speeds up to 450 knots. It's not for the faint of heart. In some of the maneuvers, Thunderbird pilots feel as much as 9 Gs on their bodies and fly as low as 300 feet from the ground.
This weekend AirVenture air show spectators will see Jensen and the rest of the Thunderbirds perform loops and rolls as they zoom as low as 500 feet over the crowd in their white F-16s adorned with red and blue stars and stripes. Her favorite maneuver is when the four planes in the diamond split off from each other in four directions.
So is it nerve-wracking or comfortable flying in such tight formation?
"It's both," she said, adding that the pilots practice their show far away from each other and gradually move closer.
"It's all very controlled. I know exactly what (the lead pilot) is going to do, he knows exactly what we're going to do. There are commands we go through and we've literally done them hundreds of times," she said. "It's very deliberate, very rehearsed and very safe."
This is the first visit by the full Air Force Thunderbird flight demonstration team to EAA AirVenture and because the "aerobatic box" — the air space above the grounds — is bigger than for other air show performers, convention organizers are moving spectators 150 feet back from the normal flight line. Also, residents and businesses inside the aerobatic box must leave for a few hours while the team performs.
The Thunderbirds are scheduled to perform at the end of the weekend air shows, approximately 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday.


May 24, 2013

Major Caroline Jensen
Maj. Caroline Jensen, 36, is in her first season with the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, “Thunderbirds,” and flies the No. 3 jet as the team’s Right Wing. She will be the featured speaker at the WASP Homecoming luncheon at Texas State Technical College on Saturday.
Major Jensen earned her commission in 1998 as a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Before her assignment to the team, she served as assistant flight commander and T-38 instructor pilot in the 97th Flying Training Squadron at Sheppard AFB, TX. She has logged more than 2,500 hours as an Air Force pilot, including 210 combat hours during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Major Jensen hails from River Falls, Wis.
She received a Bachelor of Science degree in English at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. in 1999, graduated from Squadron Officer School at Maxwell AFB, Ala. in 2003 and from Air Command and Staff College, by correspondence in 2011.
She is a Senior Pilot with more than 2,900 flight hours. She has flown the following aircraft: T-37, T-38A, T-38C, and F-16C/D.
Maj. Jensen has received many awards and decorations including a Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, an Air Medal with oak leaf cluster; an Air Force Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, an Air Force Achievement Medal, a Combat Readiness Medal, a National Defense Service Medal with bronze star, an Iraq Campaign Medal with oak leaf cluster, a War on Terrorism Service Medal with bronze star and a Korean Defense Service Medal.
She was promoted to Second Lieutenant on May 27, 1998, to First Lieutenant on June 1, 2000, to Captain on June 1, 2002 and to Major on Nov. 1, 2007.
Maj. Jensen has had many assignments over the years as part of the U.S. Air Force including the following:
• May 1998 to April 1999, Standardization/Evaluation special projects officer, 94th Flying Training Squadron, USAF Academy, Colo.
• April 1999 to May 2000, student, Undergraduate Pilot Training, Laughlin AFB, Tex.
• October 2000 to October 2004, check pilot; later, Assistant Flight Commander and T-38 Instructor Pilot, 87th Flying Training Squadron, Laughlin AFB, Tex.
• November 2003 to March 2004, student, Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals, Moody, AFB, Ga.
• April 2004 to December 2004, student, F-16 Initial Qualification Training, 62nd Fighter Squadron, Luke AFB, Ariz.
• January 2005 to January 2006, F-16 flight lead; later, Chief Combat Plans, 35th Fighter Squadron, Kunsan AB, Republic of South Korea
• January 2006 to May 2008, F-16 flight lead; later, Flight Commander (and Chief, Wing Training as Active Guard Reserve Officer), 4th Fighter Squadron (388th Operations Support Squadron), Hill AFB, Utah
• June 2008 to July 2011, Assistant Flight Commander and T-38 Instructor Pilot, 97th Flying Training Squadron, Sheppard AFB, Tex.
• November 2011 to Present, Thunderbird Right Wing Pilot, Instructor Pilot, Flight Evaluator, USAFADS “Thunderbirds”, Nellis AFB, Nev.


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