Thursday, May 29, 2014

( Jack Kingston For US Senate 2014 ) Patcnews May 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Jack Kingston (R) Georgia House of Representatives Running For US Senate 2014 Advocates for Unifying Agenda on Fox News Channel © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

The obama regime is Next one who will Go to Jail ~ Jack Kingston (R) Georgia House of Representatives Running For US Senate 2014

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                                  liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Time To Fire All liberal RINO'S

[Watch] Dangerous RINO Attack – Amnesty Juan Boehner, Obama’s Secret Weapon Already Pushing GOP Surrender

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Before Congress broke for their August break the House stood up to their RINO Speaker and his new lieutenants, rejecting a capitulation to the Democrats pressure to fund their illegal alien import project, the so-called children of Central America.
One of Boehner’s first acts after the election is now to come out strongly in favor of passing a bill into law which would legalize those same invaders, another capitulation to Obama. This time it offers him a possible way to sidestep the self-inflicted wound that would result from his illegal, dictatorial declaration of amnesty.
There is no doubt where Boehner stands on this issue. It is with big business that would replace American workers with low cost imports and against the American people. We need to be clear on this issue; John Boehner opposes the American people. He opposes our ability to enjoy a better quality of life and is bought and paid for by big business, the Chamber of Commerce and special interests.
He spoke today, taking the form of a faux warning against a dictatorial declaration by Obama, offering him that face-saving path out of the corner he’s painted himself into by handing our country over to the invaders from the south. But it has to look good, so Boehner is selling it as an admonishment to Obama not to act now and blow their chance for a real middle-class buster next year.
If the Democrats had been the victors on Tuesday, these are the type of comments we would have expected to hear from them, not from the Speaker of the House which is even more firmly in the control of the opposition party.
Boehner says he’s made his “position very clear, it is time for the Congress of the United States to deal with a very difficult issue in our society. Now this immigration issue’s become a political football over the last ten years or more. It’s just time to deal with it.”
Boehner dismisses his call as not being about politics but rather about trying to do the right thing for the country. It’s definitely politics and it is about doing the right thing for his supporters, those who want cheap and plentiful economy-busting foreign labor.
He recalls how for two years he’s been saying that our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. Of course, he knows that the bill that he supports in the Senate is a carbon copy of current law, with an added amnesty provision. Aside from legalizing millions of foreigners, the same results would be achieved by simply enforcing existing law. So clearly, the goal of Boehner is the same as that of Hussein Obama, to pass an illegal alien amnesty.
Boehner is offering a deal. If Obama accepts his “warning,” and backs off on a dictatorial declaration, Boehner is committing to passing an amnesty next year. He’s surrendering our nation to the extortion threat of the criminal in the White House.
If Obama accepts and Boehner doesn’t come through, the Republicans take the heat and the Democrats have ammunition for the 2016 election. If Republicans resist, the RINO faction can then claim they have to act or they will alienate Latino voters. No matter what happens, the negative pressure moves to the people defending their nation and away from those who don’t belong here and should not even be a topic of discussion and wouldn’t be if these gutless politicians were doing their jobs to being with.
Boehner says in closing that hope springs eternal. What is spewing from him is noticeably darker in color and quite foul.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


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