Friday, May 9, 2014

( Laura Ingraham: ) Patcnews May 9, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ingraham: Why Aren't Dems Decrying Nigeria 'Just as Outraged' © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

                      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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                         liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

On The O’Reilly Factor Thursday night, Laura Ingraham said Democrats
are clearly in the right in their condemnation of the abduction of young
girls in Nigeria, but asked why the left hasn’t been “just as outraged”
and speaking out with similar gusto about Benghazi.

She pointed out that while Hillary Clinton was condemning the actions
of Boko Haram this week, while she was Secretary of State, the State
Department pushed back against efforts to label it a terrorist group.
Meanwhile, the group has since burned dozens of young boys to death and
kidnapped hundreds of young girls.

Ingraham pointed out how plenty of politicians and celebrities have
been speaking out forcefully against what’s happening in Nigeria, but
just had to ask why Democrats haven’t shown similar outrage about


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