Thursday, April 17, 2014

( Rush Limbaugh ) Patcnews Aptil 17, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports: RUSH: It's Official! The Takers Outnumber The Workers... 86 Million Make... © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews

It’s time to expose the "Stop Rush" campaign for what it is: yet another shameless attack on the First Amendment by left-wing enemies of free speech.
"Stop Rush" is a total sham launched by ultra-liberal extremists at media organizations Media Matters and Daily Kos. Their scheme is nothing more than a pathetic Potemkin village of lies and social media fraud perpetrated by a small handful of hacks trying to intimidate small business owners who advertise on conservative radio.
The ultra-left’s hatred of conservative media and conservative voices is so extreme that they’re willing to put mom and pop shops across America out of business to silence them. Hate is the only word to describe what they’re doing.
Like Lois Lerner at the IRS, I’m sure Media Matters and Daily Kos believe that the pain and misery they’re inflicting on innocent Americans with their war on free speech is justified, but intimidating small business owners with threats and lies is indefensible.
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Editor's Note: Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released a statement this afternoon condemning the fraudulent "Stop Rush" campaign as a blatant left-wing attack on the First Amendment.
You can read that statement below:
It’s time to expose the "Stop Rush" campaign for what it is: yet another shameless attack on the First Amendment by left-wing enemies of free speech.
"Stop Rush" is a total sham launched by ultra-liberal extremists at media organizations Media Matters and Daily Kos. Their scheme is nothing more than a pathetic Potemkin village of lies and social media fraud perpetrated by a small handful of hacks trying to intimidate small business owners who advertise on conservative radio.
The ultra-left’s hatred of conservative media and conservative voices is so extreme that they’re willing to put mom and pop shops across America out of business to silence them. Hate is the only word to describe what they’re doing.
Like Lois Lerner at the IRS, I’m sure Media Matters and Daily Kos believe that the pain and misery they’re inflicting on innocent Americans with their war on free speech is justified, but intimidating small business owners with threats and lies is indefensible.
- See more at:
Editor's Note: Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released a statement this afternoon condemning the fraudulent "Stop Rush" campaign as a blatant left-wing attack on the First Amendment.
You can read that statement below:
It’s time to expose the "Stop Rush" campaign for what it is: yet another shameless attack on the First Amendment by left-wing enemies of free speech.
"Stop Rush" is a total sham launched by ultra-liberal extremists at media organizations Media Matters and Daily Kos. Their scheme is nothing more than a pathetic Potemkin village of lies and social media fraud perpetrated by a small handful of hacks trying to intimidate small business owners who advertise on conservative radio.
The ultra-left’s hatred of conservative media and conservative voices is so extreme that they’re willing to put mom and pop shops across America out of business to silence them. Hate is the only word to describe what they’re doing.
Like Lois Lerner at the IRS, I’m sure Media Matters and Daily Kos believe that the pain and misery they’re inflicting on innocent Americans with their war on free speech is justified, but intimidating small business owners with threats and lies is indefensible.
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'Stop Rush' Campaign's a Fraud, Attack on Freedom of Speech
By Brent Bozell | September 24, 2014 | 3:10 PM EDT

Editor's Note: Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released a statement this afternoon condemning the fraudulent "Stop Rush" campaign as a blatant left-wing attack on the First Amendment.

You can read that statement below:
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 It’s time to expose the "Stop Rush" campaign for what it is: yet another shameless attack on the First Amendment by left-wing enemies of free speech.

    "Stop Rush" is a total sham launched by ultra-liberal extremists at media organizations Media Matters and Daily Kos. Their scheme is nothing more than a pathetic Potemkin village of lies and social media fraud perpetrated by a small handful of hacks trying to intimidate small business owners who advertise on conservative radio.

    The ultra-left’s hatred of conservative media and conservative voices is so extreme that they’re willing to put mom and pop shops across America out of business to silence them. Hate is the only word to describe what they’re doing.

    Like Lois Lerner at the IRS, I’m sure Media Matters and Daily Kos believe that the pain and misery they’re inflicting on innocent Americans with their war on free speech is justified, but intimidating small business owners with threats and lies is indefensible.

Rush Limbaugh
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RUSH:  Yeah, that’s right.  The takers outnumber the workers.  It’s official — and it’s significant — the takers outnumber the workers.  That can’t keep on this way for very long.  I mean, not tomorrow.  But particularly these Millennials right now are fed up with no jobs.  They’ve got their college degree, and where’s the big house?  Where’s the Ferrari?  They did what everybody said; they went to college. 
That was the route to everything. 
So they go to college, they come out, and they got nothing.  Can’t find a job. Can’t find a career.  When they find out that whatever job they do get, their taxes are going to support people that are not working? Well, we’ll just see.  Remember, they’re already fed up with the government. They’re upset that they’re being spied on by the NSA.
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SEAN HANNITY: Whoever heard of 200 agents surrounding a guy’s ranch and stealing his cows and snipers hanging out on the outside perimeter of his ranch? We don’t even secure our border anywhere near this way and I think people see it as very heavy handed regardless of who is right in the dispute or not. I don’t think that’s an issue at this point — the tactics and how they are doing it. Do you believe the sheriff who says his sources are saying that they would engage in a late-night/early morning raid of this ranch, do you think that would happen?
JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: I personally know the sheriff to whom you’re referring and I know him to be a person of the highest intellectual honesty. He also has the highest fidelity to the constitution, as do the deputies who work for him or used to work for him. So do I believe that the most dangerous part of this is yet to come.
Look, the federal government has a legitimate valid court order. But they don’t have to enforce it by bringing in militaristic techniques. They don’t have to enforce it by stealing his private property. They can enforce it by filing a document in a courthouse which will enable them to collect the money to which they are entitled when he dies or when his property otherwise passes to somebody else and they know that.

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