Wednesday, April 9, 2014

( Rancher Vrs Government ) Patcnews April 9, 2014 The Patriot Conservative Network Reports Cliven Bundy Hannity. Bundy Ranch Standoff Against The U.S. Government © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Coalition Of Western States forms to Protect Against Federal Overreach The Bundy Ranch and The Sinister Six

bundy family

Cliven Bundy’s Battle Not Yet Finished!

Photo by George Frey/Getty Images
Photo by George Frey/Getty Images
Cliven Bundy’s Battle Not Yet Finished, Feds Prepare To Out-Lawyer Him…
The show of force by the BLM backfired.
One year after the biggest Western standoff in recent history, the Battle of Bunkerville still is smoldering.
The citizen militiamen with guns and “Don’t Tread on Me” flags are long gone from Cliven Bundy’s ranch, where a federal attempt to round up the rancher’s illegally-grazing cattle went terribly wrong, but major questions remain.
Bundy continues to graze his cattle on federal land with impunity. He claims the desert scrub 70 miles northeast of Las Vegas is rightfully his. He still hasn’t paid the government the estimated $1.1 million he owes in grazing fees and interest. And the federal government, so far, has done nothing about it.
“We’re probably living in the freest place in the whole world,” Bundy recently told The Sunday. “We have not had any type of government interference.”
That could change. When the Bureau of Land Management decided last April to abort its roundup before someone pulled a trigger, officials in Washington promised to find a way to uphold the law. They handed the case over to the Department of Justice and FBI — what some insiders say should have happened in the first place.
The Department of Justice now is investigating Bundy and the dozens of militiamen who traveled from across the country to defend him. But it’s not clear what prosecutors will decide to do with the case, or when they will make a decision.
In the meantime, some say the government’s inaction has only emboldened Bundy and his supporters.
“It makes the BLM’s overall job more difficult when it appears they are unable to take effective measures against a scofflaw like Cliven Bundy,” said David Alberswerth, a historian and former BLM aide.
Last week, Bundy and a group of fans traveled to Carson City to support a Republican-backed bill that declares a swath of federal land in Nevada the “common property of the citizens of the state.” It prohibits the federal government from claiming water rights and owning any land in the state unless it’s for a military operation or approved by the Legislature.[…]
BLM officials won’t speak publicly about what went wrong last April. Agency officials were caught off guard by the underground infrastructure that compelled dozens of people to load their rifles, pack their pickup trucks and drive — some from as far away as Massachusetts — to face off against the government threatening Bundy’s ranch.
“It’s not about the cows,” said Cliven Bundy’s cousin, Jake Fraught. “It’s about the freedom to make our own choices close to home.”[…]
Bruce Babbitt, former secretary of the Department of the Interior, said asking for the court order was the BLM’s first mistake. The agency should have asked for judicial cover to punish Bundy another way.
“A better way would have been to go to court and put a lien that would prevent the sale of the cattle,” Babbitt said.
The BLM also underwent a change in leadership right before the melee. The cattle roundup took place shortly after Elko native Neil Kornze took charge of the agency.
Kornze wouldn’t comment on the incident but recently told a House panel, “I think it’s important to clarify that grazing is not a right.”

The Bundy family has produced an intense response in this country over the past week. Some people seem to think that he is a criminal, while others see him as a hero. The emotions are running high on this one and it doesn’t help that the full facts are being hidden so that politics can be used. It is also part of a much larger issue in this nation.
The Bundy Family
People have so many views of the Bundy family, that they have been painted as criminals worse than rapists and murders by one side and super patriots who are fighting the cause of our founders. I propose something simpler. They are American citizens with their roots in the land they own who have become fed up with an American government who for decades has become intrusive in ways that it should never have. A large government means that it can control every aspect of life and never see the hurt that it has caused. It is not about grazing fees that they have taken a stand against, but about the bureaucracy that says that land that no one uses for anything else should be milked in some way, even if it is a burden to those who are being milked.
The Bundy family has been there longer than the government agency, but their primary sin is that they do not produce the money results like Warren Buffet or the Walton family. While they have tried to lead a simple life that is actually a hard one, the people rich enough to buy politicians and agencies get away with so much more. Illegal immigrants have politicians painting sob stories for them, even though as a group they commit more crimes daily than the rest of any other groups in this nation. They are being allowed into this nation over BLM lands and no one uses the same tactics that was used against the Bundys. Yet, land that no one has used for anything but grazing is worthy of idiotic grazing fees, concern from people about turtles, and paramilitary tactics worthy of the KGB.

The real reason the Bundy family resonates with us

The media arrayed against the Bundy family
Let us look at the “facts” that the media keep spewing as their reason to not support the Bundy family.
Fact 1: Grazing fees- The big bad Bundy family has not paid grazing fees, so they are criminals. Well, let us consider our government over the past few decades. Because of the drug war, our police have become a paramilitary force in many places and have shot dogs and people known to be innocent, yet they do not go to jail for murder. The government is allowed to have a copy of our emails, phone calls and our internet traffic without any proof that it contains evidence of a criminal sort, which is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment. There is verifiable proof of crimes by many politicians, on both sides of the aisle, yet they are never even investigated by law enforcement, unless it serves political goals. So, a man who has an issue with overly intrusive government committing an act of civil disobedience is worthy of snipers, theft of property and paramilitary tactics.
Fact 2: Turtles- Well, there are a few ways to consider this, but I will do this in the manner of those that defend these turtles from the evil Bundy family cattle. It would seem that those who worship at the altar of Darwin neither believe in the survival of the fittest or the theory of evolution. They think, like many people of many faiths, that they should take a hand in something, instead of letting their faith be enough. They prove with their actions two things, that the fittest is not the only thing that survive and that evolution doesn’t happen, or they would allow it to. They claim that evolution has been proven and that everything just happened, yet when an animal could evolve to become the fittest, they step in to keep it unnaturally protected. So, our government must protect an animal at the cost of jobs, people and sanity. All the while, we the tax payers of the United States, must expend great amounts for these critters.

The real reason the Bundy family resonates with us

Fact 3: Paramilitary tactics- when did a simple collection of any fees, no matter how steep, require snipers, tactics used against drug dealers and the killing of cattle? The Bundy family has been performing an act of civil disobedience, which, according to so many in all parts of the political spectrum, is an honorable thing. They were performing no acts of violence and no force had shown to be needed in this, until a force showed up of people who probably should never have been armed. It is interesting that people who should be able to handle their issues with local police, need snipers and anything more than side arms. The escalation never occurred from the Bundys.
An experiment to be considered
While several members of the Misguided Children family has been in contact with the Bundy family, I have not. I have been busy researching background facts and thus have received nothing from them or had any communication with them. I have no understanding of how this would work in the real world, nor if anyone should attempt it. I am proposing this as an experiment, though.
There needs to be a fund set up to pay off the fees of the Bundy family through donations of those that support them. After it is paid off, any money left should be used to pay for any other fees from the BLM. I would hypothesize that even with the fees paid, that the Bureau of Land Management, or some other agency will find a way to force them off their land, like the other 52 ranchers who are no longer neighbors with the Bundy family.

liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

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Citizen Initiatives, in support of the sovereign citizens of the State of Nevada, hereby directs the Governor of Nevada to immediately call for the cessation of unlawful acts by the Federal Bureau of Land Management against Mr. Cliven Bundy, Cattle Rancher in Nevada.
Copy the above petition language and paste it into the Form Mail for Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Complete the information requested on the Governor’s web form and click the submit button.
Click this link to access the Governor’s Form Mail:

Growth of Neo-Nazi Support in Europe Seen in Recent Senior Greek Government Resignation

author: brionnamuyco 11:00 am EST April 10, 2014

By AJ, Special for USDR.

    The resignation of Takis Baltakos, chief of staff to Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, was entirely warranted, following the revelation of his meeting with a senior official of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn.

    "What Mr. Baltakos did is an affront to Prime Minister Samaras and to the vast majority of the Greek people," said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "Meeting with Golden Dawn is shocking enough by itself, but expressing sympathy for the party -- or, in reality, the criminal organization, as the government has declared -- is beyond belief."

    In the video, Baltakos tells Ilias Kasidiaris, a Golden Dawn Member of Parliament, that the prime minister initiated the investigation against Golden Dawn for political gain. In what appears to be a friendly conversation, Baltakos refers to Samaras's vow "to deracinate" Golden Dawn when he spoke at AJC in New York last September.

    "The video is damning," said Harris.

    In a radio interview the day after he resigned, Baltakos said, "There may be more videos and I may have said more things," the Greek newspaper Katthimerini reported.

    "This incident must have been a real shock for Prime Minister Samaras, who has shown such strong moral and political leadership in confronting Golden Dawn," said Harris. "At the same time, we are encouraged that the prime minister andGreece's judicial and legislative bodies will continue to pursue Golden Dawn, whose racism and xenophobia threaten democratic Greece."

    Six Golden Dawn MPs, including the party's founder, have been imprisoned pending trial on charges of operating a criminal organization. Last week, the Greek Parliament lifted the immunity of another five MPs from the party. Orchestrating attacks against immigrants, gays and political opponents are among the allegations brought against Golden Dawn's leaders.

    AJC has been visiting Greece regularly for over three decades, cooperates closely with Hellenic-American groups, and has an association agreement with KIS, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece.


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