Sunday, March 30, 2014

( The Militray Report ) Patcnews: March 30, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Army U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force & USMC © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews



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The obama regime  Seeking To Kill Navy’s Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs… China and Russia Continue to Build Up

by: Thomas Jefferson

President Barack Obama is seeking to abolish two highly successful missile programs that experts say has helped the U.S. Navy maintain military superiority for the past several decades.
The Tomahawk missile program—known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile”—is set to be cut by $128 million under Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposal and completely eliminated by fiscal year 2016, according to budget documents released by the Navy.
In addition to the monetary cuts to the program, the number of actual Tomahawk missiles acquired by the United States would drop significantly—from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.
The Navy will also be forced to cancel its acquisition of the well-regarded and highly effective Hellfire missiles in 2015, according to Obama’s proposal.
The proposed elimination of these missile programs came as a shock to lawmakers and military experts, who warned ending cutting these missiles would significantly erode America’s ability to deter enemy forces.
“The administration’s proposed budget dramatically under-resources our investments in munitions and leaves the Defense Department with dangerous gaps in key areas, like Tomahawk and Hellfire missiles,” said Rep. Randy Forbes (R., Va.), a member of House Armed Services Committee.

Gen. John Kelly's mission to defend Marines: 'I'll never stop'

May. 25, 2014 - 06:00AM     
Gen. John Kelly has challenged the notion that troops and their families are 'war weary' after 13 years of continuous conflict. 'Men and women like us,' he says, 'never-ever grow weary of serving our nation.'
Gen. John Kelly has challenged the notion that troops and their families are 'war weary' after 13 years of continuous conflict. 'Men and women like us,' he says, 'never-ever grow weary of serving our nation.' (U.S. Army Garrison-Miami Public Affairs)

One of the military’s most respected leaders has taken aim at an amorphous “chattering class” within the Pentagon and beyond who’ve questioned the mettle of today’s Marines.
Using impassioned oration and drawing on raw personal experience, Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly is leveraging his clout as a Gold Star dad and the head of U.S. Southern Command to strike back at those who would suggest Iraq and Afghanistan veterans somehow don’t meet the measure of previous generations. To the contrary, Kelly argues, today’s troops “will do anything we ask if well led and they are confident we have their backs.”
It’s become a mission, the general told Marine Corps Times, one fueled by the loss of his Marine son more than three years ago in Afghanistan; the obligation he feels to comfort and reassure others who’ve also lost friends or loved ones; and a firm desire to mute the criticism he’s heard directed at so-called millenials, a loose title assigned to those born during the 1980s and ’90s. Such disparagement is not only unwarranted, Kelly said, it’s utterly baseless.
“I can’t count the number of times that I saw them in firefights, in Fallujah and Ramadi and other places, and I would just stand there in wonderment, thinking to myself: ‘There’s absolutely no reason on this earth why any human being would do what they’re doing,’ ” Kelly said. “Every human being naturally would want to protect themselves, crawl in a hole, get down. And they don’t.
“That’s how Iwo Jima was taken. Guadalcanal. The Chosin Reservoir. If the Marines today are doing exactly the same thing their dads did in Vietnam, and their granddads did in Korea and World War II, then how in the hell can we say that they’re not as good?”
Kelly is a career infantry Marine who left the Corps as an enlisted sergeant in 1972 before attending college and earning his commission. He’s as salty as they come — a holdover, no doubt, from his bare-knuckled upbringing in Boston — and unafraid of speaking out, especially when it means sticking up for the rank and file.
A case in point: Last year, the four-star showed up at a legal hearing for a Marine captain the Corps sought to discipline over an immature video made by several enlisted men in his unit. While testifying as a character witness, Kelly said the young captain’s treatment was heavy-handed — and that he was owed an apology.
As a one- and two-star general, Kelly spent about three years leading combat troops in Iraq’s Anbar province, where some of the war’s most explosive fighting raged. In 2011, as the senior military adviser to then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Kelly spent time in Afghanistan, including one noteworthy stop at Forward Operating Base Jackson in volatile Sangin district, where only four months earlier his son, 1st Lt. Robert Kelly, was killed by an enemy IED.
At Jackson, Gates ate lunch with a small group of noncommissioned officers, some of them from Robert Kelly’s platoon with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines. The secretary asked the men whether he could do anything for them, Kelly recalled.
No response.
“He again asked, emphasizing the fact that as the Secretary of Defense he could do just about anything for them,” Kelly said. “Again a long silence, and then a scruffy Marine, with a recent buzz cut, who smelled like a goat as he was living in a FOB ... on the edge of the empire, stood up. He nervously shifted his weight and then, looking directly at the boss, said ‘don’t let them forget what we did here, sir.’ Another stood up and said ‘and don’t let them ever forget the ones we are leaving behind.’ ”
It’s these profound experiences, coupled with his childhood memories of neighborhood men reliving past wars, that shaped Kelly’s thinking about the character of today’s Marines. His most recent speeches, delivered in May in New York City and Boston, refute the notion that Marines are “war weary” after 13 years of continuous conflict. “Men and women like us,” Kelly boomed, “never, ever grow weary of serving our nation.”
As he has in previous speeches, Kelly evoked the story of two Navy Cross recipients, Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter and Cpl. Jonathan Yale. Their tale of selflessness is well known throughout the Corps. On April 22, 2008, when a truck loaded with explosives barreled toward their post in Ramadi, they opened fire, causing the truck to blow up before it could enter a compound housing U.S. and Iraqi troops. Haerter and Yale were killed. Everyone inside was saved.
“You can’t convince a person to do that unless they’re very, very special,” Kelly said. “Those two heroes knew they were going to die — there’s no doubt in my mind — and they stood there blasting away until they went to God. So anyone who tells me that Marines today aren’t as good is full of sh--.”
His speech in New York addresses such extraordinary sacrifice. The willingness to risk all for a cause greater than oneself is almost lost upon American society, Kelly said.
He speaks with a father’s affection of America’s “1 percent” who espouse the same traits and beliefs as those who came before them. And in the same breath, Kelly lays waste to the notion that the troops and their families should be viewed as victims, and hammers the uninitiated “who think themselves so superior as to speak for us.”
“To all those who for their own reasons dare to so patronizingly speak for us,” he said in New York, “calling us victims and weary, but have never walked in our shoes, or stood by a flag-draped casket holding someone so precious, you can all go straight to — we’ll speak for ourselves.”
Generals are expected to speak truth to power. It’s rare, however, for one to air his frustrations. Pressed to more clearly define those in the “chattering class” whom his speeches assail, Kelly edits his response diplomatically.
The Defense Department faces endless challenges, he said. Leaders are under “extreme pressure” to mitigate any negative publicity that can emanate from acts of misbehavior in the ranks, and they deserve great credit for weathering the storm. “In particular,” he added, “the service chiefs, who I think as a group are heroic in their efforts to lead their services during this very, very difficult time.”
Kelly was to deliver another speech May 26, Memorial Day, in Miami.
“They need to hear this,” he said. “I’ll never stop.”

Top 10 beautiful and hottest Russian models In 2017

Everything which provides pleasure to our eyes is considered as beautiful. When we talk about most beautiful women in world then there are some countries that are famous for their feminine beauty. These countries are Norway, Philippines, Britain, Venezuela, Ukraine and Russia. In this article we are going to provide information regarding top ten beautiful and hottest Russian models. Russian women are known for their beauty having facial features mixture of European and Eastern touch. Their blonde hairs, tall bodies and high cheekbones are the reason they are considered as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Russian models are comprised of two categories, “Imperial Russian female models” and “Russian female adult models”. List of top ten beautiful and hottest Russian models are as follows:

10. “Natalia Vodianova”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
Renowned philanthropist, occasional film actress and one of the most beautiful and hottest Russian models is no other than Natalia Vodianova. In list of top earning “Forbes models”, she is the leading Russian model. She is also famous as the founder of “Naked Heart foundation”. She was just 15 years old when she started modeling and in modeling industry she get enrolled. She has experienced many successes and is one of the leading models of Russia.

9. “Sasha Pivovarova”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
“Highest appearing model for Prada” and Russian’s most seductive and beautiful model is no other than Sasha Pibovarova. She was born in year 1985 on 21st January. She started her career in modeling as her husband and her friend showed her photo shoot to a modeling agency. She has hot body shape so this is the reason she is appealing to everyone and is in list of hottest and beautiful Russian models.

8. “Anna Selezneva”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
Having hot body and beautiful innocent looks this Russian model is known all over the world. For many brands she did ramp walk and made her modeling career successful. In numerous fashion campaigns she worked and is known for her seductive eyes.

7. “Irina Shayk”

beautiful hottest Russian models
If we talk about super-seductive model of Russia then Irina Shayk is the leading name in this category. In Sports “swim-suit issue” she gained fame. In 2007 she gained ultimate success in modeling and all this happened because of her hot and seductive looks. Intimissimi lingerie was the brand for which she became leading name in year 2007. In 2011 she styled cover to astonishing extent. This Russian model is known for her relationship with Football champion Ronaldo.

6. “Lera Kudryavtseva”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
Not only a beautiful and hot Russian model she is the most talented women of Russia. She works as TV presenter, actress, singer and dancer. She is 45 years old but still she is loved for her perfect body figure and talented acting and modeling. As an actress and model she is Diva.

5. “Anna Kournikova”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
Former tennis player and now one of the most beautiful and hottest Russian models is no other than Anna Kournikova. She has promising career in tennis and modeling as well. Because of her perfect body figure she has hot looks and modeling talent as well. On Google search in list of hunt strings she has the most prominent name. Due to her stylized fashion she was entitled with name of “quintessential girl”.

4. “Glukoza”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
She is known as the super-sexiest singer and model of Russia. In her teen age she started her career as a model. Later she started singing and became leading singer of Russia. Chess and ballet is loved by her and this is the reason she look attractive in music videos. She worked in many movies such as “War of the Princesses” and “triumph”. She always appeared in seductive and hot looks and she is one of the most appealing models of Russia.

3. “Daria Werbowy”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
She was born in year 1983, and is one of the most beautiful and hot Russian models. Lancôme is the brand because of which gained ultimate success. She is known for her simple and innocent looks but her body language makes her one of the super-sexiest models of Russia. Valentino and Misson are the brands in which she made her stunning appearance. On magazines cover pages she has appeared for several times and she is loved for her sexy body shape. She worked for many leading brands.

2. “Valentina Zelyaeva”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
She was born in year 1982, and is one of the most beautiful models of Russia. She is beauty like a princess and is known for her cute looks. She has been part of print commercials such as “Tommy Hilfiger”, “Coach”, “Ralph Lauren” and Calvin Klein. In Russia she is one the most paid models. On ramp she walks so elegantly that she is loved all over the world. Brands for which work are, Landin, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Christian Dior, Balenciaga, Valentino and Fendi.

1. “Daria Strokous”

beautiful and hottest Russian models
She was born in year 1990 and in our list the youngest she is also one of the most beautiful and hottest Russian Models. In list of she is the industry icons. She is also known for her blue eyes with blonde eyes. She was born in Russia but then moved to Africa and studied there till age of 5 years. Then she returned to her country and started her career in modeling. On American Vogue and V magazine she appeared on cover page. With shy looks and beautiful facial features she is on number one position in list of most beautiful and hot Russian models.

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