Tuesday, March 11, 2014

( USA SEO Pros is A Scam ) Patcnews March 11, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports USA SEO Pros is A Scam © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

U.S. online sales will reach $156 billion in 2010 As many as 90% of those purchases come from search engine results!
- Forrester Research Use our search engine optimization demo to find out where your site currently ranks. Then we’ll show you how we can put you on page one for your key terms!
Try Our Demonstration

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USA SEO PROS now reaching global audience. Countries serviced now include:

  • Canada
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Search Engine Facts:

To grow your e-business and stay ahead of your competition, you need top rankings in Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN and other major search engines.
When people do a search for your keywords in your industry, your site should always appear on the first page of the search engine results.
At USA SEO PROS, we are committed to making your site an internet traffic magnet. Our professional SEO specialists will improve your ranking using ethical and organic website promotion and website optimization services.


"I want to thank you for the outstanding work you and your team have done to obtain high search engine rankings for our company. Our company serves clients on a global scale and now attracts visitors and sales like never before. Within weeks we were competing for placement atop the search engines. We witnessed superior customer service and an outstanding commitment to quality & service. Most importantly, BDI with be our #1 source of new business leads through the Internet. The bottom line is that we not only saw a significant increase in traffic to our site, but an increase in sales as well." - Ken Terrill - American Mortgage Professionals Inc.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Internet Marketing?
Internet marketing includes all activities related to driving website traffic. Search engine optimization (SEO) is just one of many Internet marketing services which includes pay-per-click management (like AdWords or Overture), inbound linking campaigns, online banner ads, industrial directory linking, and traditional forms of advertising including mailers, ads and more to drive traffic to your site. [top]
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization is the process of preparing a website in order to achieve search engine rankings that drive traffic to your site. SEO is an ongoing process beginning with the initial optimization of the site, periodic maintenance, regular evaluation of search results and adjustments to the Campaign site. [top]
Why is Search Engine Optimization important to our business?
What good is having a web site if it is not being seen? 90% of Internet buyers are turning to search engines to find the products they want. Google alone conducts over 150 million searches a day. In fact, recent studies show that purchasers are about 12 times more likely to buy your products or services after finding your site through a search engine than all other traditional advertising methods combined (including trade shows, print ads, direct mail, radio, and even television)... at a fraction of the cost! Why? Simply put, when a consumer finds you through a search engine they are ready to buy. With traditional forms of media, you are broadcasting a message hoping to reach the right consumer at the right time. [top]
Isn't this something we can do ourselves?
Large amounts of time, attention and expertise are needed to achieve the desired results in such a constantly changing niche industry. The expense of adding personnel and necessary resources alone would quickly outweigh the cost of hiring our firm, which is why outsourcing SEO is by far the most popular method. Remember, we are experienced professionals who are constantly researching the changes and trends in this dynamic field. [top]
Why should I choose your company to do my Search Engine Optimization?
We are a search engine optimization company with thousands of satisfied clients and a team of highly skilled professionals. We have continued to grow and expand its business. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, the company has built itself into a leader in the online advertising and marketing field. We currently hold over 5 million placements for our clients and use our knowledge and expertise to continue to grow that number. We make sure to use techniques that work WITH the search engines, not against them. Additionally, we will provide an unparalleled degree of personalized service. Your representative will speak directly to, and work closely with, our SEO specialists assigned to your site. Our professionals take a lot of pride in the work that they do, and we take the time to understand your business, your competition, and your buyer's searching habits. [top]
What if my business closes?
If you go out of business, change your mind, have a personal issue, or for any reason do not want to continue, you can stop after the 6 months, but the advertising that you are purchasing right now is a final, no refund sale since the work of building your campaign site is custom for your business. Further, the advertising that you are purchasing guarantees you exposure as stated in the guarantee. We do not, and cannot, guarantee click-throughs, inquiries, sales, referrals or anything other than rankings. As with all advertising/marketing, this is an investment in your business where may you benefit greatly and you may not benefit at all in terms of direct sales as a result of the purchase of this campaign. [top]
What is the deal with pay-per-click and other types of paid inclusion services?
Some Search Engines offer Pay-per-Click and Paid Inclusion services. Overture/Yahoo! and Google AdWords are currently the most popular paid inclusion services. Pay per Click allows you to bid for top placement in their results. In this scenario, the top placement for a particular search term goes to the highest bidder; the next spot goes to the next highest, and so on. Each time a user clicks on your site via the engine, you pay the price that you bid. The higher you bid, the higher you'e listed. This allows you to directly control where you show up in the search results. Other Paid Inclusion services such as AskJeeves require you to pay a certain fee in order to be included in that service`s results. This guarantees that you are listed under that site`s directory, and that your site is "crawled" by their spiders on a more regular basis, allowing your site updates to be picked up more frequently. It does not guarantee exactly where you will show up in results. Pay per Click clients are subject to click fraud, and it is an expensive way to advertise. [top]
What about the services that promise to submit my site to thousands of search engines?
Search engine submission is just a tool in the over-all process of search engine optimization. While submission is a good first step to getting your site noticed, far more is involved in getting it placed at the top of the Search Engines. [top]
I already have META tags in my site, why would I need an SEO campaign?
A few years ago, decent Meta tags were a great foundation to get good search engine results. The game has changed dramatically, however, and Meta tags now play a very small role in how well your site is positioned. Today, search engines use over 100 different factors when ranking your site, including page titles, content, link structure, site popularity, filenames, directory structure, keyword density, and domain names, just to name a few. Additionally, each search engine has its own unique set of criteria for scoring and ranking these factors. As a result, it is necessary at times to make adjustments to pages to achieve specific goals. To further complicate things, search engines are constantly changing their individual criteria! Achieving top ranking results is not as easy as having good meta-tags. It takes a good deal of effort to achieve and maintain top search engine positions. Our SEO specialists are well schooled in the proper techniques employed to get good search engine listings, and will devote the necessary time and effort to make sure your site gets the rankings you're looking for. [top]
How long before we see the results of an SEO campaign?
Each search engine and directory indexes sites at its own pace. As a general rule of thumb, it will take 30 days for your campaign site to be on the first page of the major search engines.. Additionally, each search engine has its own unique set of criteria for scoring and ranking these factors. As a result, it is necessary at times to make adjustments to pages to achieve specific goals. [top]
How do we go about choosing the best keyphrases for our Keyphrase Profile?
The first step in our SEO program is to discuss your business and goals with you so we can develop your Keyphrase Profile. Based on your initial input, we will use a combination of experience and software programs to generate a list of the most effective and well-searched keywords in your industry. We then work together to refine this list and compile the list of keywords and phrases that will be most beneficial to your product or services. You know your business well and we know ours. We know how important it is to work together to generate the most effective Key phrase Profile possible. [top]
Mutual Non-Disparagement Policy
As an SEO company, we wield the ability to shine a powerful spotlight on any business. We agree to only shine a positive light on your business and in return, you also agree to only shine a positive light on our business. [top]
What does a first page ranking mean?
A first page ranking means that a specific key phrase is on one of the 15 search engines we track for a full week, as shown on your report to which you have access for 26 weeks after the work is completed, which is within 30 days of receipt of full payment. [top]
What are your pricing plans? How do we get started with our SEO campaign?
We have designed several Search Engine Optimization packages to meet every client's needs. Our SEO packages are very reasonable, with one to fit every business` budget. To start today please Click Here [top]
Do you need my FTP information to optimize my site?
No we do not. Our patent pending 30 step optimization service utilizes a campaign website to get you the most exposure available, including creating search engine friendly content as required. The advantages are you maintain control over the layout and content on your original site at all times. The campaign web site has it's own SEO-friendly URL which will show on the reporting. The Campaign web site is the site that actually receives the first page rankings. This site links to your web site so once someone clicks on the Campaign Web Site, they will be then be able to access your site. [top]
What is included with a basic website package?
If we are building you a web site as part of your SEO package, you must furnish the content in an acceptable electronic format. We determine the number of pages the site requires. We then style and present your content, logo and pictures to you for approval. You are entitled to one revision at no charge. After the first revision, you may make as many changes as you'd like for the going rate of $125/hr, paid in advance in 4 hours increments. Unless specified, web sites do not include flash, java script or shopping carts, which are available for an additional fee. [top]
What do you actually do to optimize my site?
First, we conduct a Marketing Analysis call with you to determine exactly what you want to accomplish. Then, we create a list of Key Search Phrases for your review and approval. Then, we create a new domain name that will help in the process of getting your Campaign Web site First Page Ranking. We then work to ensure that the site meets the Search Engine criteria. We pull a results report weekly, and work on your Campaign site as needed to get you as many First Page Placements as possible. No work is actually done on your site so you have full control and full security over your site at all times. [top]
How many clients have keyphrases similar to mine?
For clients in local markets, we do not optimize more than 10 accounts for any specific key phrase. For national markets, we do not have a limitation on the number times that any key phrase can be sold. We may, at our discretion, choose to add key phrases to strengthen your campaign. [top]
When my 26 weeks is complete, can I renew?
Yes you can. Quality Assurance will be in touch with you to discuss renewal options. When you renew, we rework your account to improve your rankings even more and extend free access to see your rankings over the time period of your renewal. [top]
Are you a member of the BBB?
We are proud members of the Online Business Bureau, as shown on the home page of our site and we work diligently to adhere to their strict standards of customer satisfaction. [top]
Are you endorsed by any search engines?
While our services are utilized to improve your rankings on the major search engines, we are not endorsed or sponsored by the search engines themselves. [top]
What makes my MLM opportunity special?
This is a very important question if you are an MLM, because most of the time these are replicated sites, meaning that there is nothing different between your MLM site and every other MLM site in your type of MLM. Most MLM's have a disclaimer that says something like: Only 3% of participants make money, whereas 97% do not make any money. Therefore, it is critical that you do something to set your site apart from the others, and that you do realize that while we can provide exposure, we cannot guarantee that you will get any leads or sign-ups because we have absolutely no control over any aspect aside from exposure. [top]
Are we magicians?
We sure wish we were, because we have NO PROBLEMS beating our guarantee to get you plenty of exposure for your site. However, no matter how much exposure we get for your site, if your site has no excitement, no urgency, no special offer, or is confusing, difficult to navigate, or just plain unattractive, prospects will click off your site and go looking for another one. And unfortunately, since we're not magicians, we can't make that prospect stay on the site. We can only get your site in front of them. Please don't hesitate to pick the brains of the best in the business to get helpful tips to make your site into a stronger salesman so that when the prospects come to the site, they stay there long enough to consider doing business with you! [top]
What is the return on investment?
Since we're often asked, we make our best guess as to how much profit a campaign may generate based upon a number of factors. Clearly however, this is a projection for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon when considering purchase. The campaign will provide exposure, but the conversion from prospects to sales is an unknown factor, so there is no way to accurately calculate a profit projection. [top]
Are the top placements exclusive to USA SEO Pros?
The number of top placements are a total of all commonly held Internet Optimization Companies. [top]
History of IOCs
Since the inception of our first Internet advertising company in 7/2003, we've built an organization consisting of numerous IOCs to better assist the needs of our clients. Some information listed on this site is a combination of all Internet Optimization Companies that are associated with this site. This information includes, but is not limited to, time in business, demo sites, testimonials, top placements, industries, countries, patents and awards [top]

Additional Information

  1. I understand this is custom work designed solely for my business which is why there are no refunds, and I understand that any collection activity can result in legal fees and charges up 3 times the amount of the initial sale, not including damages.
  2. Client recognizes that no guarantee is made as to any specific position location on any particular search engine since service has no control over the Search Engines nor other sites ranked on those search engines.
  3. Though we practice ethical SEO techniques, the Company has absolutely no control over the discretionary decisions that a search engine or directory may take in listing your site or accepting submission. Therefore by signing this document you are agreeing to release the Company from any liability resulting from the action of the Search Engines or Directories.
  4. For each insufficient funds or returned check, a $50 fee will be applied.

Mission Statement

Since it’s inception in 2002, USA SEO PROS has strived to remain on the forefront of the internet marketing industry. By using professional search engine optimization practices, and tapping the creative energy of its team members, USA SEO PROS has become a leader in first page search engine placements. The company is committed to diversity and growth as well as promotion from within.

Silver Corporation Package
  • Official Articles of Incorporation
  • Resident Agent for One (1) Year
  • Records Book / Stock Certificates
  • Complete 1st Minutes / Meeting Walk-Thru
  • By Law Walk-Thru
  • Corporate Charter
  • Corporate Seal
  • Name Search
  • Corporate Consulting - Three (3) One (1) Hour Blocks for the First Year of Service

Platinum Corporation Package
  • Official Articles of Incorporation
  • Resident Agent for One (1) Year
  • Records Book / Stock Certificates
  • Complete 1st Minutes / Meeting Walk-Thru
  • By Law Walk-Thru
  • Corporate Charter
  • Corporate Seal
  • Name Search
  • Corporate Consulting - Six (6) One (1) Hour Blocks for the First Year of Service
  • Include Corporate Presence Set Up

Silver Limited Liability Package
  • Official Articles of Organization
  • Resident Agent for One (1) Year
  • Records Book / Membership Units
  • Complete 1st Minutes / Meeting Walk-Thru
  • Operating Agreement Walk Through
  • Corporate Charter
  • Corporate Seal
  • Name Search
  • Corporate Consulting - Three (3) One (1) Hour Blocks for the First Year of Service

Platinum Limited Liability Package
  • Official Articles of Organization
  • Resident Agent for One (1) Year
  • Records Book / Membership Units
  • Complete 1st Minutes / Meeting Walk-Thru
  • Operating Agreement Walk Through
  • Corporate Charter
  • Corporate Seal
  • Name Search
  • Corporate Consulting - Six (6) One (1) Hour Blocks for the First Year of Service
  • Include Corporate Presence Set Up


Corporate Consulting
  • Unlimited consultations with your own private consultant
The Company requires a 24 hour turn around time to set all appointments

Corporate Presence Set Up Provides you with:
  • Access to a conference room
  • Phone line answered during business hours
  • Fax forwarding services
  • Mail forwarding
  • Physical address

Certificate of Good Standing regular expedite

Land Trust
  • Land trusts are reusable and have no Tax ID numbers
  • No bank accoutns or records to keep
Most people use separate LLCs, which is fine. (e.g., if you have twenty properties, you would need an administration to keep your books)

Full Estate Plan
  • General Partner
  • Family Limited Partnership
  • Living Trust
Your Estate Plan ties your entire business structure together and is the closest thing you can do to bulletproof your asset protection Your consultant will explain this thoroughly with a specialized diagram for your complete understanding
James Miller didn't know anything about this company until this person call me and let me a message. I return his call his call and found out. I dealing with a company. I talk to 3 people about my website as far as getting traffic to it. They told me I would be #1 rank on search engine like google, yahoo, bing etc. I would be making money. Than they ask what payment did I want to use. The price would be $2,795, because they still have 2 slot left. I told them I would have to think about it, so I could do some research on them. They kept talking making a lot of promises. They also direct me to their website: www.findyoursearch.com They talk so much they convict me into paying the price. I ask them if things didnt go well would I be able to get a refund, everything was yes. Until I put it on my credit card, and receive the paper work where it was no refunds. I didnt let that bother me, because I took them at their word. What made me see that something was wrong is when I went to the website, It came up as a broken link. Thats when I got nervous. I got another website off of my credit card bill. Which was www.usaseopros.com it came up as a broken link. So then I google it. I seen where all of these people has complains against this company. I didnt like that I hurry up and call my credit card company. They had already got $835.00 of money. That money that I have lost. For that much money, they know they should be straight with their customers. All this happen from January 21 to January 24 when I went to their site, and it didnt work. This is a scam and misleading. I want my money back!!! What do I have to do?

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 01/25/2010 02:38 AM and is a permanent record located here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/USA-SEO-Pros-USASEOPROS/Las-Vega-Nevada-89145/USA-SEO-Pros-USASEOPROS-findyoursearchcom-I-was-scam-and-lie-too-Las-Vega-Nevada-559533. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report.

First off, I would like to thank rip-off report for the opportunity to be able to voice my concern and disgust at this particular company USASEOPROS.
Furthermore after reading this post if there are any suggestions from anybody to how best to deal with this that would be greatly appreciated.

A few months ago, a representative of this company rang me up to ask me about an Internet product I was marketing. Excited, since I was and still am a newbie I rang this person back hoping that it was a genuine inquiry. It wasn't.

I've since come to learn that this is how they contact customers pretending to be genuine inquirers. Anyway, I was pressed into this hard sell and made promises of getting a first page rank on Google. That would be okay if they could deliver it but I've since learned from my research, speaking to a former customer of USASEOPROS and from this site that they are unethical at best and scammers at the worst.

I mean any company that refuses refunds has got be suspect or that does not deal with legitimate complaints has to be put to a stop. I feel for all that have been duped and their monies not refunded from this company. Don't we have a right as consumers to request our money back if said services aren't up to par?

Anyway, back to my story...I was told that my website would be number 1 on Google
for the particular name of my product and I was shown a demo and then the hard sell of buy this package now for 2750 USD before it goes up. Being a newbie and wanting the best for my business and not understanding SEO...I was interested in their service but my gut was churning and i didn't listen to my instinct. I went ahead and decided to get the package...

but by God's grace...the credit card transaction did not go through. I then received numerous calls from USASEOPROS saying that I had ordered the product and that I had to pay. What happened was that there weren't enough funds in my CC and the transaction was denied.

In the meantime I had done some research and found quite a bit of complaints against this company. I even managed to contact one of their previous customers who had a testimonial on their site. Her story was the same...she told me not to go ahead and that her money wasn't refunded either. I said the company still had her testimonial on site. She then said that they would remove it but obviously they didn't.

Armed with this knowledge, the next time they rang me... I informed them that since the transaction did not go through and no services were received from them as far as I was concerned I did not want to go ahead anymore. They kept repeating that I had agreed to a no refund policy by confirming their verbal contract. I said yes...I did agree to a no refund policy but since NO transactions were processed no refunds were necessary and I as a consumer did not wish to go ahead with their services.

You would think that no service provided and no payment given One could move on and that would be that. But not with this company... I received a call from my CC stating that they were still trying to put a transaction through and so not trusting them I rang up my CC told them the issue with USASEOPROS and my credit company suggested I cancel my old card and get a new one which I promptly did.

Think about this...anywhere in the world except these yo-yo's...if a customer went to buy a product and for whatever reason the transaction was denied the customer would leave the product and walk out of the store. I did initially authorize a transaction...transaction denied (money did not change hands) but I never authorized any subsequent transactions and plainly told USASEOPROS that I did not want to be harassed any more...That I had no money and I wasn't interested in their service and did not want to do anything with them.

I even refused their keyword services when they rang me up to set up my account since the money did not go through and I wasn't comfortable dealing with them. Imagine if I did...they would now be saying that they provided a service to me and that I had to pay.

So imagine my surprise and annoyance when this girl called Tina from South West Collections agency rings me up to find out about my inquiry for a certain SEO service.
At first I was confused then I realized that SEOPROS had passed my details to a collections firm.

How dare they?! And what are they trying to collect anyway? Payment for services never rendered? Remember the transaction never went through so what are they trying to collect from me. Once again no services were performed...it's not like i used their services and am refusing to pay!

Any help or advice regarding this would be appreciated. I intend to fight this all the way because I believe I am in the right. Thanks again and I hope the next time they ring you up you just say no!

Here is a simple breakdown of how USASEOPROS works:
They take your money using a false and misleading sales pitch.   This video walks you through their entire high pressure sales pitch, and provides very good documentation about their business practices , and their long history.  You are lead to believe you are signing a contract for a service that is a quality service.
It did not take me but a couple of days doing research on the internet to find they were a scam company.   It was my own fault for not checking them out, before signing the contract.
2. They generate a list of keywords that have a very low probability of ranking well, and are not going to receive any search numbers on the major search engines. I could rank on the first page of Google or any search engine on the internet for the search term green worms that eat rocks and dogs.   I could enter that term into a Google search and if I put that on my site, I would be Number 1.   But who else would search for that term?   This is exactly how they obtain the first page rankings they provide.
As they state in their contract, which they like to hide behind, item #12 states, We will provide the client with a list of geo-targeted key phrases relevant to their business with search results up to 2,500,000.   All key phrases provide do not receive enough searches to be relevant when using the Google keyword tool.
3. They build a bridge page loading with the keywords that no one would search on and content that is merely used to trick Google, but provides no benefit for humans.   Item #10 in the sham contract states, We practice ethical SEO techniques.   The techniques used definitely are totally black hat SEO.   The page is geared to keyword stuffing and every keyword link on the page takes you right back to page you are presently visiting.
4. They measure your site and the performance of the service based on ranks from search engines that are of extremity low quality, most being low traffic search engines and several that are owned by the company. (eg, Jooper, Kajoe and FSN. All are registered under KJR equipment LLC in the Whois listings.)   Its easy to get first page ranking on a search engine of poor quality, you own, and use keywords no one searches.
5. When the metrics that are given is not enough to substantiate the value to the customer, and a customer wants to cancel or charge back, they simple state their policy, NO CHARGE BACKS. The contract only meant to cover up and protect their fraudulent business practices.
Las Vegas BBB rates the company F.  The 36 complaints listed on your web site are just the tip of the iceberg as to the real number of people who have been scammed by this company.   Based on the number of sales calls they make in a day, the numbers are probably in the hundreds. Many more complaints are documented on the internet but did not file a complaint with the Las Vegas BBB.
Their boiler room actually called me two additional times to pitch their program.   Their boiler room sales team has no idea who has already been scammed.   They continue to comb the internet for phone numbers of web site owners on a daily basis.
UsaSeoPro is a scam. This is a company who misleads unknowing customers into thinking that the service they provide is helping the customer's marketability. They should be considered a fraud and should be liable for their actions. They are very good at what they do and are going to continue their practices everyday unless something is done to stop them.
I plan to talk with the Las Vegas Metro Fraud Division. I will find out if they think there is something going on here that is fraudulent.  In addition, Google provides a very good link to the Federal Trade Commission.  They accept complaints into the National data base for use by law enforcement across the United States

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on Sent Copy to Anthony Sherman CEO of USA Seo Pros  on 10/21/2009 08:11 PM and is a permanent record located here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/USA-SEO-PROS-KJR-MANAGEMENT-DYNAMIC-WEB-PRODUCTS-BUSINESS-DEVELOPEMENT-INSTITUTE-CLOUD-NINE/Summerlin-Nevada-89146/USA-SEO-PROS-KJR-MANAGEMENT-DYNAMIC-WEB-PRODUCTS-BUSINESS-DEVELOPEMENT-INSTITUTE-CLOUD-513015. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year.

Ripoff Report 

Todd Krasovetz promised me he would build 2 complete websites and complete the SEO. He designed 2 logos and charged me $800 per logo! A logo you can have designed by most places for $100! He charged another $300 for puttng the logo on the template.They didn't even work I had to get my webmaster to change the code because it wouldn't even function. I could have done this for myself and saved me all the money.
Secondly, we were on a monthly plan with an initial $950 payment. The funny thing is I noticed nothing was getting done and he couldn't show me any progress. So he was trying to string me along by milking me for each month coming. I caught on really fast and told him that he wasn't getting any more money until the websites were done. Well, they got done and their was no content. Just a website with a logo and back end. So It is going to take me a month just for me to add the content myself and he was going to charge me the monthly charge while he waited so I could add my own content.

Search for additional reports

 Beware of USA SEO PROS in Las Vegas, Nevada.
(otherwise known as 5 other SCAM names)

I was liyed to by 3 different employees USING 2-3 different names like Samantha Jones From the Movie Sex in the City, As Well As Brooks Miles promised things that were never delivered and then threatened by a fake collection Agency to sue me for cancelling my credit card for USA PROS because they performed bad business tacticks and lyed several times to con me into making the mistake of paying them.

This is the biggest Rip Off Scam Operation in Las Vegas. They even have there own fake search engines they sell after people get scammed and lose all there money.

Jill Underwood

San Mateo, California USA


USA SEO Pros is a Scam Use search engine marketing experience Will Not achieve your  exposure on the internet!


USA SEO Pros Search Engine Optimization for all of the major search engines
What is Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is the name given for a number of techniques Will not be used to improve a website’s ranking in organic search results. The crawler-generated listings that are returned
in a search query can be affected through SEO, will not help you improve your search engine ranking All USA SEO Pros will Do is Scam you out of Money!

USA SEO PROS Does not work with your business to research industry-specific
key words that target your business and will Not drive visitors to your site.

Why is Search Engine Optimization is not  important to our business?

What good is a website if it’s not being seen?

Research has shown that as many as 90 percent of all sales on the internet originate from search engine results. Consumers are
increasingly turning to sites like Google, Yahoo and MSN's Live Search to do their shopping and research. Google alone conducts 293 million searches per day!

Recent studies have shown that consumers are about 12 times more likely to buy your products and services after finding your site through  organic search engine results than all other methods of advertising.

Why? Because when they perform a search for your business, using the key words used on your site, they are ready to buy. They are finding your site and your products at the moment of purchase - ready to buy!
Search engine optimization will help place your business right in front  of the consumer's eyes when they are ready to buy. Your competitors are already using SEO to improve their search engine rankings...don’t get left behind. Page one is where you want to be and USA SEO PROS can get you there! Geo-targeted key phrases are the wave of the future
No , geographically targeted key words are the future of online marketing, but the future is now! You are probably already
familiar with SEO and advertising programs Not likely pay per click. The problem is that pay per click isn’t always trustworthy or effective. Consumers are getting smarter too. They know that the sponsored results
that appear at the top of a search results page are paid advertising. Consumers do not want paid advertising Consumers want real, organic results, and they'll find those
within the regular search listings. Make sure they are finding YOUR business when they search for the geo-targeted key words! Our
professional search engine optimization techs will help you find the key
words to direct web traffic right to your site.
Revolutionary new SEO Optimization gives you the best of both worlds! We’ve found a way to give you every advantage of SEO without
the risks, because we do no work at all on your site, so you never give out your FTP information or password and there’s never a change to your home page. Instead, we build a campaign web site with a new url that
has all of the keyword fresh content and links that are necessary in  order for the campaign site to work its way up to page 1. We then link
each navigation tab of the campaign site to your original site so when a prospect clicks on the campaign site, they’re on the home page USA SEO Pros Makes Porn designed that has the general look and feel of your site. If the  prospect clicks on the navigation tabs, they end up on your original site. Either way, you’re receiving increased exposure and both sites are
tracked for first page placement on the major search engines such as google, yahoo and bing as well as other secondary search engines. The
guarantee we provide is for the rankings on the campaign web site. Having both a campaign web site and your original web site means that
both of these sites could be on page 1, giving you even more exposure! So you get the benefit of the use of the campaign web site for the term
of your campaign, reporting on both web sites and no change to your, original web site, and the potential for double exposure on page 1.
That’s revolutionary! Be a featured site on page 1 of the major Search Engines!
In order to count as a first page placement, the campaign  web site must rank on page 1 for that week’s report, which you can
access 24/7 by using your user name and password. When we say we feature
your site on page 1, of course you must recognize that there are a minimum of 10 sites featured on page 1 in the natural listing section,
and sometimes considerably more depending on the settings of choice by the user. We try our best to only feature one site of our clients at a
time to give that campaign site the opportunity to rise to page 1, but ultimately for any key phrase, we limit ourselves to 10 since in general
there are only 10 spaces on the first page for a natural listing.
Here are some of the tools to help get you started

USA SEO Pros Keyword Suggestion
Keyword Suggestion
Not sure what keyword to use? Use this tool to find the best keyword for you.

USA SEO Pros Position Check
Position Check
Are you listed in the Major Search Engines? Find out here and find your placement.

USA SEO Pros Validation Tool
Website Validation
Does your website meet current web standards? Find out here if Search Engines think you're up to date!

USA SEO Pros Back Link Check
Link Popularity
How many people do you have linking to your site? This tool will search the web and count it for you.

Some of the companies we have worked with...

Companies that utilize SEO


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