Thursday, February 20, 2014

( Kathy Ireland ) Patcnews: Feb 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Kathy Ireland sports illustrated swimsuit Gallery © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews



Kathy Ireland to host business TV program

Will feature brand executives from various industries

LOS ANGELES — Home furnishings and décor designer Kathy Ireland will host a business TV program in the spring.
Kathy IrelandKathy Ireland
The announcement was made by Kathy Ireland Worldwide and MMP, which will produce “Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland.” The series, which will appear on Fox Business Network, as paid programming,in the United States and on Bloomberg International globally, will be hosted by Ireland and will feature brand executives from multiple industries communicating their innovations and successes. “We are extremely excited and proud to forge this new relationship with Kathy Ireland Worldwide,” said Thomas W. Clynes, CEO and executive producer of MMP. “In today’s multi-channel media landscape, this global partnership allows brands to share their message on a global platform with a global business icon, Kathy Ireland.”
MMP says the programming will provide a way for established brands as well as emerging ones to connect with their customers.
“Our relationship with Tom and the executive team at MMP is extraordinary,” said Ireland, CEO and chief designer of Kathy Ireland Worldwide. “In the shifting landscape of customer connection and media trends, every company must be able to share their truth in an unfettered and inspiring way. Worldwide Business is the superior program for this dialogue. The materials produced are being repurposed and extended in social media to explain a brand message in compelling ways.”


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