Tuesday, February 11, 2014

(obama regime New Report ) Patcnews Feb 11, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports the obama regime Said You Could Keep Your Health Care Plan 36 times © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Under Obama, mosques off-limits to FBI surveillance since 2011

Mosque in Dearborn
Photo Credit: MFairLady
While the government has been spying on your communications in the name of national security, mosques are off-limits to FBI surveillance because, well, that would be racial profiling.
A new editorial in Investor’s Business Daily ripped the Obama administration for the National Security Agency’s ability to monitor our communications while the FBI has been forced to jump through hoops to conduct investigations inside mosques.
Not mincing words, the editorial said:

The White House assures that tracking our every phone call and keystroke is to stop terrorists, and yet it won’t snoop in mosques, where the terrorists are.
That’s right, the government’s sweeping surveillance of our most private communications excludes the jihad factories where homegrown terrorists are radicalized.
The article explained that after the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the American Civil Liberties Union sued the FBI “for allegedly violating the civil rights of Muslims in Los Angeles by hiring an undercover agent to pose a worshipper to monitor mosques there,” the special, high-level Sensitive Operations Review Committee with the Justice Department, must now give approval for monitoring mosques.
The editorial continued:

Before mosques were excluded from the otherwise wide domestic spy net the administration has cast, the FBI launched dozens of successful sting operations against homegrown jihadists — inside mosques — and disrupted dozens of plots against the homeland.
If only they were allowed to continue, perhaps the many victims of the Boston Marathon bombings would not have lost their lives and limbs. The FBI never canvassed Boston mosques until four days after the April 15 attacks, and it did not check out the radical Boston mosque where the Muslim bombers worshipped.
The bureau didn’t even contact mosque leaders for help in identifying their images after those images were captured on closed-circuit TV cameras and cellphones.
“What other five-alarm jihadists are counterterrorism officials missing right now, thanks to restrictions on monitoring the one area they should be monitoring?” the article concluded.


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