Saturday, January 25, 2014

( Dumping Facebook ) Patcnews Jan 25, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Dumping Facebook © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

 Facebook Security is Blocking the Tea Party

Facebook Community Standards

Facebook gives people around the world the power to publish their own
stories, see the world through the eyes of many other people, and
connect and share wherever they go. The
conversation that happens on Facebook – and the opinions expressed here –
mirror the diversity of the people using Facebook.

To balance
the needs and interests of a global population, Facebook protects
expression that meets the community standards outlined on this page.

Please review these standards. They will help you understand what type
of expression is acceptable, and what type of content may be reported
and removed.

Violence and Threats
Safety is Facebook's top
priority. We remove content and may escalate to law enforcement when we
perceive a genuine risk of physical harm, or a direct threat to public
safety. You may not credibly threaten others, or organize acts of
real-world violence. Organizations with a record of terrorist or violent
criminal activity are not allowed to maintain a presence on our site.
We also prohibit promoting, planning or celebrating any of your actions
if they have, or could, result in financial harm to others, including
theft and vandalism.
Facebook takes threats of
self-harm very seriously. We remove any promotion or encouragement of
self-mutilation, eating disorders or hard drug abuse. We also work with
suicide prevention agencies around the world to provide assistance for
people in distress.
Bullying and Harassment
Facebook does not
tolerate bullying or harassment. We allow users to speak freely on
matters and people of public interest, but take action on all reports of
abusive behavior directed at private individuals. Repeatedly targeting
other users with unwanted friend requests or messages is a form of
Hate Speech
Facebook does not permit hate speech,
but distinguishes between serious and humorous speech. While we
encourage you to challenge ideas, institutions, events, and practices,
we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their
race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, disability or medical condition.
Graphic Content

Facebook has long been a place where people turn to share their
experiences and raise awareness about issues important to them.
Sometimes, those experiences and issues involve graphic content that is
of public interest or concern, such as human rights abuses or acts of
terrorism. In many instances, when people share this type of content, it
is to condemn it. However, graphic images shared for sadistic effect or
to celebrate or glorify violence have no place on our site.

When people share any content, we expect that they will share in a
responsible manner. That includes choosing carefully the audience for
the content. For graphic videos, people should warn their audience about
the nature of the content in the video so that their audience can make
an informed choice about whether to watch it.
Nudity and Pornography

Facebook has a strict policy against the sharing of pornographic
content and any explicitly sexual content where a minor is involved. We
also impose limitations on the display of nudity. We aspire to respect
people’s right to share content of personal importance, whether those
are photos of a sculpture like Michelangelo's David or family photos of a
child breastfeeding.
Identity and Privacy
On Facebook people
connect using their real names and identities. We ask that you refrain
from publishing the personal information of others without their
consent. Claiming to be another person, creating a false presence for an
organization, or creating multiple accounts undermines community and
violates Facebook's terms.
Intellectual Property
Before sharing
content on Facebook, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask
that you respect copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights.
Phishing and Spam

We take the safety of our members seriously and work to prevent
attempts to compromise their privacy or security. We also ask that you
respect our members by not contacting them for commercial purposes
without their consent.
Facebook Security

We take the safety
of our members seriously and work to prevent attempts to compromise
their privacy or security, including those that use fraud or deception.
Additionally, we ask that you respect our members by not contacting them
for commercial purposes without their consent.

Reporting Abuse

If you see something on Facebook that you believe violates our terms,
you should report it to us. Please keep in mind that reporting a piece
of content does not guarantee that it will be removed from the site.

Because of the diversity of our community, it's possible that something
could be disagreeable or disturbing to you without meeting the criteria
for being removed or blocked. For this reason, we also offer personal
controls over what you see, such as the ability to hide or quietly cut
ties with people, Pages, or applications that offend you.

 Sucksface Founders: Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes they could all go to jail

Becky Gray Is a Tea Party Member
she has been locked out of FB for 2 days Becky Gray was in facebook jail to wonder if I'd ever get back in. Geesh what a mess!

Attn: Everyone Liberals are using Ted Cruz Photo are there Main profile
page I kick off two more fake liberals off of facebook

I'm doing the work for facebook security - I Should get paid for this right tell me if I'm wrong ???? FBI Director Warns of Upcoming Cyber Attacks


I received a telemarketing phone call earlier from University of Arizona coll asking me if Was going back to school this is how suckface (facebook) makes there money......

This is why America such a mess right now made by Obama pitchmen, and arrogant left wing brainless morons while being wined and dined by communists

Glenn Beck said, "if your being attack your doing something right."
Well I'm still under attack by the
Social media run by a communist dictator Justice Richard B. Sanders Topic The Law on Facebook is a scam
facebook and twitter has broken the Law Blocking the Tea Party and the IRS
list of people that congress needs to throw in Jail today starting with
janet napolitano eric holder jay carney, george soros, billary clinton,
harry reid, nancy pelosi, susan rice and the obama regime

List of liberals that need to be out of office Wrong Paul (RON PAUL) Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio Sucks Impeach Nancy Pelosi throw obama regime out of office now... Throw Eric Hold in Jail for the Murder Brian Terry Throw harry reid, Debbie wasserman schultz, maxine waters, Dianne Feinstein Sheila Jackson Lee, john kerry janet napolitano, jay carney, george soros, billary clinton, susan rice all in jail and kick out john boehner and lindsey graham out of office Throw all the bums Out I sick of liberals fagits who don't care About Real Freedom For America Bless America.

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
                          Thanks for your Support


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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


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