Friday, December 20, 2013

( 'Duck Dynasty' ) Patcnews Dec 20, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Fox News The ladies of 'Duck Dynasty' on A&E Deck the halls © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

 Great to have the Duck Commander crew in Alaska! The Robertson family joined us this past weekend to honor wounded warriors flown up for a healing retreat at Franklin Graham's camp in the wilderness; and we chowed down together on scrumptious moose BBQ in our back yard. It was a spectacular day with down-home friends and family! The patriarch Duck Commander and I had a great chat – unPHILtered by the media! (You know I love that!) Check out the video here and get Phil's new book "UnPHILtered" that was just released. If you respect freedom-loving, patriotic, hard working ethos, then you'll love this encouraging book! Enjoy.

- Sarah Palin


A Duck Dynasty Family Member Is Running for Congress

Public Link active 3 hours, 23 minutes ago -- Well, this should make for an interesting episode of Duck Dynasty. A nephew of family patriarch Phil Robertson has announced his intent to run for Congress, the Associated Press reports. Zach Dasher, a 36-year-old Republican who has never run for office, is throwing his hat in to the ring for the Louisiana congressional seat of Vance McAllister, a man once endorsed by Robertson.

An Open Letter to A&E’s CEO Abbe Raven Concerning Treatment of “Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson

by: Thomas Jefferson
duck dyn
via freedom outpost
By Fred DeRuvo

TO: Ms. Abbe Raven, CEO of A&E
Is it true what we’ve been hearing? You know, regarding the situation concerning Phil Robertson’s interview with GQ magazine – is it true?
The family believes “[A&E] orchestrated the scandal sparked by Phil Robertson’s notorious GQ interview. A source close to the family told the Daily Mail Saturday that A&E wanted to ‘bring them back into line’ after the network thought the Robertsons’ went too far promoting their religious beliefs on the show.”
What do you have to say about that? Is that what happened, in an ignorant attempt to “rein” in Phil and the entire cast of “Duck Dynasty” so that there would be less Christianity on the show? No more praying in Jesus’ Name. Let’s face it, the use of His Name is only allowed when it’s a swear word, but allowing His Name to be used in prayer is “offensive.” By the way, that would be Satan’s reasoning. Welcome to his world.
The same source quoted above went onto say, “Someone from A&E was there and was aware of the kind of answers Phil was giving. But despite that, they didn’t ever try to stop it or control it. Instead, they let it hit the headlines and then released a statement condemning it.”
How should we view all of this, Ms. Raven? How should we understand what happened to Phil? It seems far too common these days that the media, whenever they have a chance to interview some Christian celebrity, takes the opportunity to point blank ask them about their views regarding homosexuality. It’s starting to appear as though Christians are being deliberately targeted, forcing them to voice the belief “homosexuality is sin,” just so the homosexual community can use the situation to act aghast at such an admission.
Am I drawing a fairly accurate picture of what transpired recently with Phil?
Just as the corrupt police officers stood back and allowed Officer Frank Serpico to be shot during a drug arrest in Brooklyn years ago because he would not include himself with other officers in the department who allegedly took bribes, the execs at A&E also allowed the interview to occur with Phil Robertson being asked questions related to homosexuality. They knew they could then create (or allow) a firestorm, which would “force” them to place the patriarch on indefinite leave from the show.

Obviously, what A&E did not take into account was that Christians have gotten thoroughly sick and tired of being forced into a corner, and we’ve started making some real noise about it. Why is there this constant need to ask Christians about the issue of homosexuality? It is for only one reason. It is to essentially place targets on their backs and let the world do its worst.
It’s also reported that A&E “held a call with the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation prior to its decision to suspend Robertson.”
Gosh, really? Went running to GLAAD for advice, did you?
Any idea how many gay people detest GLAAD? No? Only the militants within the gay community appreciate GLAAD. The rest? Not so much.
For all their ferocity and tough-talk, 1.5 million people rose up against GLAAD’s and A&E’s tyranny to make their voices heard too.
Several things have occurred since this event went public. First, Duck Dynasty merchandise has flown off the shelves at Wal-Mart. Second, Cracker Barrel had originally decided to selectively eliminate Duck Dynasty merchandise connected only with Phil Robertson, but has since changed their minds after hearing from over one million people who were ready to boycott the restaurant because of its asinine and biased decision. Third, the gay community has – once again – come out in force against free speech (and A&E with it) simply because they choose to view the opinion that homosexuality is wrong as “hate speech.” Fourth, the sheriff in one Georgia county has made the decision to no longer provide assistance during A&E when it films in his county.
So, where do you stand on this, Ms. Raven? It is difficult to believe that you – the CEO of A&E – had no knowledge of any of this before it happened. Of course, you can always try to do what Mr. Obama does and use the “I had no knowledge of that” card. Most of us realize that it simply means “I am a liar and will say anything to keep myself out of the danger zone.”
I hope you will hear me, and hear me clearly, Ms. Raven.
We conservatives and Christians are sick and tired of being forced into the world’s dog and pony show. We have OPINIONS, which some in this world believe to be “hate-speech.” That is their OPINION (which is wrong, by the way). The only so-called “Christians” I know who hate homosexuals are those bigots from Westboro.
Ultimately, homosexuals (and A&E) want to eradicate the Christian’s right to give our opinion based on the First Amendment.
We won’t play that game with you or any other corporate body that believes there is no place in society for a biblical viewpoint. Cracker Barrel got the point quickly and loudly. Yet, my concern is that the only point they got was that money talks. Since they’re guided by profits (unlike Chick-fil-a), then could just as easily do this again.
I have an idea. Create a show about Muslims. Encourage them to talk about their “faith.” Then, set up an interview with GQ or some other rag and ask the Muslims from the show about homosexuality, stoning people for adultery, why women cover their faces (it’s all about respect, right?) and more.
Better yet, force the issue on the Muslims in the show itself. Ask the hard questions to Muslims. Hang them out to dry.
You would never do that, would you? It is the unwritten code not to portray Muslims as anything less than respected, isn’t it? Christians? No worries. We’re loons and fair game. We’ve got plenty of cheeks to turn, don’t we? Muslims should either be ignored or supported in spite of how heinous they act toward others in society.
This constant revisiting of the homosexual issue is completely asinine, inane, overly dramatic, and juvenile. People need to get over it.
The worst part of this entire thing is what the Robertson family now believes may be the root of the problem. According to one source, the family now believes that A&E originally decided to air “Duck Dynasty” because the intent was to showcase “a bunch of backward rednecks.” A&E wanted a show about Christians that the world could laugh AT.
Unfortunately for A&E, they wound up with a hit show where people did not laugh at the Robertson family, but with them, because they related to them. The audience appreciated the show, their simple life, and their commitment to Christ. How that must have galled you execs at A&E. How long have you been planning their downfall?
Gee, now what could A&E do? “Hey, if we set up an interview with GQ and Phil Robertson, we can insert the highly emotional subject of homosexuality that would put Phil’s head on the chopping block! After it happens, we can then work with GLAAD to make a huge deal out of it so that we are ‘forced’ to do something to correct the situation! It will become an ultimatum for the Robertson family and we will be able to rein them in!”
It didn’t work. Now that we know what may have transpired, A&E has also alienated millions of viewers. How’s that working out for you?
I pray that this is the beginning of the end for A&E. The way you folks constantly and erroneously portray the Bible (on History Channel, etc.) and now this. Maybe “Duck Dynasty” will relocate to a network that appreciates them and A&E will be out millions of dollars. Serves you right for playing Christians as fools. The God we worship will take the time to defend His people. Read Psalm 2 for insight.
I’d say you should be ashamed of yourself, but I’m sure that word holds no meaning for you since the end justifies the means at A&E.
A&E was caught attempting to force Christians into being something they’re not. The Christians stood tall and A&E is now trying to pretend all is well and they will quietly reinstate Phil and things will go on as they have. Maybe not.
Maybe people won’t let A&E forget.

You people really create a deep sense of nausea within me.
I can only hope that this stunt by A&E will backfire so badly that it will actually be felt deeply in A&E’s pocket book.

By the way, care to write your own letter? This link has all the contact information for the folks at A&E.

Twitter Blocks '' Supporting 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson Following A&E Suspension

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  • Twitter is blocking the hashtag ',' the phrase associated with Faith
    (Screenshot via Twitter)
    Twitter is blocking the hashtag ',' the phrase associated with Faith Driven Consumer's '' petition to have Phil Robertson reinstated to the A&E reality show 'Duck Dynasty.'

By Katherine Weber, Christian Post Reporter
December 23, 2013|6:24 pm
Social network giant Twitter has reportedly blocked users from tweeting the phrase "," a hashtag representing the petition drive to have Phil Robertson reinstated to A&E's "Duck Dynasty" reality show. Robertson was indefinitely suspended from the show last week after he described homosexuality as a sin in an interview with GQ Magazine.
Faith Driven Consumer, an organization that connects Christian consumers with faith-compatible companies, announced Monday that Twitter has reportedly blocked use of the "" hashtag, and implores all followers of the petition to contact Twitter's customer support account to have the phrase reinstated to the social media network.
Since the Twitter campaign for Robertson was started four days ago, it has garnered nearly 200,000 supporters.
"Despite Twitter's shut down of, we are surging through 200,000 supporters. In recent days, is among the top trending hash tags on Twitter," Chris Stone, Founder of Faith Driven Consumer, said in a press release issued by the organization. "We're encouraging supporters to be heard, Tweet the @support or @twitter account, and use their other means of communication to get back online."
Users on the social network are still able to tweet "#iStandWithPhil," but when they attempt to tweet "" a message appears that reads: "Oops! A URL in your tweet appears to link to a page that has spammy or unsafe content." The press release issued by Faith Driven Consumer also states that a Google diagnostic test of their petition's webpage,, shows the website has not been flagged as suspicious or hosting malicious software within the past 90 days.
The "iStandWithPhil" petition requests A&E reinstate Robertson to the "Duck Dynasty" reality show, stating: "As a Faith Driven Consumer, I am signing this petition to demand that my views be treated with equality and respect in America's rich rainbow of diversity."
"I am asking your network to immediately reinstate Mr. Robertson to Duck Dynasty, and to formally apologize to him, his family, and the millions of viewers who tune in every week, stand by him, and share his worldview. While the LGBT community may be offended by his opposing viewpoint, your rash, discriminatory, and unfair treatment toward Mr. Robertson - a recognized symbol of the faith community - is a slap in the face to Faith Driven Consumers and everyday Americans alike."
Last week, A&E indefinitely suspended Robertson from appearing on his reality show after he told GQ Magazine's January issue that he believes "neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers – they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."
"We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus – whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?" Robertson added.
After Robertson was suspended from A&E, several influential Christian and political leaders, as well as members of the Robertson family, released statements standing behind the reality show star. The Robertson family said in their statement that they were standing behind their father and grandfather: "We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what this means for the future of Duck Dynasty."
There have been multiple petitions started in support of Phil since last week, and some have also experienced similar difficulties to the Faith Driven Consumer's "iStandWithPhil" campaign. The Facebook page "Boycott A&E until Phil Robertson is put back on Duck Dynasty" temporarily blocked its administrators from accessing it for eight hours, and then later said the block had been a mistake. The Facebook page has garnered over 1.7 million Likes since it was started last Wednesday.
Similarly, former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee said in a Facebook post that the social media network had also blocked him from accessing his pro-Robertson Facebook page, "Stand with Phil And Support Free Speech," which promotes an upcoming event in support of Phil Robertson.
Huckabee wrote on his Facebook page that he believes the social media network is intentionally trying to censor those supporting Phil Robertson. "Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty' isn't the only one censored by the media thought police. When we put up an event page to show support for our pal Phil, FB blocked access to the page! What is happening to free speech for Christians? Have you seen the stuff FB allows when people attack me because of my faith? I allow the attacks on me on my own page. But when we try to show support for a Christian brother FB pulls the entire page! It's time to demand that 'tolerance' includes tolerance for Christians too!"
"Duck Dynasty" has been a major ratings magnet for A&E since it began airing in 2012. The show follows the lives of the Robertson family, who live in West Monroe, La. and spend their time hunting and making duck calls. The show is set to start its next season in January 2014.

 December 25, 2013

Thanks, Duck Dynasty, for the Christmas gift

By Lloyd Marcus

Duck Dynasty gave me an unexpected wonderful gift for Christmas; a renewed hope in America. Polling on various social issues confirm that liberals have made significant inroads towards secularizing America into a culture in which anything goes.

The norm on TV is disrespectful kids scolding their parents, cussing, youths sleeping around, the promotion of homosexuality and poking fun at Christians. Traditional principles and values are on the chopping block.

Several months ago, I heard about this cable show, Duck Dynasty, that was kicking American Idol's butt in the ratings on Wednesday nights. Since the recent controversy surrounding the show, I learned that Duck Dynasty is huge; the highest rated show in cable history.

So what does the show's popularity tell me? It tells me that instinctively people are drawn to things wholesome and good; traditional principles and values.

I watched a recently produced family Christmas movie. While it was somewhat enjoyable, a subtext of the movie was the female lead feeling hurt over the male lead's reluctance to ask her to move in with him. Note that marriage was not on her agenda.

Then, I watched my favorites, "It's A Wonderful Life," "The Wiz of Oz," "A Christmas Carol" and "The Sound of Music." There is a reason that millions of people feel their Christmas season is not complete without viewing at least one of these classics. These old movies possess that sappy wholesome intangible something that makes us feel good, safe, warm and happy.

Neither the coarsening of our culture or liberal indoctrination have been able to destroy millions of Duck Dynasty viewer's instinctive attraction to wholesome tradition family values.

So thank you Duck Dynasty. Thank you for letting me know that the battle for the culture of America is not over. Perhaps, Phil Robertson's leadership will inspire more Americans to push-back against the tyranny of political correctness.

I still get a thrill hearing George Bailey say in "It's A Wonderful Life," "Burt do you know me? My mouths bleedin' Burt! Zuzu's petals! Merry Christmas!"; Judy Garland as Dorothy singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"; the nun singing "Climb Every Mountain" in "The Sound of Music." Yes, I am just a sappy old fashion Christmas kind of guy.

Thus, I will close quoting Tiny Tim in "A Christmas Carol," "God bless us everyone."

  Lloyd Marcus


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