Monday, December 2, 2013

( Charles Krauthammer - Slams Billary Clinton ) Patcnews Dec 2, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Billary Clinton -'What Difference Does It Make'? Charles Krauthammer "Things That Matter" ABC News Theme 1989-96 The Center For Copyright Integrity © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

DOD Asked to Stop Using Hate Group’s Anti-Christian Training Materials

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The Department of Defense (DOD) may be relying on a leftwing, anti-Christian civil rights outfit linked to domestic terrorism for training materials and a coalition of conservative groups is asking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to investigate.
The radical nonprofit, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), providing the material labels conservatives who disagree with it on social issues hateful. In fact, its website features conservative organizations on a catalogue of “hate groups.” The hate catalogue made headlines last year when a domestic terrorist who carried out a politically-motivated shooting at a Christian organization, the Family Research Council (FRC), admitted he got his target list from the SPLC.
The shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins, stormed into the FRC’s Washington D.C. headquarters with the intention of killing as many employees as possible, according to a news report that cites legal documents. He shot an unarmed security guard at the FRC before the guard subdued him. Corkins pleaded guilty to three felonies, including committing an act of terrorism, and was sentenced to 25 years.
It may seem unfathomable that the U.S. government would use training materials provided by an organization like the SPLC, though records obtained by Judicial Watch earlier this year show the group is quite influential in the Obama administration. In fact, the files obtained by JW from the Obama Justice Department reveal that SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, conducted a “Diversity Training Event” for the agency.
Incredibly, the SPLC is also providing our military with supplies and briefings, according to various reports of training incidents in which Army instructors relied on the group’s anti-Christian materials. This evidently led Army Secretary John McHugh to issue an order a few months ago to “cease” the SPCL’s anti-Christian briefings in that branch of the military. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) followed by declining to endorse the SPLC as a source.
But it appears that other branches of the U.S. military continue to use SPLC training materials and briefings. Led by the FRC, a coalition of conservative groups—including Judicial Watch— are asking Hagel to end the practice. In a letter to the Defense Secretary, the groups ask that installations stop relying on the SPLC and other non-governmental sources as approved resources for equal opportunity training.
“It is imperative that the Defense Equal Opportunity Institute (DEOMI) ensure future materials do not rely on information from organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) or any others that engage in groundless and highly pejorative mischaracterizations of long-standing ministries and organizations for their own political purposes,” the letter says.

It's always been about CONTROL..... And Obama needs young people in order to sustain his law, knowing all along this will fail. The younger crowd will not be able to afford the exorbitant premiums. Without young people picking up the slack, the unaffordable care act will not provide care for the elderly. Thus, resulting in the intended failure it was always created to do. The bottom line to Obamcare is Control, Collapse of the Economy, dismantling the 2nd Amendment and paving the road for the NEW WORLD ORDER. This is the stepping stone to socialism/communism. Our liberties and freedom are being hijacked as Obama drools at the mouth to put our Constitution through the shredder. He never meant to keep ANY OF HIS PROMISES!! Healthcare was never a priority NOR WAS IT DESIGNED to help the American People. A longtime, well orchestrated takeover that has been in the making for years! All this encouraging HYPE on the news today regarding the progress OC is making is pure propaganda. Don't believe it.... LIES!!! The American People are NOT stupid. and we see through the deceit, deception and manipulation. This brutal law was intended to take down our beloved Country.
"It is not because we have been free, but because we have a right to be free, that we ought to demand freedom. Justice and liberty have neither birth nor race, youth nor age."
-- Sir James MacKintosh
(1765-1832) Scottish historian and statesman
Source: Vindicae Gallicae, 1791

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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by: Patrick Henry


First the mainstream media championed gay marriage; now they are clearly out to destroy traditional marriage with a vengeance.

On Monday, ABC News decided to publicize a movement known as polyamory, meaning people bedding down with multiple romantic and sexual partners as a legitimate relationship. Co-anchor Dan Harris said, “Just for a minute, let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s set aside all of the emotion and consider whether the evangelists for open marriage might have a point.”
Later, he added, “More couples opting to become triples or fourples. Live-in lovers spicing up the marital bed, even helping raise the children.”
Nick Watt, reporting for ABC, interviewed Michael, Kamela and Rachel, a threesome that sleeps with others and still finds the time to raise a child. Watt breathlessly gasped, “They’re spreading the gospel of polyamory, hoping to speed up societal acceptance of this kind of set-up.”
But Watt himself tried to keep himself composed; he told sexual psychologist Karen Stewart, “Watching your spouse having sex with somebody else is not really my bag, I’ve got to say.” He told the gleesome threesome, “If my wife saw my face light up when I looked at another woman, she’d be pissed.”
ABC has tried pushing the polyamory meme before; on January 4, 2012, Good Morning America triumphantly reported the sex games of a “modern” family who sleep with others within their “species.”
Some excerpts from last Monday’s show:

WATT: If my wife saw my face light up when I looked at another woman, she’d be pissed.
DEVI: She’s probably threatened that you’d leave her for that other woman and if you’re monogamous, that’s your only option, right?
WATT: Crazy Californians, I hear you mutter. Maybe not. This kind of relationship is becoming increasingly common.
KAREN STEWART (psychologist specializing in sex therapy): The divorce rate in the united states is over 50%. People are not as faithful.
WATT: Really?
STEWART: Absolutely. Because the world has become a much smaller space. We can seek out connections. There is dating sites on every street corner. You can go anywhere to meet somebody new.
WATT: More open relationships might be a modern way to make it work.
WATT: Is this in our future? Societal acceptance of something other than monogamy?
STEWART: Polyamory is not about being swingers. It’s about creating love and lasting relationships.
WATT: Taking aside the whole robes and lotions kind of, you know, side of things, I mean, everyday life?
DEVI: We share life together. I’ve got a son. It takes a village to raise a child and it feels really good to have that kind of support.
STEWART: When he goes to school in ten years, when he brings dates home, this is probably going to be a little complicated for him and I’m not sure if the parents are thinking down the road about that.
WATT: Watching your spouse having sex with somebody else is not really my bag, I’ve got to say.
WATT: They’re spreading the gospel of polyamory, hoping to speed up societal acceptance of this kind of set-up.
DEVI: I really think that society in ten years is going to be, like, this is a new paradigm.

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