Wednesday, November 20, 2013

( Stephen Colbert gets Interrupted by Hecklers ) Patcnews: Nov 19, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Stephen Colbert gets Interrupted by Hecklers And President George W. Bush, Part 1 and 2 The Tonight Show with Jay Leno © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Stephen Colbert Interrupted by Hecklers During 'Late Show' Interview With Uber CEO

Stephen Colbert Interrupted by Hecklers During 'Late Show' Interview With Uber CEO 
© RW/Media Punch/AP
Stephen Colbert Interrupted by Hecklers During 'Late Show' Interview With Uber CEO
Stephen Colbert took matters into his own hands when a few alleged New York City cab drivers in The Late Show audience on Wednesday got a little rowdy during his interview with Uber CEO Travis Kalanick.

they initially started shouting, it was just loud and you couldn't
really understand them," an eyewitness tells ET. "When Stephen looked up
to listen to them, they calmed down a little bit and explained that
they were angry that Uber is taking away jobs from cab drivers and is
disrupting the New York City taxi system."

Rather than having his
staff step in, Colbert took matters into his own hands. "Stephen just
let the men speak and handled it himself," the eyewitness recalls. "He
didn't motion for security or even look at anyone on his staff during
the encounters."

Two separate times during the interview with Uber
guy, some cabbies in the balcony yelled stuff and interrupted the

— Sarah (@falpal_sarah) September 11, 2015

While "The Late Show" did not air the heckling from the audience, Colbert did address their concerns during his interview.
"What is your response to, 'Uber kills professional, good paying jobs
and it's unfair to the drivers and it's destroying the cab industry?'"
he asked Kalanick.

"In the Uber world, you can use your own car.
You don't pay $40,000 to rent a vehicle. You make more dollars per hour
and it's flexible," Kalanick responded. "You don't have a shift. You can
turn on your work when you want to and you can turn it off."

Colbert's interview with the Uber CEO was cut a bit short when it went to air on Wednesday's Late Show.

had a really long, phenomenal interview with [Vice President] Joe Biden
before this, so they edited the show to give Biden more air time and
kept Kalanick's piece short," the eyewitness explains. "They didn't show
anything related to the audience interjection -- not the interruption,
the questions Stephen asked as a result, or any references either of
them made to it."

Colbert certainly sounds like he kept it classy. The former "Colbert Report" host has already had quite the impressive first week as David Letterman's replacement on "The Late Show."



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