Friday, November 15, 2013

( Charles Krauthammer's Take: obama regime Extension ) Patcnews: Nov 15, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Krauthammer's Take: obama regime Extension 'Lawless' & Ann Coulter Slams Dems on Obamacare: They'll Fake Out the Voters To Save obamacare © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


Krauthammer: Obama’s Fix is “Entirely Lawless”

by: Benjamin Franklin
Redflagnews On Fox News’ Special Report, tonight, Charles Krauthammer said what a lot of pundits have been saying about Obama’s unilateral ObamaCare fix – that it is “entirely lawless – another example of Obama rewriting the law unilaterally, and no one is complaining.” He said that it was embarrassing that on either side of the aisle, it isn’t being raised. He went on to note that Obama doesn’t want the problem being fixed legislatively, (which would be the Constitutional way of doing it) – but unilaterally and extra-legally..

Ann Coulter: ObamaCare Cover Girl Is Now Going To Have To Make A Sex Tape To Get Her Reputation Back ObamaCare covergirl has gone missing Adriana Amber Alert if you see Adriana call 1-800-CrimeTV


Remember the ObamaCare cover girl?
She’s the one who was on the front page (geeks call that the “splash page”) of the website?
She’s not longer on the website. Mercifully, the webmaster of that site had her visage pulled down so that an actual human being wouldn’t be associated with that bug-ridden, open-to-identity-thieves web application.
However, the poor lady now says that she is being bullied. That’s sad.
Ann Coulter made an appearance on Hannity last night to discuss the ObamaCare cover girl as well as other aspects of the health care law.
“I feel sorry for this poor woman,” Coulter said. “Adrianna’s going to have to make a sex tape next weekend to get her reputation back… I love that she’s an immigrant. I’d say that Obama was giving a job that should have gone to an American to an immigrant except she wasn’t paid. So he’s just exploiting an immigrant laborer and blew an opportunity to create at least one job.”
She went on to say that, of the 26,000 people who have successfully signed up for ObamaCare with the website, 17,000 of them have had their identities stolen.

Obamacare model from health care website felt bullied by critics 

The woman, who identified herself only as 'Adriana' in an interview with ABC News, says she was never paid for appearing on the website's home page.


Updated: Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 11:18 AM

 Adriana, the smiling woman who was the face fo the Affordable Care Act's website speaks with ABC's Good Morning America about the cyberbullying she has suffered has a result of the law's shaky start.


Adriana, the smiling woman who was the face fo the Affordable Care Act's website speaks with ABC's Good Morning America about the cyberbullying she has suffered has a result of the law's shaky start.

The model whose face appeared on the much-maligned Obama health care website choked back tears as she told of how she felt intimidated by harsh public criticism of the program.
The woman, who identified herself only as "Adriana'' in an interview with ABC News, says she was never paid for appearing on the website's home page. She describes that she innocently sent her photo to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, after the agency sought free photos of American families. 
She submitted a picture but was not paid for the image. 
Little did she know that she would become the poster child for the failed Obamacare website and would be on the receiving end of scorn from those frustrated with the failed rollout. 
"I mean, I don't know why people should hate me because it's just a photo. I didn't design the website. I didn't make it fail, so I don't think they should have any reasons to hate me," Adriana said during her ABC News interview. 
Adriana, who is from Colombia, says in the interview broadcast Wednesday that reaction to the website amounted to "some form of bullying.''
The model from the Obamacare website choked back tears during her ABC interview, expressing her shock that "people should hate me because it's just a photo.''


The model from the Obamacare website choked back tears during her ABC interview, expressing her shock that "people should hate me because it's just a photo.''

She says she doesn't know "why people should hate me because it's just a photo.''
"It was upsetting. It was sad. We were having a hard day when we read all this," she said.
"And in a way, I'm glad that my son is not old enough to understand, because you know whatever happens to you, it hurts them, too."
Many scoffers suggested the model was an illegal alien, but though she is not an American citizen, the woman is currently a permanent resident and is applying for citizenship. Her husband is a U.S. citizen and the couple live in Maryland with their 21-month-old son.
Adriana's photo has been removed from the website, but a spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services says it was not taken down at the request of the model. 
The woman who was featured on the Obamacare website, identified only as Adriana, felt intimidated by harsh public criticism of the program.

Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

The woman who was featured on the Obamacare website, identified only as Adriana, felt intimidated by harsh public criticism of the program.

"I don't think anybody wanted to focus on the picture," she says about the incident. 
The website has been the subject of scorn by both Republicans and Democrats as technical problems have sharply restricted the number of people who have signed up for new program. Congress has been holding hearings on the issue.
Despite the emotional episode over the image, Adriana says she is trying to move on and focus on the positive. 
"They didn't ruin my life. I still have a job, I'm still married," Adriana said.
"That didn't really crush me to the ground. I'm fine. Now I laugh about it."

Read more:

ObamaCare News Update: Liberal Writer Blames Christians For ObamaCare Failures

This one might hit you from out of left field, but we all know that the entire lamestream press is simply a mouthpiece for the liberal left in general and the Obama Regime in particular. So, maybe this will see too terribly outlandish. At any rate, a very liberal writer for named John Blake actually wrote a blog post (on the ‘Belief Blog’) that blamed Christians for all of the soon-to-be uninsured Americans.
Yes, indeed. Mr. Flake, uh, I mean Blake, titled this post “The ObamaCare Scandal You Haven’t Heard About.” I gather this is a scandal we have not heard about because it was created in his own mind. His whole point seems to center around this coverage gap where people make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough money to qualify for ObamaCare. According to the author, this so-called coverage gap was created when 25 states refused to accept the expansion of Medicaid.
So, these 25 states decided not to accept this expansion for one of several reasons, according the Flake writer. This is either due to taking a stand against ObamaCare, fear of future hidden costs associated with this expansion (and ObamaCare itself), or simply out of sheer principle. Then, he goes on to argue that the fault lies with Christians because, get this, as the founding religion of charity, Christian churches are not doing anything to help! Because of this lack of action, they are making the situation even worse.
So, according to this liberal idiot ObamaCare is failing…and it is now the responsibility of Christians to actually help pull the program up and out of the morass into which it has sunk? Seems kind of crazy, right? But, he gets even crazier by saying that ‘most’ of the people who fall into this coverage gap live in the Bible Belt, which covers 14 states in the South. Only two of these states have actually accepted the expansion of Medicaid. Yet, he asserts these 12 states (out of the 25 in total) represent ‘most of the people’ who fall into the gap. Then, he goes on to directly blame famous pastors like TD Jakes and Joel Osteen for not speaking out on this issue.
To make matters worse, this idiot also readily acknowledges that if a pastor were to speak out on such an issue, it would be risky. He might risk dividing his congregation, since such topics can be very ‘polarizing’ in the Bible Belt. Plus, doing as much could potentially risk their tax-exempt status.
Of course, one could also go the other way and argue, or at least ask why these pastors and other churches should not speak out against ObamaCare, rather than in favor of it. After all, the president certainly has lied and not kept his promises and millions of people are now being left out in the cold, losing their coverage plans. So, it seems that Mr. Flake really does not believe in the separation of Church and State…or rather, he believes in the principle only as long as it serves his purpose.
So, the real question here is whether or not it is an effective or responsible strategy to simply pass the buck onto another? This is exactly what Mr. Blake is advocating. More than this, he is even advocating that we pass the buck onto an uninvolved third party. Seems a bit crazy, right? But this is how liberals think. They cannot understand why others do not feel like they do and are not as passionate about making yet another failed policy be brought back from the dead.
What do YOU think? Is ObamaCare the fault of Christians? What role is the Bible Belt playing? Is it right to blame people for NOT taking a public stand on any of this? Should Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, and other pastors get involved in this debate? What would that do to the ObamaCare situation?

State senator stabbed, son dead, state police say

By Michael Pearson, CNN

updated 4:51 PM EST, Tue November 19, 2013
Democratic state Sen. Creigh Deeds has been stabbed in his home.
Democratic state Sen. Creigh Deeds has been stabbed in his home.

  • NEW: "We are looking at this as an attempted murder and suicide," police say
  • State Sen. Creigh Deeds in fair condition with stab wounds to head, torso
  • Senator's son had mental evaluation Monday, newspaper reports

(CNN) -- Whatever happened, it was an awful tragedy: a state senator repeatedly stabbed in the head and torso; his 24-year-old son fatally wounded by a gunshot.

That's the scene Virginia State Police and Bath County, Virginia, sheriff's deputies encountered when they rushed to state Sen. Creigh Deeds' home in response to a 911 call Tuesday morning.

Tuesday afternoon, investigators reported the evidence collected so far indicates that Deeds was stabbed during a fight with his son, Austin "Gus" Deeds, who died of a gunshot wound despite state troopers' attempts to revive him.

"Based on the evidence we have, we are looking at this as an attempted murder and suicide," Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller told reporters. No one else was in the house at the time of the altercation, and investigators are not seeking any other suspects, Geller said.

Deeds was airlifted to University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, where his condition was upgraded from critical to fair Tuesday afternoon, spokeswoman Angela Taylor said.

Geller said Deeds walked out of the house after being stabbed and was found walking along the road by a cousin who lived nearby. The senator was able to talk with investigators both before he was airlifted to the hospital and afterward, she said.

Deeds, 55, is well known in Virginia political circles. A Democrat, he ran for attorney general in 2005 and for governor in 2009, both times against Republican Bob McDonnell, who is now Virginia's governor.

His son withdrew from The College of William & Mary last month after being enrolled off-and-on since 2007, according to a statement from the school. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported Tuesday that Gus Deeds had been given a mental health evaluation under an emergency custody order Monday, but was released because no psychiatric bed could be located across a wide area of western Virginia, Dennis Cropper, executive director of the Rockbridge Area Community Services Board, told the newspaper.

Geller said she was unable to comment on that report, citing medical privacy laws.

McDonnell issued a statement calling Tuesday's events "heartbreaking."

"In this tough and sad time, our thoughts and prayers are with the Deeds family. The news from this morning is utterly heartbreaking," he said. "Creigh Deeds is an exceptional and committed public servant who has always done what he believes is best for Virginia and who gives his all to public service. He cares deeply about Virginia, and the people of Virginia care deeply for him."

On Twitter, Sen. Mark Warner called the report "stunning news."

"I am praying for @CreighDeeds and his family at this very, very difficult time," he tweeted.


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