Monday, October 14, 2013

( Greta Van Susteren ) Patcnews: Oct 14, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Fox News Greta Van Susteren Congress Gym © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

PRAYER WORKS! Greta Van Susteren Has Some Good News For Us.

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Just few days we asked you to pray for Fox News Greta, well prayer works…Read what she wrote lately on her Facebook page:
Just an update …and of course a thank you…a big thank you. (and make sure you read the PS I just added.)
Many of you have been very kind sending me notes and also explaining to me what to expect with my husband’s heart surgery. The information has been very helpful. The doctors explain it all from one point of view, the medical one, but I needed to know the patient/family side so your notes have been very helpful. The information has probably been more helpful than you can imagine. And the kind words from you? They made all the difference in the world…so thank you.
My husband had his surgery early (very early!) yesterday — bypass, valve and a few other things — and already he is up and walking around in the hospital. Heart surgery is absolutely amazing!

I spent the night in his room of course (it is good to be short so I can sleep easily in the chairs!) and he had a good night. I am taking a few hours off from the hospital to do OTR tonight. Other family will be with him while I am gone for a few hours (not that it is needed as he is doing well but I like to have a family advocate at all times) – and I will return to the hospital after tonight’s show.
So…to all of you who have asked, things are on target and I am thrilled. And, again, I very much appreciate your kind words, your information and of course your friendship. I have heard myself say many times to others that having heart surgery is routine these days and thus a high rate of success…but of course it never feels that way when it is someone you love.
PRAYER WORKS! Greta Van Susteren Has Some Good News For Us.
PS the first thing my husband said when he came out of the anesthesia…I was the one in the ICU getting him awake….and the first thing he said was MOO. I thought the doctors and nurses might think he had had a stroke and was confused….but I knew EXACTLY what he meant. He got a COW’s VALVE and was teasing me. I knew then that he most certainly did not have a stroke.

WOW! God is good!
Here’s a THANK YOU note from Rev. Graham as well:
Praise God! Thank you for praying—it meant so much! Greta Van Susteren says John came through his surgery well and is already joking. Read her update here.

Thought For The Day...
  What would you say to someone who had $27,000 in family income a year, spent $37,000, and had run up $170,000 on their credit card – and now was demanding that you let them add even more to their balance?
You’d call them insane, right?
And you’d also call those who lent them the $170,000 insane.
What would you do if they then pulled a gun on you and demanded more credit on that card, and worse, demanded that YOU cover it with more unemployment, less purchasing power, more people dependent on food stamps and more offshoring of jobs?
In addition they threatened financial Armageddon if you didn't give them the additional loan – and to top it off refused to negotiate anything until you provided said loan with no conditions attached.
See, if you add zeros to the numbers above, that’s our federal government, in particular Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Lew, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
Right here, right now, today.
It’s long past the time when we should cut up the government’s credit card – and those who try to use these sorts of threats should be treated exactly the same way you’d treat your neighbor if he did the very same thing. After all, it IS the very same thing.


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