Sunday, October 27, 2013

( Honoring Connie Kin ) Patcnews: Oct 27, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Honoring Connie Kin © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Connie Kin Was Nice Mom who Loved Life and Loved Her Whole Family and Friends 
Thank you Sweet Jesus For Connie Kin




Honoring Connie Kin: Beloved Mom Vlogger Passed Away Suddenly After Childbirth

 WhatsUpMom Co-Founder, Connie Kin so much, but we are comforted in seeing her beautiful children and the truly amazing job her husband, Andrew, is doing raising them. Thanks for all of your support and such kind words. Learn more about the Gabriella Charter School: Donations can be made by check (only) to "Connie Kin Memorial Fund" and mailed to: Connie Kin Memorial Fund Sent Letters of condolence

Andrew Kin 
1015 Gayley Avenue 
#424 Los Angeles, CA 90024 

Honoring Connie Kin: Beloved Mom Vlogger Died Suddenly After Childbirth

As a mom blogger, I keep tabs on all sorts of parenting and health reports, including news on pregnancy and labor. So I’ve known for a while that, despite the huge amounts of money the U.S. spends on healthcare every year, we still have a disturbingly high maternity mortality rate: According to the most recent statistics, nearly 13 U.S. women die for every 100,000 live births.
More shockingly, in 2010 the U.S. ranked 50th in the world for maternal mortality, according to data from the World Health Organization, with higher death rates than some Middle Eastern and Asian countries as well as most European countries.
Both times I was pregnant, I put this out of my mind as much as possible. When it did invade my thoughts, I rationalized to myself why I’d be OK: I was healthy, I ate well and had access to great healthcare. Surely the women accounting for the U.S.’s high maternal mortality rate were less fortunate than me with respect to their own health and the healthcare available to them, right?
I’m glad I’m not pregnant right now because the news of Connie Kin’s death would rattle me more than it already has. A beloved vlogger with the “What’s Up Moms” YouTube channel, Connie died last month after contracting “an infection as a complication from childbirth,” according to a message posted by her husband on Facebook.

I didn’t know Connie personally, but take one look at her YouTube videos and you’ll see right away that she’s no poster child for the disenfranchised women you might expect to account for many of the U.S.’s maternal deaths. In her videos, she looks full of life, happy and very healthy. She obviously had a great support network in her husband and her fellow What’s Up Moms vloggers, and she clearly wasn’t lacking in resources — part of her job was reviewing parenting products!
She was a happy, healthy mom just like me. But I survived the birth of my second child; she didn’t.
According to the CDC, infection was the second-most common cause of maternal death in the U.S., behind cardiovascular diseases. Other causes include cardiomyopathy, noncardiovascular diseases and hemorrhage.
Women may have “chronic conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, obesity,” JoAnne Fischer, executive director of the Maternity Care Coalition, told the news website “Women who may have been born with chronic heart conditions are now having babies.”
The increasing number of cesarean sections, Fischer said, is also to blame for rising maternal mortality rates.
“If you have a C-section, it is more likely you are at risk for maternal complications and death,” she said.
Though some deaths are the result of pre-existing conditions, critics say U.S. hospitals can do better in terms of providing care that will reduce the risk of death after childbirth.
I hope they do. In the meantime, the takeaway for moms like me — moms who thought they couldn’t possibly be a part of the statistics — is terrifying: Yes, it can happen to anyone.
She struck me as someone I might have known in real life: that sweet, vivacious, beautiful friend whom you always want around. The one who brings fun and light with her wherever she goes.
Her name was Connie Kin, and late last month, she died days after giving birth to her second child, a baby girl named Ella.
A beloved vlogger on the What’s Up Moms YouTube channel, Connie died after contracting “an infection as a complication from childbirth,” according to a message posted by her husband, Andrew, on Facebook. In addition to her husband and her newborn daughter, she leaves behind her young son, Nathan.

Though I didn’t know Connie personally, I felt like I got to know her through her videos. She radiated warmth and joy that made her a pleasure to watch. In a message posted on the What’s Up Moms YouTube channel, Andrew confirmed that the loving mom we saw online was just as wonderful in real life.
“What you saw of her on (What’s Up Moms) — how much she loved Nathan, her incredible smile and laugh, her attention to detail, her love of friends and community — she was all that and more,” he wrote. ” … I treasure all of these videos — and comments — because I know Nathan and Ella will always be just a click away from seeing their mom smiling and caring about them, and a click away from understanding all the people she touched.”
And Connie definitely did touch a lot of people. Her fans are reeling from the news.

“I’m still in shock, absolutely devastated that such a beautiful person has left this Earth,” one YouTube user wrote. “I find it so crazy how I never knew Connie, and yet this loss has hit me so deeply … my heart hurts for her friends and family.”
My heart hurts too. News of any death is unsettling but, as a mother of young children, I find that the deaths of fellow moms of little ones strike me especially hard. You worry for their children, their husbands, and their other loved ones. You hug your own children a little harder and promise in your head that you’ll be there for them forever…even though it’s not true.
As Connie’s husband put it so eloquently, her love for Nathan and Ella will always be plainly visible — “just a click away.”
If you hadn’t heard of Connie and her videos, you can get to know her through this touching tribute below by her best friend What’s Up Moms’ Elle Walker.
A memorial fund has been established to honor Connie’s legacy and support causes she believed in. Find out more about it — and get information on how to send letters of condolence to her family — in the “About” section of the tribute video here.
I really don’t know how to end this blog post. “Rest in peace” just doesn’t feel like enough, so I’m going to close it with the words of another YouTube user, Lori isabella.
“It is so amazing that someone who I never knew somehow felt like a neighbor I grew up with,” she wrote. “That their smile is so familiar, I would know it from anywhere. That when you watched her you were instantly smiling. We love and miss you Connie Kin.


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