Saturday, September 7, 2013

( The Global Warming & Environmental Wacko Update ) Patcnews: Sept 7, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomes The Global Warming & Environmental Wacko Update Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

It's global warming right ?? let me tell you How AL Gore came up with global warming idea ???? Well he gets global warming by measuring precipitation of Rain Fall on his Broken Hockey Stick this how AL Gore gets the theory of global warming it's seems like Al Gore needs to get that Broken Hockey fix again right ???

Limbaugh: Polar Vortex a 'Liberal Media Hoax'

Tuesday, 07 Sept 2013 07:45 AM
By Amy Woods

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The polar vortex is "a hoax" perpetuated by the liberal media to further its agenda of climate change and global warming, Rush Limbaugh told listeners Monday.
According to the radio show's transcript, Limbaugh said that "the left, the media, everybody" is using the Arctic cold front in the Midwest and Northeast as a ploy to lie to the public, Politico first reported.

"[We] are having a record-breaking cold snap in many parts of the country, and right on schedule, the media have to come up with a way to make it sound like it's completely unprecedented," the conservative talker said, "because they've got to find a way to attach this to the global-warming agenda, and they have. It's called the polar vortex. The dreaded polar vortex.

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"If you've been watching television, they've created a graphic, all the networks have, and it basically consists of a view of the planet if you are right above the North Pole," Limbaugh said.

"They put this big purple blob, or blue blob or red blob, depending on the network you're looking at, over the entire North Pole, and they call that the polar vortex. It actually sounds like a crappy science-fiction movie to me, but anyway, that's what they're calling it."

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