Saturday, August 3, 2013

( Disney PLANES Trailers ) Patcnews: Aug 3, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Disney PLANES Trailers © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


(Newser) – Boy Scout troops are losing Disney's financial support over its continuing ban on gay adult leaders. The Walt Disney Company currently donates to some troops—though not the national organization—through an employee volunteering program, the LA Times reports. Those donations will end next year, the AP reports. "We’re never happy to see Scouting suffer as a result of the BSA’s anti-gay policy, but Disney made the right decision to withhold support until Scouting is fully inclusive," says Eagle Scout Zack Wahls, founder of Scouts for Equality.
Said the Boy Scouts in a statement: "We believe every child deserves the opportunity to be a part of the Scouting experience and we are disappointed in this decision because it will impact our ability to serve kids." Disney's decision emerged in a letter from a central Florida Boy Scouts official to leaders and parents. The organization ended a ban on gay minors on Jan. 1, but gay adult leaders are still banned.



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