Monday, July 1, 2013

( Fake Jobs listing on The Register Guard Is Fake News #FakeNews ) Patcnews: July 1, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Fake Jobs listing on The Register Guard And Register Guard Is Fake News #FakeNews Full List of Names and Contact Info © All copyrights reserved Patcnews


The Left’s Lawsuit And Smear Campaign Against Roger Stone

“Toxic people will try to destroy the reputations of those who they know can crush them with the truth.”
One of the clearest indicators you’ve got a group of mentally unstable persons on your hands is smear campaigning. We’re talking about the entire main stream media as well as the Democrats.  Smear campaigners carefully and strategically use lies, exaggerations, suspicions, and false accusations to try destroying one’s credibility.  They hide behind a cloak of upstanding heroism and feigned innocence in an attempt to make as many people as possible think their efforts are not based on their vindictiveness, but on upstanding concern.
However, we all know their efforts are based on venomous and malevolent hatred and anger over the Democrats’ loss of the election to President Donald J. Trump.  They have many targets, but their latest is Roger Stone.
Mr. Stone is an American political consultant, lobbyist, strategist and amazing author of numerous well-researched and referenced books.  Roger is well known for his use of opposition research for candidates of the Republican Party, and now he needs our help.
Roger Stone in Crosshairs


The Register-Guard Full list of Contacts


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